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This Friday is his last day, leaving both the soundtracks to Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise as his last work at the company.

His MySpace post:

Well everyone.....it's a very sad time, I have to tell you all that I've resigned from Rare. This Friday (18th) will be my last day at the company. Recording the stuff in Prague with Robin for Banjo has been my last task before I leave.

Needless to say my time at Rare has been the most amazing and rewarding experience imaginable and I'm going to miss not being there.

Nearly 13 years ago now, Rare gave a long haired metal fan a chance that no-one else would and I am forever in their debt.

I've worked with some fantastically talented people and it's their creativity that has spurred me on to write and create the stuff I have.........I really can't put it into words.

I wish the company and people there all the luck in the world!


Grant's music is the reason I got into game music a decade ago, and remains as one of my favourite composers in the field. Good luck in your future endeavors, Grant.

Man, Grant's a hell of a composer. From Donkey Kong to Jet Force, his music is awesome. I can't really say I'm sorry to see him leave Rare, because he'll find a job wherever he pleases, and let's face it, Rare has been a sinking ship for a number of years now. What with being Kongless at this point, it seems a good time to move on.

Anyways, best wishes Grant, and I hope we hear your amazing talents elsewhere soon!

But not enough to spell the name right evidently.

Sorry, I'm in a shitty mood tonight. School.

Dont worry about it, Whatever your problem is im always happy to help just add me on msn.


Thanks, but not many here are qualified to help with nursing school. The problem isn't even really school, it's inconsiderate asshole teachers.

Anyways, I think Grant Kirkhope should start a freelance music company. aybe go into movies. That shit would be bangin.

Um.... honestly? This guy sucked. Looking through the list of soundtracks he did on wikipedia, and I hated every single one of them that I've heard. I mean hated. My all-time least favorite soundtracks.

Perhaps I just haven't heard his best work, but going on what I've heard, he's no big loss. At all.

Hahaha! Because clearly the proper way to counter the people who liked his work is to be a big douche. :lol:

Viva Piñata and GoldenEye?!? Please, Kirkhope is already a legend.

Hahaha! Because clearly the proper way to counter the people who liked his work is to be a big douche. :lol:

Yup, I'm pretty good at that ;)

EDIT: If you need proof of his suckitude, look at his arrangement of DK Island Swing used in DK64. He took one of the coolest and most badass tracks I've ever heard in a game and cut its balls off completely.


I see a shitty song and raise most of the Banjo-Kazooie Soundtrack as a counter to say this guy was good. :P

Sorry, Taucer. Gotta disagree. I loved some of this guy's music and I can't tell you how long I had the main theme from B-K in my head when I first picked it up. A sad day, but maybe he'll move on to another company. A guy like him should be able to find work no problem in the business.

... :)

Naturally, AnSo takes up the call. Again. You're so good to us. :-)

It's a shame to see the guy go, but we can all hope that he continues his work elsewhere, in whatever medium he chooses. It's the call of the wild... err, music.

If you need proof of his suckitude, look at his arrangement of DK Island Swing used in DK64. He took one of the coolest and most badass tracks I've ever heard in a game and cut its balls off completely.


I loved that version -- it had a catchy new bridge and infinite loopability...


Man, what? Goldeneye and Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie have some of the best soundtracks on the 64. :[

(haven't played dk64, though, but I remember it being less than amazing, but that was a while ago so yeah)

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