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I'm getting REALLY annoyed with playing rated matches where my attacks land a SOLID SECOND after I press the fricken buttons. It hasn't happened to me often, but when it does...........

I'm tired of losing to terrible people because of fricken lag

I won't take online multiplayer in any fighting game seriously until developers start using GGPO or 2dFreeplay's code.

On second thought, I don't think I'll ever take online multiplayer in fighting games seriously.



I was so happy with my R. Kelly, and I've been googling "R. Kelly Soul Calibur" to see if anything while popup on the internet, adn then I found this.

Either I'm unoriginal by accident, or they got wind of mine :(, either way, mine was made 2 days before that article AND HE'LL ALWAYS BEEN ORIGINAL TOO ME.

Mine looks better too :(

Seriously though, fight me. My thirst for Soul Calibur competition is insatiable.

why is the pic flipped



I was so happy with my R. Kelly, and I've been googling "R. Kelly Soul Calibur" to see if anything while popup on the internet, adn then I found this.

Either I'm unoriginal by accident, or they got wind of mine :(, either way, mine was made 2 days before that article AND HE'LL ALWAYS BEEN ORIGINAL TOO ME.

Mine looks better too :(

Seriously though, fight me. My thirst for Soul Calibur competition is insatiable.

Does he have a move where he takes a piss on his opponent?


I'm going to find the man/team that designed floor 50 of Tower of Lost Souls.

And when I do, I'll rip his chest open with my bare hands, tear his still-beating heart out, fling it on the ground, and squish it with the ball of my foot!!!



Within 5 minutes I had Ivy down to her undergarments rapidly flicking through her poses as to get the breast judder. "Crazy breast physics provided by havok"? or something. "ooh aren't you cheeky" *atomicfap*

Point being the menus are really easy to understand and navigate.

They definitely did...but only by a VERY small ammount. They made it a LOT harder for Mitsurugi to get a ring out, but for people like Taki is seems just as easy, and for Nightmare it seems EASIER THAN EVER. -_-

I think the rate is just about the same for Nightmare. But still, out of the 100 matches I've played so far, ring outs are extremely rare. I mean, out of all the 100 or so, I've only remembered 10 ringouts. And they tend to be pretty hilarious because they NEVER happen. I actually did a few finishing moves, so the rate is incredibly rare I'd say.

Also, too much people dramatizing the online play. Even when it's laggy, the compensation is there so it's definitely playable. And after all the matches where I was able to accurately counter and parry opponents online, even against pretty good players, I honestly never had more fun with a fighting game online.

I'm going to find the man/team that designed floor 50 of Tower of Lost Souls.

And when I do, I'll rip his chest open with my bare hands, tear his still-beating heart out, fling it on the ground, and squish it with the ball of my foot!!!


What he said but with floor 58/59 :'(

I've been playing like a fat man eats cake lately and well, I like it. I still have to get back in the SC-groove and start making guard-impacts without thinking but I'm getting there. Online mode is.. meh.. but hopefully some updates will make it better in the future.

oh, Astaroth kicks even more ass since he got his stomp-the-ground-throws :3

Hey, does anybody know any moves that can chain into Astaroth's 28B+G air-grab powerbomb? The only ones I've found so far are the standard 3 ~ 28B+G and the command throw 63214 B+G ~ 28B+G. But the move is just so awesome that I want more ways to do it!

66A, B ~ 28B+G

22/88B, 4 ~ 28B+G

that's my main uses for it anyway. Didn't think about 63214B+G so thanks for that one. Don't forget you can also use standard A+B airgrab from all of these set-ups to vary stuff up. A+B gives more options after use too.


I started playing online today. I'm not pleased with the results of my 12 or so matches...-_-'

However, I played against this friggen awesome CAS of Siegfried. It's armor was blue and silver. Unfortunately it kicked my butt into next saturday. Twice. But at least I gave him a run for his money the second time.

More importantly, lag was present in almost every single one of my 12 matches, and I'm the one who did the hosting for all but one of 'em. It was a minor inconvenience at best, and a game-breaker at worst.

Good news! I got past the nightmare that is Tower of Souls! (Lol, punz)

I started playing online today. I'm not pleased with the results of my 12 or so matches...-_-'

However, I played against this friggen awesome CAS of Siegfried. It's armor was blue and silver. Unfortunately it kicked my butt into next saturday. Twice. But at least I gave him a run for his money the second time.

More importantly, lag was present in almost every single one of my 12 matches, and I'm the one who did the hosting for all but one of 'em. It was a minor inconvenience at best, and a game-breaker at worst.

Good news! I got past the nightmare that is Tower of Souls! (Lol, punz)

Everytime I hosted a match I had really bad lag, and not the "jittery, skipping, frame freezing" kind that I can deal with, but the "I press a button and then the move happens a second later" kind. Now a days I just spam the auto-find thing whatever. I don't even look at the screen anymore i just sit there spamming the X button until the match starts (which has mad me pick Nightmare and Seigfriend a few times on accident -_-).

I'm up to rank 75 now, and I'd have to say I don't think I'm all THAT GOOD at Soul Calibur. I know I'm GOOD, but I think what's really going on here is most people are REALLY BAD....which is what I already assumed.

I'd say a good 1/3rd of my wins AT LEAST are gotten primarily by doing low sweeps and my opponents not being able how to figure out how to low block. It's gotten so bad my normal 10 move Mitsu strat is getting down to 2 or 3. Playing people online is making me WORSE. When I play my friends now I find myself having to relearn how to do everything else everytime :(, and then I get online and go back to sweeps D:


I block low all the time, but it's annoying when you try a low attack and someone whacks you over the head with a vertical attack.

I played around 40 matches just recently and I'm surprised I'm holding pretty good to almost all the matches, even with higher leveled, high win ratio opponents. If I'm going to die, I make sure I become the biggest pest possible by spamming them with all sorts of moves.

I hate how some high level players relegate to using a cheap up/down attack combo and spamming the same moves. I sometimes beat the hell out of them by parrying them though. Spammers deserve it.


I've yet to go online because of a crappy connection I can't seem to set up but when I do I bet I'll have trouble blocking low. Not because I'm a bad SC-player but because I'll be so used blocking high because of beginners ._.

Anyway, cleared Tower of Souls yesterday. Floor 57-59 is a bitch and I hate it. Have around 28 Honors. 2 More and it's party time!


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