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It works kinda like the Halo 3 experience system, which works like MMO experience system - The people you fight who are better than you grant more experience than those who are worse.

You were all talking about sex appeal earlier. I thought they all pretty much got extremely ugly. They've all become butter-faces since SCII. The only time my dick moved was during a match with a purple-colored Amy in fishnets. And Lizardman of course.

...Hilarity or pedophilia and inter-species erotica?

You decide!

Note: The points you gain are based of the level difference. If you play someone closer to your own level you lose less, and gain a BIT more.

The match making matches you up with level 1s all the time though, which is where the problem lies.

I'm not sure how it exactly works because I've fought level 1s before and sometimes got upwards to 70 points for it. Sometimes losing to a lvl 1 resulted in 30 point loss or 100 point loss. Sometime the same for fighting people closer to your level.

Either way, it's an incredibly annoying and frustrating system and you should never get de-leveled IMO. It just doesn't justify your skill and experience level. De-leveling only frustrates players as I see it. It doesn't help when a handful of games results in disconnects because people don't want to lose their precious points.


I agree Injin. Thank goodness I'm probably going to avoid ranked now that I got the achievement.

I also got Transcend History and the World! Now I only need the GI, JI, Soul Crush, and Critical Finish achievements, and I'm done! Then I'll probably never play this game again, except with friends every other weekend.

The one problem with that? My friends suck. I destroy them. So, all they do is create characters...they won't fight me... :(


I think the best way to get those achievements is to go to some GameFAQs thread about it and do what's called a 'boosting', essentially fighting friendly matches just to get achievements. Cheap, but you sort of need to do that.

Also, player matches are definitely way more friendly and almost cordial compared to the cutthroat ranked games. For some inexplicable reason, I surpassed 1000 games on ranked. I guess I just am attracted to hostilities. I do have a winning record at least.


The only game I ever boosted in was Halo 3 (I got some of the more random/difficult achievements). It wasn't even really by choice, since they were all doing it, and I just decided to join them. (Isn't that how some people get into drugs? :lol:)

I might just wait and get it the long, natural way. That is, if I can get my friends to actually fight me.


Doing Player matches is fun that way though. You're not really cheating the game because there is nothing to cheat and it's mostly about just having fun, screwing around and etc. And of course, boosting as needed.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've always said that SC is just a button-mashing T & A fest, and today I proved it. It was my first time playing SC 4, I went random and got Sophita (I think that's her name). Then I proceeded to mash buttons (specifically, the triangle button) until I beat the person who owned the game. There's no skill involved, just mash buttons, and you win in SC.

And I appreciate T & A as much as the next guy, but it's just ridiculous now. Breaking armor leads to girls fighting in bras and panties? I'm no feminist, and I love big 3-D rendered boobs, but they're just trying to cover up shallow, repetitive gameplay with fan service, like another inexplicably popular 3-D fighting franchise.

End rant, until I play that horrendous game again. Fuck Soul Calibur 4.

I've always said that SC is just a button-mashing T & A fest, and today I proved it. It was my first time playing SC 4, I went random and got Sophita (I think that's her name). Then I proceeded to mash buttons (specifically, the triangle button) until I beat the person who owned the game. There's no skill involved, just mash buttons, and you win in SC.

And I appreciate T & A as much as the next guy, but it's just ridiculous now. Breaking armor leads to girls fighting in bras and panties? I'm no feminist, and I love big 3-D rendered boobs, but they're just trying to cover up shallow, repetitive gameplay with fan service, like another inexplicably popular 3-D fighting franchise.

End rant, until I play that horrendous game again. Fuck Soul Calibur 4.

try that against me

we'll see how much of a button masher it is

I've always said that SC is just a button-mashing T & A fest, and today I proved it. It was my first time playing SC 4, I went random and got Sophita (I think that's her name). Then I proceeded to mash buttons (specifically, the triangle button) until I beat the person who owned the game. There's no skill involved, just mash buttons, and you win in SC.

You try that against someone who actually knows how to guard impact correctly and you won't even get a hit off.

The fact of the matter is that SC4 does take skill. Just because you faced one person who is obviously terrible at it doesn't mean it's a "button mashing T&A fest".


It doesn't have anything to do with skill. I never proclaimed that I (or my opponent) was the best. And yes, I did get my ass kicked later by someone different after that fight, but SC is still a joke of a fighter.

It doesn't have anything to do with skill. I never proclaimed that I (or my opponent) was the best. And yes, I did get my ass kicked later by someone different after that fight, but SC is still a joke of a fighter.

Why do you say that? We've already discussed how button mashing won't help you win. There are many techniques, as well as many counters to those techniques. There's also more depth in the fighting system then I care to elaborate upon at the moment. What's your current gripe about it?

Why do you say that? We've already discussed how button mashing won't help you win. There are many techniques, as well as many counters to those techniques. There's also more depth in the fighting system then I care to elaborate upon at the moment. What's your current gripe about it?

Everyone around here knows I'm a huge Smash fan, and I'll be the first to admit that it took alot of engineering and a pretty big leap of faith to make it into a fighting game. If someone were to call it a party game, I couldn't get mad at them, because that's what it actually is if you take away all of the tourneyfag rules.

The same is true for SC 4, except there is no engineering to be done. SC 3 was broken, and SC 4 has a character that cannot be grabbed, or even hit by some moves. They're not trying to make a tournament fighter, but everyone gets in a huff when you call it what it is: a button-mashing fanservice game. The guest characters and lack of apparent game testing seem to confirm that.

The same is true for SC 4, except there is no engineering to be done. SC 3 was broken, and SC 4 has a character that cannot be grabbed, or even hit by some moves. They're not trying to make a tournament fighter, but everyone gets in a huff when you call it what it is: a button-mashing fanservice game. The guest characters and lack of apparent game testing seem to confirm that.

Guest characters, Algol, and SW characters are tournament banned in SCVI.

You mean to tell me nothing in SSBB is tournament banned?

If Yoda is the only reason you got that SCIV is broken, you're gonna need to find something better.


I don't see how you can say it's not a tournament-viable game ... there are lots of subtle intricacies in strategy and move choice, and certain moves are naturally better than others given their frame data. Just ... like, uh ... every other tournament-viable fighting game out there?

Now if you don't like the game, that's your own business, but don't claim the game isn't tournament-worthy because you don't want to spend time playing the game and learning its depth.


Correct me if I am wrong, but is not Guilty Gear considered to be a tournament game? And in one of the iterations of this game, there is the option of playing as a golden version of a certain character. This character is capable, in the hands of a player who has at least looked up the controls and managed to learn one or two moves, to beat even some of the most skilled players. And, this character happens to be banned in tournaments.

Guest characters or unlocked bosses do not have to be balanced.

As to button mashing, haven't you ever embarked to learn a new game with another person? You can both try to figure out what you are doing or you can both button-mash. When two people are just learning to play a game, button-mashing usually wins (even in Smash Brothers), and the decision of one player to button-mash ruins the experience. However, at the middle and higher levels of the game, most fighters (even broken ones) move beyond button-mashing. Take Street Fighter II, it is a pre-balance fighter, but button mashing is a very bad idea against foes with any skill.

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