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Dr Manhattan's nudity it more tasteful than it seems like it would be, the uniform glow of his skin kind of camouflages his junk. Even if the blue penis was blurred out you'd still have the numerous quite extended sex scenes, with a rape in there too... which while uncomfortable are (all mostly) important to the story. If those were edited out then you wouldn't get the full picture, and you'd really miss out in the end.

If you're too bashful about seeing it in public then maybe rent the unedited DVD or something, if you can't handle the movie as is then it isn't for you, to be blunt.

Dr Manhattan's nudity it more tasteful than it seems like it would be, the uniform glow of his skin kind of camouflages his junk. Even if the blue penis was blurred out you'd still have the numerous quite extended sex scenes, with a rape in there too... which while uncomfortable are (all mostly) important to the story. If those were edited out then you wouldn't get the full picture, and you'd really miss out in the end.

If you're too bashful about seeing it in public then maybe rent the unedited DVD or something, if you can't handle the movie as is then it isn't for you, to be blunt.

Well, I've seen V for Vendetta edited (two versions from two different sites), and actually, they did a good job of it. One or two things weren't clear: the girl's note had little footage in the first cut I saw, the second cut made a little more sense, although I figured that she was a lesbian.

I don't think Dr. Manhattan wouldn't be tastefully done, just, not something I'd want to see, I'm beatin a dead horse here. Yeah, I heard about the sex, yadda, yadda... there was a rape? Yikes (I've never read the book)...

You're right it may not be a movie for me, I don't mind you being blunt.

God I'm becoming more and more of a dork aren't I?

Alright, you guys discuss the film, I'm bowing out of this topic for good.


Saw the movie

Yeah it was good. I can't really say much more than that. The last hour it gets really kick ass just for the philosophical themes touched upon.

I don't think Dr. Manhattan wouldn't be tastefully done, just, not something I'd want to see, I'm beatin a dead horse here. Yeah, I heard about the sex, yadda, yadda... there was a rape? Yikes (I've never read the book)...

They got him before the actual rape. And it's a glowing blue penis, it's no different than a roman statue.

Dr Manhattan's nudity it more tasteful than it seems like it would be, the uniform glow of his skin kind of camouflages his junk. Even if the blue penis was blurred out you'd still have the numerous quite extended sex scenes, with a rape in there too... which while uncomfortable are (all mostly) important to the story. If those were edited out then you wouldn't get the full picture, and you'd really miss out in the end.

Why are sex scenes uncomfortable? I don't get this. Also there's only 1 REAL sex scene. And it's pretty damn short.

As for the rape see above.

it got quite poor ratings online so far.

fuck them


The film made me think a bit, which few films recently have done. In all honesty, could what happened in the film have really happened in life? Maybe, maybe not. Unfortunately, we don't have super-powered human beings running around saving the day or destroying it.

I think in the end, the real question is, do the ends justify the means.

I think in the end, the real question is, do the ends justify the means.

that sounds like a thread for wacky, AD, PP and zircon to decide upon.....


I saw the trailer in Dark Knight, and bought the graphic novel the next day. I loved the book, and was sad they had to cut The Tales of the Black Freighter and Under the Hood, but was expecting it. It cuts a bit too much out, and it makes the book a bit more deeper with the fact that Moore actually took time to show back stories and side notes.

It's too bad they couldn't show more on Ozymandias. He came across as a little bitch in the movie. Everyone else came off pretty well I thought. I thought the new ending was okay for the movie crowd, but didn't like how they had to make Manhattan look like the bad guy.

I've heard people complain about the video game they're making. I think it's a great idea. You get to see and do things only alluded to in the graphic novel like going after the Underboss and other gangs

Dear god, no.

That would be an epic thread I dare say.....like, like, like..two deathstar rays firing simultaneously at each other...at close proximity

I can see it now....the day PPR got nuked.....


I saw Watchmen, Bought the paperback graphic novel. I loved this SO fucking much, I'm going to subscribe to DC Universe Comics.

God damn Watchmen was fucking amazing.


Got the game last night. Its very bland by even beat em up means. Lots of character line repeating by the enemies, just like mercenaries 2 (BEHIND THOSE BUSHES, BEHIND THOSE TREES!). It does have the novelty factor of playing as the characters though, but you start out with no moves besides punch and kick, and learn moves as you find little tokens in the first chapter and so on. I'd only recommend it for people who are obsessed with the book and movie.

he's pretty fast and all that.

i loved in that scene when rorschach jumped down from the pedastal and caught himself with one hand to prevent from being noisy. SO cool.

Hell yeah. Rorschach is probably my favorite character

"None of you seem to understand I'm not locked up in here with you, your locked up in here with me!" Fucking awesome.

Why are sex scenes uncomfortable? I don't get this. Also there's only 1 REAL sex scene. And it's pretty damn short.

Was just saying that if Toadofsky was too hesitant too see the movie because of the blue wang, that he would have plenty of other things to make him shy away from the movie.

There were at least 4 sex scenes in the film.

Jon and Laurie, Dan and Laurie twice, and then the rape scene. In comparison to most of the movies I've seen in the past several years, these sex scenes last much longer and show a lot more than usual. Even outside of these scenes theres some more non-blue wang, man ass, and breasts.

Just trying to say that anybody concerned about nudity will have a lot to worry about in this film, is all.


It was good.

Not great.


...It could have been great.

Anyone else surprised at the amount of gore in the film? It seemed very unnecessary for most scenes.


I hate that they destroyed the scene when Rorschach is "born". Turning him from a sociopath into an axe wielding crazy was disappointing. But I nitpick...

Also, worst use of Hallelujah.

Now whenever I hear that song I'll just end up thinking about that drawn out sex scene.



Maco I disagree, it seemed to me, it followed pretty damn close to the comic. few changes, nothing super huge. Overall

Great movie.

For some reason friends that haven't seen it. Tell me alot of their friends say it was shit :(. That makes me sad..

I was thinking that Jackie Earle Haley, aka Rorschach, would be so perfect for the part of Cletus Kasady (Carnage) in the Spiderman movies.

So true. Seeing Haley perform as Rorschach, he would be perfect for Carnage. Rorschach's brutality is truly displayed during the scene with the kidnapper and in the prison.


The brutally of Rorschach made me love him a lot. In the theater I went, people started clapping for him when

[spoilers] He savagely cut up that kidnapper after he fed her to those dogs. [/spoilers]

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