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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Come again soon! If you sit and watch it for like a minute or two a spot generally opens up for a little bit. If you're interested in playing regularly talk to Baha about a reserve slot.


Can I just say that this attitude always confused me? Your opinion isn't holy truth, man, and even if it was, why the hell would you get so worked up over what someone else does with their free time when it doesn't affect you in the least?

re: open slots, the few times I've run into a full server (well, 24/25 -- what's the deal with that?) I've jumped on another to play and checked to see if there was an open space every few minutes. Protip: it's important to hit "refresh" when you're looking at the server list, or else it won't tell you when there's a slot free. :tomatoface:


But wouldn't that make it 25/25 if someone connected to that last slot? Or are you saying that some people have magic "I get to connect no matter what" powers and the server is told to display 24/25 (when it's actually 24/24 + special people) so that Steam doesn't prevent special people from even trying to connect?

It never stays at 25/25 for long - the server automatically boots a non-reserved slot holder to free up that last slot all the time.

Unless all 24 people already on have a reserved slot. In that case, there will be 25 people on the server and no one else can join.

Unless all 24 people already on have a reserved slot. In that case, there will be 25 people on the server and no one else can join.

That'll be quite a day if that happened though!

Edit: Custom map rotation for tomorrow!
























It never stays at 25/25 for long - the server automatically boots a non-reserved slot holder to free up that last slot all the time.
Unless all 24 people already on have a reserved slot. In that case, there will be 25 people on the server and no one else can join.

I am enlightened!

Can I just say that this attitude always confused me? Your opinion isn't holy truth, man, and even if it was, why the hell would you get so worked up over what someone else does with their free time when it doesn't affect you in the least?

If you're on this server, then you do affect me. And the rest of it was me showing my opinions.

Also when I reset my stats my achievement progress stayed the same...or at least last time I checked they did (I was about 75% done with the lifetime kill scout thing)

Ok, silly questions from someone who's never played: the custom maps should be downloaded before I even tried to join your server right?

If you don't want to have to spend time downloading them when you connect/on map change, then yes.


I won't be making it out tonight, as I have approx. 30 minutes of free-time today from morning till night, and I'm using it now to type this.

Have a great time everyone!


Oh, wow. Forgot tonight was custom maps night.

Assuming the great God of College Internet allows, I'll probably be on quite a bit (my last class was today).

@ Rambo: You are the only person who's paranoia doesn't bug me. Some people literally jump around the levels in circles. While this is a good strategy, it's highly aggravating.

You, though, just get CRAZY PARANOID and start attacking air before I'm anywhere near you. Seriously man, last night we were on Goldrush and I had almost made it to that upstairs sniper area before the first point and before I'm even there, you're yelling at Tiddlywink about how he's going to die because there's a spy around.

Needless to say, I laughed for a looooooooooooooooong time. <3s

@ Rambo: You are the only person who's paranoia doesn't bug me. Some people literally jump around the levels in circles. While this is a good strategy, it's highly aggravating.

You, though, just get CRAZY PARANOID and start attacking air before I'm anywhere near you. Seriously man, last night we were on Goldrush and I had almost made it to that upstairs sniper area before the first point and before I'm even there, you're yelling at Tiddlywink about how he's going to die because there's a spy around.

Needless to say, I laughed for a loo...oong time. <3s

Was that you, Sensai, who got pissed when I wrenched you on my teleporter on goldrush? Someone was asking how I knew the spy was there. In actuality, I was doing that annoying running around in circles thing, which involved me hitting my teleporter after hitting my sentry a few times (but before I hit my dispenser).

Also, I remember Rambo saying last night that he caught himself spy-checking a pyro who just walked out of respawn. CRAZY PARANOID.


Haha, Chadly, jeah, I think that was me. Wasn't pissed, just thought it was a pretty crazy chain of events. I think that was the third or so time I had gone up there. Before that, I had run into a recently teleported in pyro who caught me on fire so I figured I was dead, but you guys let me stand up there for quite a bit of time before I died.

And yes, Rambo spy checking a pyro fresh outta spawn is hilarious. So good.

Haha, Chadly, jeah, I think that was me. Wasn't pissed, just thought it was a pretty crazy chain of events. I think that was the third or so time I had gone up there. Before that, I had run into a recently teleported in pyro who caught me on fire so I figured I was dead, but you guys let me stand up there for quite a bit of time before I died.

And yes, Rambo spy checking a pyro fresh outta spawn is hilarious. So good.

It's almost as hilarious as spy checking someone carrying Intel!

Baha: More people would attend if you'd, you know, schedule an event for custom map night.

It is in the scheduled events...

Yeah, but not until late tonight! :P

Anyway, I was actually thinking back to last week when it wasn't.

(I added one last week as an impromptu event starting whenever I scheduled it)

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