Rambo Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I personally can't stand 90% of spectre's stuff. I find him, and a few others recently, to be very annoying. No one has made a complaint about it ever though, so I've just client side muted him. I often want to start a votemute, but I didn't know how to do that until today when Brush told me in game. I didn't exactly catch how to do it... so if you could post here how to do a custom vote... I'd appreciate it! And about what ducky said on n00b snipers: I agree with him. Learning how to play a certain class is all fine and dandy, but if your team is getting massacred because you're the 5th sniper and you're playing sniper to learn... it's a little frustrating. A LOT frustrating actually. I've found myself getting more and more annoyed at people's lack of interest in playing like a team. So many times I'll have to stop playing sniper, or demo, or scout, or soldier to do something else. For this reason I've been playing alot more medic and engie (which any person with one arm can do.. no offense) and not enjoying myself as we lose dispite already playing a class I don't even want to play in an effort to help the team. I enjoy playing every class don't get me wrong, but I enjoy not playing a certain class to make up for 3 spies, 4 snipers, and 3 scouts trying to push a cart past a team of engies, heavy medics, and pyros. I know. TLDR. whatever Let me know who's interested in some scrims. I only have Black Waltz, and Bardic so far.
Bleck Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Let me know who's interested in some scrims. I only have Black Waltz, and Bardic so far. me I will do it
piendry Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Well, one of two things. First, micspam. Spectreshot's especially. Most of the time when he's playing stuff, I can't even hear anyone else. I had to mute him tonight. Just wondering if anyone else felt the same way about him being an annoying ass. I feel the same way. I mute him as well, mostly because he gives me a headache with his music (and sometimes his talking).
EdgeCrusher Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Wait, you mean Engies on opposing teams are teaming up to do that? That's called griefing... definitely bannable. No, I mean like two engies on the same team doing it. The two doing it tonight were in the same clan, but had sentry guns set up on dustbowl level 3 point 1 up in the doorway. Basically they had a tele entrance and exit right next to each other, and bouncing back and forth. Someone on red complained about it, since they didn't have one of the entrances set up for when point A got taken, and one of them doing it said "well, we don't see a reason to do it cause we don't need it right now" and kept doing it. Of course at the end of the round those two were MVPs.
Vivi22 Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Let me know who's interested in some scrims. I only have Black Waltz, and Bardic so far. You can put me down as well.
Clefairy Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I might as well jump in. While I find the chant wav he's got amusing, and his library of stuff passable, if predictable, SpectreShot is a drama queen, and a bit of a baby when things don't go his way. I know he's become a regular, occasionally does great things for the community (meatspin), and he's gotten pretty cozy with Brushfire. Despite all that, I still think we'd be better off if the antics were reined in somewhat. If that proves impossible, then I guess it's time to drop the hammer. Let me know who's interested in some scrims. I only have Black Waltz, and Bardic so far. Count me in. Assuming standard format, I'm comfortable with scout or medic. Soldier... Ehhh, if you need it, but it's really not my forte.
Secret Agent Man Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I enjoy playing every class don't get me wrong, but I enjoy not playing a certain class to make up for 3 spies, 4 snipers, and 3 scouts trying to push a cart past a team of engies, heavy medics, and pyros. Agreed. I always have to shake my head and wonder why people think three snipers and three spies, or some variation on those numbers, leads to victory. I understand it's fun when it's not so serious (i.e. everyone switches for the lulz), but when a team is actually trying to win, please pick a more useful class. Let me know who's interested in some scrims. I only have Black Waltz, and Bardic so far. I'm up for scrimming at any time as well.
Black Waltz Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Let me know who's interested in some scrims. I only have Black Waltz, and Bardic so far. FYI, I leave for Taiwan on July 9th, so if we're going to scrim after that, I won't be able to since my laptop = fail.
Vivi22 Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 FYI, I leave for Taiwan on July 9th, so if we're going to scrim after that, I won't be able to since my laptop = fail. Now that you mention it, I should also point out that I'll be out of town from July 19 to August 10th more or less for courses and will be unable to play. I'll also be busy the weekend of July 10th, but only because I'd be killed were I to skip my wedding and ditch family and friends to play TF2 (or so I've been told). Aside from those, any time should work for me as long as we're setting something up a few days in advance.
Clefairy Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 At long last, Dr. Tiddlywink has been banned. He was cussing Yahoo out pretty nastily, and while that offense in itself is relatively small, he's been a thorn in our collective side for some time. I won't miss him one iota. He did nothing but complain and troll, and make progressively more terrible versions of downtown. Good riddance.
Bleck Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 At long last, Dr. Tiddlywink has been banned. fucking finally
Abyss Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 I've never scrimmed before, I'd be interested in trying it. Also, I got the patch recently. It's amazing! Third thing, lightning. Fried out modem, then my father went out of town and I was unable to set up a new modem... I'm elsewhere, on my crappy laptop right now, but hopefully when I get back to my gaming pc I'll have the internet again... I don't like not being able to kill you guys
Brushfire Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 At long last, Dr. Tiddlywink has been banned. He was cussing Yahoo out pretty nastily, and while that offense in itself is relatively small, he's been a thorn in our collective side for some time.I won't miss him one iota. He did nothing but complain and troll, and make progressively more terrible versions of downtown. Good riddance. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I got a sniper hat. And you don't.
Nekofrog Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Someone help me get a higher fps Pentium 4 @ 3GHz 2GB RAM ... ..................................................................................... radeon 9600 64MB I miiiiiiiiiiss the gaaaaaaaaaaaame
Bleck Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 neko how is that even possible did you turn everything to SUPER LOWEST
Nekofrog Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 yes, everything absolutely low it might get lucky to get 12, but it always goes to 9 fairly quickly and seems locked there. Never goes under 9 fps
duckyboycantfly Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 windowed lowest resolution? that's what I used to do when I played with the laptop, and it was being stupid with me. Also I used to like tiddly and I thought he was a pretty good guy then something changed and he wasn't anymore. So I'm kind of indifferent about his ban. I guess I'll miss the old him and not the new one? Also, did you guys make sure to tell him that his doors didn't work? Because they didn't work the last time I played. I kept getting stuck in them and I tried to tell him that they didn't work, but he wouldn't listen. Because the doors didn't work.
Nekofrog Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Everything low, windowed 640x480, still pretty much locked at 9 fps. I've read through various google searches other people who have this problem (who didn't used to, but through a random game update suddenly did) -- locked at 9 fps as well. I am wondering if it's a bug
Kiyobi Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 From my experience, programs tend to run better in full screen, not windowed. BTW, if I may ask, who's this Tiddlywink banhammer victim?
Clefairy Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 who's this Tiddlywink banhammer victim? As I understand it, he was a random pub player who showed up one day, enjoyed himself, and started coming back pretty often. At some point(prior to when I started to play here, which was in early March), he turned into a troll who would start arguments just to rile everyone up. Not even good arguments; the stupid 'my opinion is fact, if you disagree with me you are an idiot' kind. He was trying his hand at mapping around this time as well, and turned out a little number called cp_downtown. I've heard the original was pretty good, though it had some minor technical problems. All the versions I've played were meh or awful. We still have 2 of them on the server, though I can't remember which ones just now.
Monsty Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Everything low, windowed 640x480, still pretty much locked at 9 fps. I've read through various google searches other people who have this problem (who didn't used to, but through a random game update suddenly did) -- locked at 9 fps as well.I am wondering if it's a bug Have you tried putting: -dxlevel 80 (or maybe 81) in the startup options? Might help. It should reset your advanced video options so make sure to set those again and then take it out of the startup options next time you play again.
D-Lux Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 At long last, Dr. Tiddlywink has been banned. He was cussing Yahoo out pretty nastily, and while that offense in itself is relatively small, he's been a thorn in our collective side for some time. I almost cried. He was being mean! Seriously though, he crossed the line. I've been tolerant of him almost 100% of the time, but today was very different. He turned into an 8 year old with a temper tantrum because the maps he nominated weren't being played. Then when I told him to just chill out and have fun (because playing a "bad" map is better than sitting at more loading screens), the cursing began. I told him that spamming "rock the vote" in voice or text is a kickable offense, and he got even more whiny. I could hear it in his voice that he was getting really personal with his words. garian had enough and banned him. At least I think it was garian.
Lyrai Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Re: People complaining about too many Snipers in response to trying to learn sniper. I can't play Sniper if there are 3 already on my team. Like, my left hand will reach over and beat my right hand against the computer if it tries to select sniper. Also, am I the only person who just doesn't care what map we're on? Seriously, I play whatever's set in front of me. Some have their pros, some have their cons, but I just have fun wherever I am.
EdgeCrusher Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Tiddlywink wise, I use to like him. He was funny and played a good game. But after he started mapping, it seemed like he got worse and worse. Then after a day of testing Downtown, he freaked out. But it was seriously that bad of a map. Half of the map wasnt completed, the doors got you stuck, etc. Any time anyone tried to tell him something was wrong, he'd get pissed and yell at them. After that, he did it all the time on the server. The other night when spectre was micspamming, I told spectre that people were complaining about it, and that it was an issue. Tiddly was on too, and started telling me that I was an idiot and to stay out of it. I told tiddy to fuck off, then he went off on a rant on the mic about me. I muted him at that point, but still. He has anger issues and doesn't need a mic.
Hemophiliac Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 a lot has happened when i was gone on my trip. interesting to hear that sudden death is gone. thankful to hear that the timelimit on goldrush has been lessened. (always have wondered why the timelimit is longer on that map). oh, i got my patch too...it's awesome. thanks brushfire.
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