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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Jeez, the things I miss in a day.

I'm pleased to see people enjoyed the scrim; thanks to Vahn for putting up those demos. :mrgreen:

Since there's interest in doing it again, how does Thursday/Sunday every week sit with y'all?


Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Being able to coordinate, and play with the people of ZUZ/OCR, was a blast.

Would it be possible to do it on a night where I wouldn't have to get up and go to work the next day (e.g. Friday or Saturday nights)? I can technically make both, but it cuts into my sleeping schedule when I do.

Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Being able to coordinate, and play with the people of ZUZ/OCR, was a blast.

Would it be possible to do it on a night where I wouldn't have to get up and go to work the next day (e.g. Friday or Saturday nights)? I can technically make both, but it cuts into my sleeping schedule when I do.

Hm... Point. The weekend scrim is supposed to accomodate people with that type of problem, which it doesn't do when held on a Sunday.

New proposal: Wednesdays and Saturdays. Opinions?

Hm... Point. The weekend scrim is supposed to accomodate people with that type of problem, which it doesn't do when held on a Sunday.

New proposal: Wednesdays and Saturdays. Opinions?

Wednesdays I'm not free until (usually) around 9, depending if I hang out after class.

Saturdays, however, I can make without an issue. I approve of Wed/Sat

Just a friendly reminder for anyone interested in scrimming: we're doing it tomorrow night at 9 PM Eastern. I don't think I'm Steam friends with everyone who's interested, but I'm sure that everyone's friends with at least one person who's scrimming, so you should be able to get the IP from somebody.

We'll be scrimming on the ZUZ server. I'll try to make sure everything's set up at around 8.30 or so. See you all there, hopefully.

This was posted on Sunday. Tomorrow would mean Monday. But no, it was actually held on Sunday. I MISSED IT BECAUSE SENSAI CAN'T FIGURE OUT TIME.



I think what happened was that I don't know what time zone the forum uses, so I probably posted in one of those odd times where it's Saturday where I live and Sunday according to the forum...

...or I coulda just been up hella late and I didn't register that it was Sunday yet. Sowwy.


More likely than not, I won't catch Wednesday. Me and a bunch of friends crash the game room practically every week.

Saturdays though, sure.


Man...that Goldrush match was amazing. I recorded most of it (I didn't record the beginning of the Huntsman defense. Sorry guys.) and have put it all into a .7z file for your viewing pleasure. You'll need the most excellent 7zip to get into the archive. If you are for some reason against installing it, I'll put it in a .rar or something for ya. The final file size is roughly 22 MB.

The files are named in a way that it's pretty easy to tell what came first, second, and third as long as you know that our turn on offense came before defense. 2fort was immediately afterwards and I regretably did not record all of that either. In fact, the 2fort demo isn't terribly interesting unless you're tired, haha.

The demos are all from my perspective and, thankfully, without my voice. You can just ad-lib whatever you think I should be saying when you see the little '!' symbol on the right.


**This post was made in memory of [...]Toast, who, moments before the awesomeness took place, was switched to the opposite team. I'll miss you.**


Demo's record your game experience.

To Play a Demo someone Recorded:

1) put the .dem file in your Steam\steamapps\**username**\team fortress 2\tf

2)Launch tf2.

3)Hit ~ to access the console. (If it doesn't work enable dev console in options->multiplayer->advanced)

3) Type playdemo theDemoName

4)After loading, it should start playing.

5)To speedup or slowdown the demo: type demoui in the console.

To Record a Demo)

1)Hit ~ to access the console.

2) Type record theNameYouWant

3) To Stop recording: type stop in the console.

4) It is now in your Steam\steamapps\**username**\team fortress 2\tf

Most recordings are only First Person. And each Major update breaks all the demos.

Fancy server demos are if you are awesome and use SourceTV on your own server.

Good news is Valve is trying to get better demo support. Plans include requesting the server to give you a full server recording of your past life and such

Good news is Valve is trying to get better demo support. Plans include requesting the server to give you a full server recording of your past life and such

I would think that would take a lot of extra server power recording anywhere up to 32 demos at once (1 per player).


I heard Aeronaut talk tonight. That never happens.

So let's see... Hish, Joseki, Aeronaut... Unless I'm missing someone else who never talks, it's just Ele now.

Also there was some stuff about human towers and general mayhem on Orange X. Kamikaze has an embarassment of screenshots (184 was the number I believe), so we should be seeing a few of those soon.

My bad with the stickies, guys. I don't often play on the server (kind've off and on again player overall), so I wasn't familiar with the rules.

No worries.

You stopped when you were told, so its all good.

: P


Hey everyone. I will have internet again soon. I will be back on the TF2s soon. Annoucing and Admin-ing and all that good stuff. Internet SHOULD be on the 7th. Comcast somehow broke the cable pole while attempting to put my cable in the first time. So now I have to wait till they fix the pole, but they won't tell anyone when the pole will get fixed.


Soon I will return.

Also, if you missed Otakon's SF2 Rainbow commentation, you really missed out.


So, after I had fully intended to to go to sleep last night, someone *cough*Sensai*cough* told me that there was some sort of heavy tower going on. So I had to see it, and now you can too! I didn't really get any closeups, it was mostly wide shots of the whole thing.

Heavy Tower


Spy tower (or at least the beginnings, tf2 died shortly after for me)


Leaning tower


I still think we should have done a cloaked spy tower and then had two pyros set the whole thing on fire........

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