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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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What is this, lets talk like molto hour? Wah wah pro server wah wah atmuh wah wah. All I ever hear is about how great atmuh's server is. Go play there.

Hey, wasn't Dr. Tiddlywink banned a while back for his non-stop complaining?

Doesn't that set a precedent?


Considering I rarely talk on the server, and make a few random comments here about maps in the thread, I hope you are not trying to compare me to tiddly. All I ever see is ducky and atmuh bitch about people sucking on the OCR server, how the map rotation needs to be fixed cause it sucks, and we are not pro enough. So if they want to bitch like that, Im sure I can say that rtv is ass once in a while.

Considering I rarely talk on the server, and make a few random comments here about maps in the thread, I hope you are not trying to compare me to tiddly. All I ever see is ducky and atmuh bitch about people sucking on the OCR server, how the map rotation needs to be fixed cause it sucks, and we are not pro enough. So if they want to bitch like that, Im sure I can say that rtv is ass once in a while.

No, actually, I was comparing ducky to tiddly.

I'm not a very involved member of the community around here but I did drop by the OCR server and had some good times. Some of you might have seen me under my Steam name, Diatomic Daddy. You'll see more of me on the server in the future so keep a look-out for me.

Also, Funky Fun on the OCR Server.

Lol, me playing Wily Stage 1 at the beginning.

I'm not a very involved member of the community around here but I did drop by the OCR server and had some good times. Some of you might have seen me under my Steam name, Diatomic Daddy. You'll see more of me on the server in the future so keep a look-out for me.

Also, Funky Fun on the OCR Server.

Hey, I'm in that! I'm the pyro who eats a flare at 1:01.

... And again as a heavy at 1:53.

Good times.

Hey, I'm in that! I'm the pyro who eats a flare at 1:01.

... And again as a heavy at 1:53.

Good times.

Aw, I'm not in the video. Granted, I'm quite busy these days, especially on week days.


Well, tomorrow marks the day that I return to school...

...meaning I'll likely have a lot more free time during the day, but a lot worse internet. So expect to see me on, but with like 500 ping.

Well, tomorrow marks the day that I return to school...

...meaning I'll likely have a lot more free time during the day, but a lot worse internet. So expect to see me on, but with like 500 ping.

That sucks, Sensai. Maybe talk to Brushfire when you get the chance; though this situation is nothing new, it's possible he might have some advice for making high-ping play bearable.

In other news, I thought this was novel:


fight me

Then we wouldn't be giving you and Tiddly equal treatment. :-P

We've had some very interesting people starting to join the server late at night. I've been getting rid of the outright offensive ones, but there are a few who aren't really there to rage on people, just to make jokes and do their thing. When they go over the edge and are asked to stop, they usually stop. Any opinions from people who have been there on how I've handled them and/or what I should do differently?


Figured I'd give a post here about the new Scout FaN jumping technique after I bewildered another player after jumping over the leftside fence in CTF Sawmill. (which I guess the SteamForums are calling it the Scout Force Jump)


There are a few videos in that thread showing off how to do it and various uses (like jumping from below in the sewers in 2fort to the ground.)

Basically you just aim downwards at an angle (about 45 degrees seems to be the point, but you don't need to be exactly at that), and then while moving forward jump-duck and then immediately fire.

Makes me glad that they changed the physics for the FaN, so the nerf is offset by a buff.


Ehh. The FaN is still a training-wheels gun designed for people who aren't good at scout to perform well.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. :tomatoface: It's just not for me at this point, even with the updated jump functionality. The only thing that might get me to use it now would be the fact that it resets player momentum, and I'm sure Valve will get around to fixing that eventually.


Steve, I honestly can't remember any of those incidents; to be fair, I haven't been on late as much lately. Any names?


I'd like to apologize for being grumpy/snarky to certain people in the past few days. After playing in 6v6 and seeing what can come about when a team works as a cohesive unit (not my team, if you care to know), I've become a lot less tolerant of useless players without really meaning to. I try to lead by example, playing aggressively when it's called for and calling things out to my team, but it doesn't seem to make much difference.

If things stay as they are, which is a safe assumption, you'll probably see a lot less of me in future. Makes me sad, since I love this game and I really enjoy being part of our core playerbase. But I guess that's how it is.

Well, tomorrow marks the day that I return to school...

...meaning I'll likely have a lot more free time during the day, but a lot worse internet. So expect to see me on, but with like 500 ping.

D: at least you have internets at your place at school....

I've become a lot less tolerant of useless players

hey, be belligerent like me and call them out on their being retarded. it may not make them play better but it does alleviate some of the frustration :V

also, d-lux and i have been having problems forcing team scrambles when we use the admin menu- they don't happen. does anyone have any reasons why this may be?

hey, be belligerent like me and call them out on their being retarded. it may not make them play better but it does alleviate some of the frustration :V

also, d-lux and i have been having problems forcing team scrambles when we use the admin menu- they don't happen. does anyone have any reasons why this may be?

My first thought is that Bahamut didn't put the ScrambleTeams plugin back in the main plugins folder after removing gScramble.

I probably didn't then...oops.

It should still be in the disabled folder.

Anyway, that still doesn't explain why the team scramble vote still seemed to work the last time I was on.


Normally, I wouldn't make a new post, but meh...

At or around 11pm CST tonight*, the domain ocrtf2.com will go live. What does this mean? Well, for starters, you can now connect to the server at ocrtf2.com:27015 instead of needing the IP. Likewise, all the mirrored maps and stuff will now be on www.ocrtf2.com . There's not much on the site yet (it's the same site as tf2.vgmusic.com).

I got tired of having to look up the IP any time I wanted to enter it somewhere, like on the OCR community stuff when scheduling events. Also, I hope it makes the map mirror and stuff easier to find.

Who knows, maybe I'll build a real site for it at some point, too.

*As long as I didn't screw up the DNS configuration.

At or around 11pm CST tonight, the domain ocrtf2.com will go live...

Wow, Powerlord. At the risk of sounding like a brown-noser, your dedication to this community is amazing, even post-admin. I salute you.

hey, be belligerent like me and call them out on their being retarded. it may not make them play better but it does alleviate some of the frustration :V

It's not frustration, really; I've moved past that now. I'm just... tired. I won't bother going into detail, since the historical response to such things has been a link to livejournal.com. And it would drag the thread off-topic anyway.


Directed toward no one in particular:

I would sincerely love to hear, in as much eye-straining, mind-numbing, microscopic detail as you can possibly conjure up, why Valve maps are so much better than customs.

Need examples to work with? I've got pairs handy: Badwater/Cashworks, Yukon/Granary, Dustbowl/Egypt. Do more than one if you're feeling ambitious.


We've had some very interesting people starting to join the server late at night. I've been getting rid of the outright offensive ones, but there are a few who aren't really there to rage on people, just to make jokes and do their thing. When they go over the edge and are asked to stop, they usually stop. Any opinions from people who have been there on how I've handled them and/or what I should do differently?

If you're talking about people like Vic and Spank, I don't have a problem with them haha.

You tend to get rid of people who need to be gotten rid of.

Those particular users joke around a lot, but they don't harass people when they do it, so I don't mind it. In fact a lot of times I end up laughing my ass off.

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