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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I think adding class limits of any sort is stupid. Most people will change class if they know there are already too many of a class already. It just puts physical restrictions on how people can play and it makes a server less enjoyable in my opinion. I guess I just don't like it, even if it never directly affects me.


Explain granary in this context, please.

Also, snipers are the main reason that Command Point maps suck.

Totally seriously they are....well that and sentries perched on ledges above tunnel exits where the only possible way you can shoot them is to turn your back on a posse of rocket-wielding RED and get greased anyway.

So for some reason, the Extendmap, Votenextmap, and a couple of other admin commands were whited out for me today. Did this happen to anyone else, cause it was pretty cool that Gravelpit came up twice and I couldn't fix it.

I've been pretty busy this week, so I haven't touched the server.

I might take a look at it tomorrow after work if FireSlash or Bahamut doesn't beat me to it.

As for Snipers, I know I only play them if one of the following happens:

1. My team has none.

2. My team only has one and I don't feel like playing one of my better classes.

3. We're playing sawmill.


I think having class limits, limits a teams ability to negotiate what classes they should have. During the spy/sniper update it was an acute problem, but now it just limits peoples ability to have fun.

I don't do so often, but I like TEAM SPY CHAOS or SNIPER PACK DESCEND AND DEVOUR THE WEAK once in a while. Usually after a round or two of complete steamroll the teams get evened out one way or another.

Most people will change class if they know there are already too many of a class already.


also it seems like im not the only one who hates ctf_sawmill could we maybe take that off the rotation

also it seems like im not the only one who hates ctf_sawmill could we maybe take that off the rotation

Yeah, there's a few of us who hate it.

Off the top of my head: myself, Brushfire, and I think Garian (or was Garian the one who liked it?)

Also, viaduct has some problems on slower computers... as does glacier. Perhaps we could kill two birds with one stone and replace both with koth_sawmill? Or do you not like koth_sawmill?

Yeah, there's a few of us who hate it.

Off the top of my head: myself, Brushfire, and I think Garian (or was Garian the one who liked it?)

Also, viaduct has some problems on slower computers... as does glacier. Perhaps we could kill two birds with one stone and replace both with koth_sawmill? Or do you not like koth_sawmill?

I'm not fond of sawmill in any form. CTF I would consider it's best, but I prefer both 2fort and Turbine to Sawmill.

Also, viaduct by far I think is the best koth map. But it sure does trouble my computer. :sad:

I don't mind if it stays or goes. If anything currently on the rotation goes, I'd rather it be nucleus.


I could do without sawmill entirely.

I really do not like that map

Viaduct I don't mind. I don't hate it, but I don't really like it either.

I wish we could have SOME arena play though.

I haven't done Lumberyard in a long time

It looks so coool though.

but as with viaduct's snow, sawmill's rain is real fps killer

and yeah koth i dont like as it is but koth sawmill is by far the worst of the 3, with nucleus being the best imo

I'm also considering re-instituting 2spy 2sniper limits on all maps but 2fort. 4 sniper offense on cp-steel makes for a sad medic.

But then we won't be able to play Engineer games! D8


I like Nucleus for KOTH, since it removed the die-once-and-sit-out mechanic of Arena. It's small and can be hectic. Actually reminds me of one of the Battle Mode courses in Mario Kart 64. Presently, the only problem with Viaduct is that my computer can't render it all too quickly. Otherwise it's a good map. I like KOTH Sawmill as well (same reason as for Nucleus), although I prefer Nucleus, so if either has to go I'd rather it be the latter. Don't care too much for CTF Sawmill, really. I've not played Glacier, but people say it's good "except for the third point." That itself can be a map killer. Due to that, and the fact that it's RC, it should not be on the rotation, in my opinion.

Most people will change class if they know there are already too many of a class already.

Most of the time this is actually not this case, really. It's more when there are too many snipers rather than too many spies. Most of the time people will stick to sniper because they don't get killed as often (since they mostly hang in the background). Spies tend to increase in number when one spy is doing pretty well, but on rare occasion the Spy population will balance out due to rage-switching or whatever. Most of the time, however, everyone expects the other two people to switch.

There ought to be a plugin that would allow for vote class-limits, which would kick all but the top 2 scorers for the class (I know the limitations/faults with this selection, but most of the time it is the apt choice). I realize there is no way for a server to kick someone out of a class, but what does Team Scramble do? I think it can work kind of like that, but instead of switching teams it just resets everyone's selection and keeps those who need to switch on the class selection screen.

I say again: There are some disadvantages to class limitations, but it isn't the Holocaust of Fun as some people are making it out to be. Perhaps a vote could be made in the opposite direction: Vote to turn it off. Then again, that pretty much circumvents the issue we're trying to deal with.


Viaduct just doesn't tickle my pickle. Seems to turn into a demo spam fest of grenades being shot from the hills going up to the point and huntsman snipers to boot. Nucleus is good fun for it though, at least for me. Sawmill is a second fav for KOTH as well.

And please, class restrictions for snipers at least. I know I play sniper a lot, but I can hold my own on it. Kinda sucks to join turbine and want to play sniper, then get yelled at cause there are already 4 of them. I'll always go engie or whatever if thats the case, but there shouldn't be 4 snipers there to begin with crowding the doors.

but as with viaduct's snow, sawmill's rain is real fps killer

and yeah koth i dont like as it is but koth sawmill is by far the worst of the 3, with nucleus being the best imo

For those with framerate issues due to weather effects and other particle systems, check out this thread

Nucleus is terrible. Snipers can hide in the spawn room and still snipe fairly well. The spawn doors are too exposed and the primary exit is too easy to camp due to the opaque door.

also class limits would only be imposed on sniper, and maybe spy, so engineer games wouldn't be affected. I honestly can't think of any scenario where more than 2 snipers would be credit to team. 2fort would be excluded from this.

And yeah, I'd love to see a bit of arena in the rotation. I don't think one or two maps with a 10 minute duration would be an issue, but I leave that up for debate.


You're never gonna please the crowd with arena. There are just too many players that think that any kind of wait time is horrible and they leave or whine. I personally like it cause it demands that you have some kind of ability and I played Rocket Arena 2 for years in the quake 2 days.

When I started playing TF2 I only played arena and I wasn't very good, so I'd love to go back and play it again on a server that isn't shit

Y'know, I'll start nominating arena maps when I'm on, cause there are a few folk like us who actually enjoy playing it. I would like to hear more people who are vocal about arena. :D

Although I do think some of the arena maps make much better KOTH maps. Nucleus and Sawmill both stand out to me.

For those with framerate issues due to weather effects and other particle systems, check out this thread

Whoa. Awesome. Thank you!

Nucleus is terrible. Snipers can hide in the spawn room and still snipe fairly well. The spawn doors are too exposed and the primary exit is too easy to camp due to the opaque door.

This map almost always comes down to which team can camp the others' spawn more effectively. And yes, snipers never have any motivation to help cap the point, because they can sit uncontested in spawn. Any map with a direct line of sight from one spawn to another, is pretty foolish.

And yeah, I'd love to see a bit of arena in the rotation. I don't think one or two maps with a 10 minute duration would be an issue, but I leave that up for debate.

arena on rotations empty servers just like customs on rotations empty servers

dont do it

i do, though, think that arena is a MUCH better gametype than koth but at the same time id much rather be on a server that actually has players

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