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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I think tonight was the first time I stopped playing because of the trash in the server.

4 or so users just. . ugh

Sucks when there's no one online to keep it clean.

Rambo came and fixed it right after you left btw.Also seriously why the fuck is yukon still on the rotation. That map barely gets one round before it gets rtved.


Hate to be a little late to the party, haven't checked the forums in a while. However, I personally love both sawmill and viaduct, not so much ctf_sawmill... but the map itself is fantastic. Viaduct is one of my favorite maps on the rotation right now, although I don't seem to know why.

Yeah, there's a few of us who hate it.

Off the top of my head: myself, Brushfire, and I think Garian (or was Garian the one who liked it?)

Also, viaduct has some problems on slower computers... as does glacier. Perhaps we could kill two birds with one stone and replace both with koth_sawmill? Or do you not like koth_sawmill?

the map itself is fantastic.

if youre talking about sawmill, why

o wow pretty nighttime rain

there is SO MUCH empty space not used for anything in both ctf and koth

in ctf the intel rooms are so incredibly small defending them is way too easy, not to mention they are RIGHT next to the spawn room


Not to mention the vanishing sawblades. Or am I the only one who has that problem?

Also, don't hesitate to add me or any of the other admins as friends on steam. I'm sure any of us would be happy to help if there's a need for an admin.

also remember that there is voteban. :<


Every once in a while things get screwed up and you can't see shit properly. It seems like most of us know how to record a demo and stop it to reset certain video problems.

But I've been playing with scripting, and there is a super simple way to do so with the push of a button.

bind "YOURKEYHERE" "+refresh"

alias +refresh "record demo"

alias -refresh "stop demo"

You do actually have to hold the button down for a moment, but when you let go, all should be fine!

Not to mention the vanishing sawblades. Or am I the only one who has that problem?

Also, don't hesitate to add me or any of the other admins as friends on steam. I'm sure any of us would be happy to help if there's a need for an admin.

also remember that there is voteban. :<

Luckily the commands are fixed now. A few days ago they weren't working so we had to deal with all the trolls and angry leprechauns.

if youre talking about sawmill, why

o wow pretty nighttime rain

there is SO MUCH empty space not used for anything in both ctf and koth

in ctf the intel rooms are so incredibly small defending them is way too easy, not to mention they are RIGHT next to the spawn room

Yeah I really hate that the two corner areas with water are pretty much useless other than to hide a teleporter

Yeah I really hate that the two corner areas with water are pretty much useless other than to hide a teleporter

Depending on which version of the map, those areas are great for the jumping classes as well. And spies can use them as easy escape and heal points. Just because they are dead ends doesn't make them useless. That's what makes them advantageous.

Every once in a while things get screwed up and you can't see shit properly. It seems like most of us know how to record a demo and stop it to reset certain video problems.

But I've been playing with scripting, and there is a super simple way to do so with the push of a button.

You do actually have to hold the button down for a moment, but when you let go, all should be fine!

the vanishing sawblades are not part of this problem

So when's that spy/sniper limit happening. I'm really sick of being the only person on my team with over 125hp.

There is a lot of resistance to this idea on the server itself. I might turn this on over the weekend and see how things go though.


I finally got around to updating the download mirror URL on the server. If you have problems downloading custom maps/sounds, let me know.

P.S. While we're limiting Spy and Sniper, are we also going to limit Scouts too? You know, the third class that's useless in great numbers?

I finally got around to updating the download mirror URL on the server. If you have problems downloading custom maps/sounds, let me know.

P.S. While we're limiting Spy and Sniper, are we also going to limit Scouts too? You know, the third class that's useless in great numbers?

I agree with this post.

P.S. While we're limiting Spy and Sniper, are we also going to limit Scouts too? You know, the third class that's useless in great numbers?

I imagine this will annoy me from time to time, but it's for the greater good.

To be honest, I'd be okay with instituting a global limit of 2, if it could be turned off per-map by vote. Keeps regular play minimally lame, still allows for shenanigans.


We start using class limits and see how long it takes for you to get frustrated cause some noob is taking up your precious slot.

We've been through this before. But clefairy's idea is a good compromise.

We start using class limits and see how long it takes for you to get frustrated cause some noob is taking up your precious slot.

We've been through this before. But clefairy's idea is a good compromise.

Thanks. :P

Also, if you can't play your class of choice, play a different one! I personally recommend the FLYING DEMOMAN; crit-bottling snipers in the face is tons of fun.

Also, if you're at least decent with the huntsman, you will annihilate with pipes. The trajectory is very similar at short to medium range, but the hitboxes are even more retarded.

Re: options.

Pubs will do what they want to do about 60-70% of the time, depending on who you ask. If you aren't tactful about it(and let's face it, tact is just about a lost art on the internet), they will quickly come to see you as one of those domineering, hyper-competitive types who ruin the fun for everyone else.

I don't want to play somewhere else. I like this server, playing with this community. The random drifters, I could take them or leave them. But, for reasons I honestly find impenetrable, people prefer a full game to goofing off with their friends.

Okay, not friends. Internet acquaintances. :razz: Everyone draws the line somewhere different.

Switching teams... ehh, I guess. But sometimes that's not an option, it makes me personally feel like a turncoat, and I guess I've just become accustomed to leading one team into the abyss of humiliation.

Nothing perks up your day like "YOU FAILED!!" do-do, do do do do, do.....

EDIT: Damn. Just.... yeah. Damn.

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