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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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You guys are like a butch lesbain couple: All of the bitching, none of the sex.

/tear @ lack-o'-sex

@ Dhsu: I know what you mean. I've recently started playing some servers with a few other people (I'm sorry, I'm stopping, I swear I'm coming back!) and I've come to the conclusion that the Internet is a harsh place.

Seriously, people are assholes. I'm glad that the OCR server is up and that I'm welcome there...'cause it's like Mayberry compared to the Chinatown of the other servers.

(Wooh, obscure movies and TV show references!)

Holy crap, ducky joined other forums!!

I was actually there first. Been there for a while now.

Like I said, I only joined here because of the server. This thread is enough to scare me away from the others.

Other servers suck. I joined a random one while steel was up, head shot an entire team (I was playing defense), and half of them rage quit, yelling at me about hacks. Of course, it wasn't the fact then when they got to the cart, they crouched down to avoid me, but to the sides, so I had a wide open shot.

Every time.

Spy+Uber+Demoman/Pyro = bye sentries


hes talking about if your team is full of scouts then youre screwed

which is true

except last night sentries were not a problem


Hey, just want to make something clear:

If you're gonna play on this server, leave your attitude at the door please. It's okay to be frustrated, but it's not okay to start trash-talking and shit-talking your own teammates. I had a guy (colin) tell me that I "cost us the whole game" when I accidentally messed up his chances of doing a ninja cap on dustbowl.

We won the round less than two minutes later.

Newsflash: the game is called Team Fortress 2. Just because you die doesn't mean the whole team's gonna lose the game.

Same guy said to someone else (his own teammate) later that night "Hey, do me a favor and stop sucking dick."

Sorry, there's no place for that on this server. I was a big advocate of OCR getting its own server so I could have fun without having to deal with assholes. If I see or hear shit like that again, expect to get kicked off the server. There are plenty of people who are always trying to get onto the server that have no problem just having fun.



Actually seems like if theres not a few people from here on a team, teamwork on the OCR server sucks ass. That's why you can't get an uber to save your life to help out on sentry kills.


well now that the backburner health is gone many pyros are going back to the old flamethrower which is gonna make uber sentry kills a ton harder to pull off

Yeah it's all just too much bullshit and no one will even let me play without constantly riding me about every stupid thing i do that's 100% outside of my control so i'll just ifnd other servers
This reminds me of that colin guy.

That guy was an asshole :3

Haha, how are you friends with him again?

Yeah, I really don't know. It just kinda happened... we all know each other up in Canada right?

But yeah, he is an asshole. And I always tell him to STFU when he starts trash talking in games. Every game. The problem is he's really smart... just not people smart, so he's hard to argue with. When he doesn't shut up I just team switch and own him. I'll warn him again not to be a dick though. If he persists, I wouldn't much care if he was banned. lol

Better that than giving canadians a bad rep!

Also... get your ass on TF2 tonight Dhsu!

Spy+Uber+Demoman/Pyro = bye sentries


Except that nobody ever does this. You can set up a smartly placed sentry and a dispenser right around the edge of the grain silo on the second point, first stage of dustbowl and dominate an entire team. And by chance it does get destroyed, your dispenser is still there to help you build another. The only real problem are spies, and usually a friendly pyro or engie critwrench takes care of those (or they let themselves be known by taking out the snipers that are usually around in the back).

Yeah, I really don't know. It just kinda happened... we all know each other up in Canada right?

But yeah, he is an asshole. And I always tell him to STFU when he starts trash talking in games. Every game. The problem is he's really smart... just not people smart, so he's hard to argue with. When he doesn't shut up I just team switch and own him. I'll warn him again not to be a dick though. If he persists, I wouldn't much care if he was banned. lol

Better that than giving canadians a bad rep!

Also... get your ass on TF2 tonight Dhsu!

so what actually is the crazy canadian tf2 party irl friend group anyways ive been trying to figure it out!

Except that nobody ever does this. You can set up a smartly placed sentry and a dispenser right around the edge of the grain silo on the second point, first stage of dustbowl and dominate an entire team. And by chance it does get destroyed, your dispenser is still there to help you build another. The only real problem are spies, and usually a friendly pyro or engie critwrench takes care of those (or they let themselves be known by taking out the snipers that are usually around in the back).

A spy taking out a Sniper when there's a perfectly good sentry to gank?!

And they call themselves spies?!


Actually, I do stuff like that if (and this is a big if) I think the Sniper is out of the sentry's range or the sentry is too well guarded for me to reach it (yes, this means that it'll probably kill me before I can recloak).

P.S. Despite playing Spy a lot lately, I still have 3 more hours clocked as Medic at this time. So, when people say "We need more medics" I'm loathe to switch to Medic because it doesn't really interest me that much, even though I'm (IMHO) good at it.

P.S. Despite playing Spy a lot lately, I still have 3 more hours clocked as Medic at this time. So, when people say "We need more medics" I'm loathe to switch to Medic because it doesn't really interest me that much, even though I'm (IMHO) good at it.

Yeah, I used to medic a lot back in the day. It really is a thankless job these days, and its made even worse with the abundance of Pyros.

Its still a great rush to steamroll an entire team with a good heavy or soldier though.


I generally play soldier & medic, and yeah, while I'm pretty good at them, it's only because I'm currently playing on a crappy computer. When I get back to school I'll probably play more of a variety of classes since I'd like to be more useful than at just two classes (even soldiering can get stale).

Edit: So I noticed that the rtv is activated via Mani Admin Mod - looking into it, I'm currently about to set it so that 35% is the minimum threshold in order to get a map change, and 33% of players typing rtv is the minimum threshold to start a rtv. 4 is still going to be the minimum # of players needed to activate a rtv, regardless of the 35%, but if 4 is less than 33% of the in game players, then 33% of the in game players is required.

Also currently, this is the vote map list for rtv:












Should I axe any from this list? Mani Admin Mod chooses from these maps randomly for rtv.

Lastly, anyone have radio streams to suggest for me to add for a radio plugin? I'm going to look into installing SourceMod radio soon for the server.

The problem is he's really smart... just not people smart, so he's hard to argue with.

trust me when I say he's not

I know exactly the type of person he is, and only Canada seems to have these idiots

Edit: Make the radio stream nothing but Beck.

I generally play soldier & medic, and yeah, while I'm pretty good at them, it's only because I'm currently playing on a crappy computer. When I get back to school I'll probably play more of a variety of classes since I'd like to be more useful than at just two classes (even soldiering can get stale).

Edit: So I noticed that the rtv is activated via Mani Admin Mod - looking into it, I'm currently about to set it so that 35% is the minimum threshold in order to get a map change, and 33% of players typing rtv is the minimum threshold to start a rtv. 4 is still going to be the minimum # of players needed to activate a rtv, regardless of the 35%, but if 4 is less than 33% of the in game players, then 33% of the in game players is required.

Also currently, this is the vote map list for rtv:












Should I axe any from this list? Mani Admin Mod chooses from these maps randomly for rtv.

Lastly, anyone have radio streams to suggest for me to add for a radio plugin? I'm going to look into installing SourceMod radio soon for the server.

It's sweet that we're getting radio, I saw that on another server and loved it. As for recommendations, definitely ormgas if it works, I know it streams differently than others.

As for rtv it'd be good to have a custom map or two, that way, even if it's not on the rotation, but if people really want to play them they can vote.

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