Bahamut Posted June 12, 2009 Author Posted June 12, 2009 most people learned in grade 4 that 'he started it' is a pretty bad excusebaha was sick that day So tell me then, how does it excuse your attitude problems? Thought so.
Bleck Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 uh I wouldn't know how it does since I never claimed that you started it see baha unlike you I am not a child
Bahamut Posted June 12, 2009 Author Posted June 12, 2009 uh I wouldn't know how it does since I never claimed that you started itsee baha unlike you I am not a child Again, you want to call me a child and yet you don't even want to start things off civil? Save the hypocrisy.
Bleck Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 [02:23] <Bleck> tiddlywink in the server trolling with teleporters [02:23] <Bleck> aaaand he's still not banned [02:25] <Hemophiliac> bleck [02:25] <Hemophiliac> how so? that was how it started and it was pretty civil with hemo and I until you got there
Nekofrog Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 actually one of the things i do remember is people bitching that his teleporters were going nowhere
Bahamut Posted June 12, 2009 Author Posted June 12, 2009 [02:23] <Bleck> tiddlywink in the server trolling with teleporters[02:23] <Bleck> aaaand he's still not banned [02:25] <Hemophiliac> bleck [02:25] <Hemophiliac> how so? that was how it started and it was pretty civil with hemo and I until you got there [01:23] <Bleck> tiddlywink in the server trolling with teleporters [01:23] <Bleck> aaaand he's still not banned [01:24] <atmuh> oh god playing kritz pyro [01:24] <atmuh> is so fun [01:25] <Hemophiliac> bleck [01:25] <Hemophiliac> how so? [01:25] <Hemophiliac> what is he doing with the teles? [01:25] <Bleck> making teleporters that go nowhere and then continuously screaming into his mic that we should take them??? [01:26] <Hemophiliac> is it micspam? [01:26] <atmuh> hemo you are dumb [01:26] <Bleck> it's micspam whenever tiddly speaks basically [01:26] <Hemophiliac> atmuh don't call me dumb, it's a legitmate question [01:27] <Hemophiliac> basically, how continuous is the "screaming"? [01:28] <Bleck> also wait a minute [01:28] <Bleck> I've been playing this game on this server [01:28] <Bleck> for over a year now [01:28] <Bleck> neko comes along plays for a month [01:28] <Bleck> and he is an admin??? Because that is the shining example of civil. Note that I didn't even say a word. You're full of shit, and continue on this path and you will earn a well-deserved 1 month ban.
Sensai Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 C'mon guys. Can't you see that this is what *mumble mumble* want us to do? It's tearing us apart! I don't think Tiddly's that bad, either. I mean, he talks a lot...but it's not terrible all the time. @ Brushfire: I sent you a PM a while back, I'mma assume that you got it. @ Secret Agent Man: Man, yesterday when Chadly's mouse ran outta hilarious. [Edit:] Shit, you guys post fast. Tiddly wasn't trolling with teleporters. He was just kinda exploring how to get up higher in a certain area in Fastlane. Our team was rolling, we didn't need his help anyways. I was the one bitching about the tele going nowhere, but I was just kidding around. I don't think anyone was actually upset about it (unless Bleck was, in which case I was incorrect).
Bleck Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 [02:29] <@Bahamut> I look for how people would act if given admin so wait the first time baha responds is when I someone insinuate that he gives admin to people willy nilly not when I bring up a complaint I'm going to assume that had I not made the circlejerk remark, this would have gone ignored like every other time anyone has complained about tiddlywink ban me from your server baha, it doesn't really matter if it's just going to be an unpleasant experience because the admins don't feel like doing their job edit: goodbye sensai I'll miss you
Sensai Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 lol, Bleck. I'll miss you too, although there's no need to ban anyone. You guys just need to calm down. Damn. Things escalate pretty crazy here, huh?
Bleck Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Tiddly wasn't trolling with teleporters. He was just kinda exploring how to get up higher in a certain area in Fastlane. Our team was rolling, we didn't need his help anyways. if that's the case then fine, there was no need to take action but at this point my problem is more that there was little if any movement to actually take action at all, whether it was kicking him which by this point should be default due to numerous offenses, or even just going in to ask people what is up hemo was too busy asking baha what to do and baha was too busy admonishing me for daring to imply that -gasp- there is favoritism on OCR
Dhsu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Tiddlywink says stupid stuff and talks a lot and normally I don't mind people like that, but he does have a really annoying voice. That's what mute menus are for though.
Bleck Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 dhsu the mute menu thing is a moot point because then logically there is no reason to complain about any mic thing at all, whether it be people with bad mics or people playing music
Vivi22 Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Yeah, I too dont get the people that join, then after talking shit about the other team, say "Is alltalk on duuuuuuuuuuur", then leave. Way to read the server name. I don't get the leaving thing either, but then I'll stay on a server so long as the people are cool and the team aren't horribly unbalanced. I can definitely see how someone might not read the server name though. If I'm looking for a random server to play on the only things I look at are map, player count, and ping. Most server names are pretty pointless to be honest. The only time I'll ever look at it is if I like the server and want to favourite it.
Kiyobi Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 dhsu the mute menu thing is a moot point because then logically there is no reason to complain about any mic thing at all, whether it be people with bad mics or people playing music I had a logical comeback to this but I'm failing to piece it together in words. It's almost 4:00 here. I need sleep. It went something along the lines of "what kind of logic you running if you don't wanna mute the people who annoy you?" In an unrelated note, how is my score quite a bit higher than Vivi, yet Vivi has a significantly better KDR?
Secret Agent Man Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Looks like I'm in the minority when it comes to the alltalk/teamtalk idea. Sure, I could go to another server, but I hate it whenever that's suggested. I greatly enjoy playing with the people that frequent this server, and whenever someone suggests "just go to another server with the rules you like" it's like "great, but that means I won't get to play with you guys." I also enjoy alltalk a great deal (makes for great pokémon battles), but I also enjoy being credit to team every now and again. It is frustrating not being able to effectively use voice communication just because the other team can see cloaked spies talk. That said, teamtalk won't magically make the game Serious Business, as many are implying. It would simply be nice to pass along private information to the rest of one's team without having to resort to the U button instead (talking is much faster than typing). In the end, I think it'd be great to have the best of both worlds and have that alltalk/teamtalk plugin installed and working properly. That's what mute menus are for though. The problem comes about when server admins confuse player mute with server-wide player mute.
EdgeCrusher Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Looks like I missed all the fun last night. Everyone knows Im not the biggest fan of Tiddly. Mainly cause hes a pushy bastard that likes to plug his maps, that never seem to have working doors Yeah, he has an annoying voice. But if I'm on, and he's on one of his little triads that he likes to go on so much where he yells at people what to do or yells at people for not voting for his maps, I mute him. There's no reason for him to go all aspergers on us and hog the mic.
Vivi22 Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 In an unrelated note, how is my score quite a bit higher than Vivi, yet Vivi has a significantly better KDR? I'm at work so I can't check our stats, but I'd say you've either played on the server longer than I have in total, play medic a lot, or spend a lot less time getting killed by people with low scores than I do. Seems that with half of my deaths I'll drop 20 points. I tend to come out ahead though by killing people with much higher scores than me, plus all of the little points you get for assists, healing, caps, etc. Just not as far ahead as if I stopped losing a lot of points so often.
Brushfire Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Wow I leave the internet for two days, and everyone is tying to kill each other. I miss civility. u__u
Zephyr Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Haha, people take games way to seriously these days anyways... Did anyone take a second look around for plugins that allow both teamtalk and alltalk at the same time? I think we tried that but it didn't work, if we could get that to work it would solve all our problems.
SirChadlyOC Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Let's go back to talking about something that doesn't cause rage or arguments. Remember that time when my wireless mouse ran out of batteries while I was trying to snipe people? And somehow my m1 was sticking so I switched to melee and tried to defend the point from a heavy/medic? This story would be much better if I won. Err, in fact, uhhh, I did win. That's what makes this story so awesome. The tale of how a mouseless sniper defeated an entire blu team trying to cap the point. Awesome.
Bahamut Posted June 12, 2009 Author Posted June 12, 2009 if that's the case then fine, there was no need to take actionbut at this point my problem is more that there was little if any movement to actually take action at all, whether it was kicking him which by this point should be default due to numerous offenses, or even just going in to ask people what is up hemo was too busy asking baha what to do and baha was too busy admonishing me for daring to imply that -gasp- there is favoritism on OCR I told hemo what to do - I actually expected him to be on much sooner though. I was just sick of your piss poor attitude. If you have a problem, then don't go about going aggressive about it trying to start shit up. One thing I don't do is ban on one person's word unless I can confirm it since bans are heavyhanded tools, and from what garian told me, it wasn't like what you claimed at all & he has proven trustworthy with other server incidents about assessing things. When I was trying to go through things with you, you were more interested in demonizing me or things I said than hearing what I had to say with a clear mind or reasonably just because they didn't agree with your assessment. After I thought it was resolved by pointing out that garian said different, and Dhsu confirms what garian told me with his post, you instead just decided to vent frustration and then take it out on me. Again, you're more than welcome back in the channel if you calm down, but for the future you need some anger management - it is more than possible to communicate a problem while angry without sounding like a douche. Haha, people take games way to seriously these days anyways...Did anyone take a second look around for plugins that allow both teamtalk and alltalk at the same time? I think we tried that but it didn't work, if we could get that to work it would solve all our problems. I'm going to look into it again soon, after signing a lease for my new place I'm hoping to stay for the rest of my grad school career . Edit: Done - check the first post for details. The plugin is confirmed to be working!
Bleck Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 After I thought it was resolved by pointing out that garian said different [02:48] <@Bahamut> garian doesn't want to do it because tiddly might take it personally again 01[02:48] <Bleck> aaaand your point is [02:49] <@Bahamut> ... [02:49] <@Bahamut> can you read? this is not 'garian said different' this is 'garian doesn't want to do anything' if you can't see how I might interpret 'garian doesn't want to do it because tiddly might take it personally again' as 'garian doesn't want to do it because tiddly might take it personally again' then I think you need to re-evaluate how intelligent you think you are
Bahamut Posted June 12, 2009 Author Posted June 12, 2009 I said something earlier about that: [01:36] <@Bahamut> garian claims that he wasn't yelling at people to take the tele [01:36] <Bleck> siiiiiigh [01:36] <Bleck> whatever
Bleck Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 yes but that was only after you made it seem (regardless of your intent) to me that nothing was going to be done simply because garian didn't care I am just trying to make it clear why I got angry here
Sensai Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Err, in fact, uhhh, I did win. That's what makes this story so awesome. The tale of how a mouseless sniper defeated an entire blu team trying to cap the point. Awesome.*in a totally Princess Bride type manner* Liar! LIAAAAAAR!@ Kiyobi: You probably play more Medic than him. Medics don't often kill things but they get 4 points per assist. [Edit:] The first post may have something about the new plugin allowing teamtalk/alltalk, but if it doesn't, how does one bind a key for this? Is it just tilda to open the console, 'bind v teamtalk' (assuming I want V to be teamtalk)? [Edit 2:] Ack! The first post gives details about all that, sorry. So, teamtalk is the default now? [Edit 3:] Seems like the plugin isn't working, unless, of course, after binding you need to restart TF2. I keep getting this in console: Unknown command: +voiceall Unknown command: -voiceall
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