Bleck Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 yeah but on the other hand having four or five engineers is the only conceivable way to actually defend dustbowl 2-2, assuming the BLUs have a clue what they are doing
Tensei Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 I think engineers are a critical problem on hydro. Seeing as you only have to focus on defending a SINGLE point, it's really easy for mass engie overkill to succesfully defend it from all but the best coordinated teams. This is different from Capture Point maps like dustbowl, because the roles there are at least clearly defined, so blue will always be attacking with it's entire team rather than having to worry about defending their own point as well. It's also different from Control Point maps like Granary, because the 'frontline' will generally be very dynamic due to the multiple CPs so it's rare that an engie will be able to set up any permanent position. I think the addition of a central control point to each of the 'sub-maps' of Hydro would force engies to move around rather than turtle. Outright banning the use of engies on TC maps would help too I guess. In fact, wouldn't it be possible to test out hydro with a class limit on engies?
Bahamut Posted June 13, 2009 Author Posted June 13, 2009 I could technically put a class limit on engies for hydro - do people want that?
BardicKnowledge Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 I'm on the fence, but it would certainly help prevent the Hydro "always draw" syndrome.
EdgeCrusher Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 Id be ok with an engie limit on hydro and turbine actually. Hell, put one on all maps if you want to. Anything over 3 is excessive, especially on dustbowl.
duckyboycantfly Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 I could technically put a class limit on engies for hydro - do people want that? No. This game really is incredibly balanced. Too many engineers. A run with a half decent spy and and uber with a demo (hell, just regular fucking demo/soldierspam can take out half of 'em) should be able to at least cripple them. If you bitch about coordinating pubs, that is compley wrong, since all it should take 3-4 people (and we usually have 3-4 regulars per team, at least) to take down 3-4 sentries. And I agree completely with bleck. Sentry farming is necessary on dustbowl, since a single uber could easily wipe out 1-2 sentries. Just think how many times blu one with just a single uber + push, even when you did have 4-5 engies (that is a lot btw). The trick is to aim for the dispensors. If you aim for the sentries, then you are stupid and deserve to lose.
bonzai! Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 disencourages lawl also, i'll try and upload a few of the screenshots from our pipeline adventures and link them here for ya!
Sensai Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 Oh wow. Discourage. Discourage, discourage discourage. ...I fail at English.
SirChadlyOC Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 Late to the party, but I don't think any plugin is worth abandoning the freedom to mute players. Besides myself being one of the players most needed to be muted, I also know of many other people and instances that warrant frequent mutes. It's too bad because the team-talk button is a cool idea, but this is a fatal flaw. Having a team-talk day would be a better option, IMO, but I appreciate all the work and discussion that went into this issue.
Sensai Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 Feels like every other post is me, but... Did the plugin break or something? It either isn't working (and giving me shit about how 'voiceall' isn't a command or something) or my game/computer has decided to rebel and is limiting my ability to talk to the outside world. ...or, y'know, my team.
Bahamut Posted June 14, 2009 Author Posted June 14, 2009 Nah, I disabled it since most people seemed to think it wasn't worth losing the ability to client-side mute.
Brushfire Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 Ok, so in an hour and a half, I begin my 17 hour journey to Dallas. Also, if anyone wants to mute me in game, feel free. I do know that I can get a bit annoying with my gibberish screaming when I am ubered. Or Ubering. Or seeing someone get Ubered. Or running away from an ubered enemy. Oh well. Catch ya'll in a few d00ds.
Bleck Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 if anyone ever tried to mute brushfire I would hunt them down and kill them with a ceramic toilet tied to a chain
Brushfire Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 I am currently in a Yahoo! Internet cafe in Narita international airport. In just 2 hours I will on my plane to Los Angeles. Good times. Patches are in a duffel bag that is currently being shipped to my Grandparents house. Once it arrives They will be sent out, Also Zeph!! What is the status of the flag Zeph!! What is the status of the flag raw d00d?
piendry Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Meatball! and meatball? Wish is too pleased with himself..... Lol bonzai
Bahamut Posted June 15, 2009 Author Posted June 15, 2009 Wait...who is Piendry? Is that kamikaze? Nice pics!
Vivi22 Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 No. This game really is incredibly balanced. Too many engineers. A run with a half decent spy and and uber with a demo (hell, just regular fucking demo/soldierspam can take out half of 'em) should be able to at least cripple them.If you bitch about coordinating pubs, that is compley wrong, since all it should take 3-4 people (and we usually have 3-4 regulars per team, at least) to take down 3-4 sentries. And I agree completely with bleck. Sentry farming is necessary on dustbowl, since a single uber could easily wipe out 1-2 sentries. Just think how many times blu one with just a single uber + push, even when you did have 4-5 engies (that is a lot btw). The trick is to aim for the dispensors. If you aim for the sentries, then you are stupid and deserve to lose. I have to agree with all of this. Not to mention that the Huntsman is also an effective counter for sentries now. Two full charge arrows usually takes out a level 3, so as long as you can stay out of range or have a medic healing you you can make short work of engineers and their sentries. Throw a soldier or demoman into the mix and no amount of engineers are safe.
piendry Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Wait...who is Piendry? Is that kamikaze? Yes Baha, it's me, your friendly neighborhood pyro, kamikaze!
Lyrai Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 God that was the most hilarious round of TF2 I've ever played. "Hey guys, we should do Engineer, Melee only" "No, Medic, melee only" "OKAY"
duckyboycantfly Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Yes Baha, it's me, your friendly neighborhood pyro, kamikaze! hey baby whats good. u know i'm good at math and u + i = 69 so pick u up around 9ish??
Powerlord Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Huh, the Source SDK has a new version that, for whatever reason, contains the source to 10 TF2 maps: arena_lumberyard arena_ravine cp_badlands cp_dustbowl cp_granary cp_gravelpit ctf_2fort pl_badwater pl_goldrush tc_hydro Granted, most of these have decompiled versions, but those won't be necessary any more. No Well though. Aw, I wanted to make a pl_well.
bonzai! Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Sensai, Rambo and I were testing the limits of the first part of the plr_pipeline map in some random server the other day. And we got to 2 different places you're probably not supposed to be. On the roof. Got some engies up there. Abyss, Black Waltz, and Tiddlywink joined us eventually. Tiddlywink sapped everything on the roof D: Some moooore
bonzai! Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 The second place at pipeline we ended up was behind the fence by the red cart cap point. [MOON]Sensai It's kinda hard to see, but there's a blue demo running around behind that fence, on the left side... Um um um, we got a red bonked scout, a blue medic and a blue demo over. Andddd eventually a little engie base got set up. Rambo chilling out on the roof while Sensai explains to some n00bs how a medic and a scout ended up over here.
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