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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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stop liking toyfort. it is terrible

also your facebook picture makes you look fat and scary.

ahahaha your myspace is hilarious

things just never seem to work out the way i want it to i guess i just don't deserve it


that might have taken it too far but yeah

(do you get what i am doing here i am using a logical fallacy ironically)

Seriously? Seriously? What is this, 3rd grade? I hope you get banned for being such an idiot.

I was actually going to suggest lowering them, particularly the High Dynamic Range setting.

Still, if all else fails, upgrading the drivers couldn't hurt.

AMD considers all the xWhatever cards to be "legacy" now. They have driver pages for Legacy products for XP 32-bit, XP 64-bit, XP Media Center, Vista 32-bit, and Vista 64-bit. These drivers were all updated earlier this week.

Aaaah I was doin' it wrong. This worked. Thanks!! :D

stop liking toyfort. it is terrible

also your facebook picture makes you look fat and scary.

ahahaha your myspace is hilarious

things just never seem to work out the way i want it to i guess i just don't deserve it


that might have taken it too far but yeah

(do you get what i am doing here i am using a logical fallacy ironically)

Please stop trolling.




(and this, to make sure that the caps stay)


So I was scanning through the comments on a dead ringer post at Ubercharged.net, and I came across this interesting little fact:

As of yet, I have still seen no one mention something that I realized the day I picked it up: use a friendly disguise with the Dead Ringer. When you do this, it throws out a corpse of that class, not a spy corpse. An example: I’m on RED and disguise as a RED Soldier. If I activate the Dead Ringer before taking any damage (a better strategy is to take a few hits first), I will throw out a RED Soldier corpse. This doesn’t even give people the inkling that a spy is nearby.

Go forth, and sow greater seeds of backstabby goodness.

Can anyone confirm/deny that this works? Usually I'm a C&D kind of spy, but if this is the case then the dead ringer just got a whole new level of capabilities...

So I was scanning through the comments on a dead ringer post at Ubercharged.net, and I came across this interesting little fact:

Can anyone confirm/deny that this works? Usually I'm a C&D kind of spy, but if this is the case then the dead ringer just got a whole new level of capabilities...

I heard that a while back and I've just been assuming that's how it works.

If I am trying it, usually I try to get headshotted as soon as the gates open... since headshots are instant kills, the enemies expect me to die... :)

Oh, something else that I don't usually see mentioned: Dead Ringer spies, while cloaked, don't have the colored outline if you bump into them... or if they do, it's a lot more subtle than the Invisibility Watch or Cloak and Dagger coloration.


Yes, Sporknight, that works. The problem, like the guy outlines, is that most people are really bad at faking the death. If I see a Soldier that dies after shoot him from a mile away with a scattergun, I'm going to know it's BS ('cause if he had that low of health, why wasn't he retreating?). Not to mention the fact that, and I think this is right, Valve still hasn't fixed the whole 'corpses explode randomly' type thing.

And, finally...you're still going to make a hella loud sound when you uncloak. No way around that.


On top of that, a few friends of mine have been picking up how to distinguish a DR death from a real death.

Not just from how unnatural it is, but how the ragdoll acts when it dies.

So, I kinda fear the DR's power is shrinking a bit.

On top of that, a few friends of mine have been picking up how to distinguish a DR death from a real death.

Not just from how unnatural it is, but how the ragdoll acts when it dies.

So, I kinda fear the DR's power is shrinking a bit.

Hmm, yes, that could be a problem...

Generally, I only have the DR equipped when I think I'm going to get hit by an instant kill (headshot or backstab) or when I'm taking a lot of damage... having someone be able to tell with 100% accuracy when it's a fake death would be... inconvenient.


I've been trying to get good at the friendly disguise tactic for a while now, but I just never remember to re-disguise as an enemy after dying, so I end up getting killed by a sentry or something. And then everyone laughs at how much of a noob I am. :[

As for the noise, you shouldn't be uncloaking next to people in the first place. DR spies should be relying on stealth first, their disguises second, and cloak only as a last resort to get to a place where they can disguise again. The main hurdle is getting behind enemy lines in the first place since you can't cloak manually, so using a friendly disguise is just a good way to activate the cloak. Taking falling damage is also an option - it has the advantage of not needing to worry about making the death convincing (due to the enemy wondering either why you're not firing your weapon at all or why you died so easily), but has the disadvantage of being a bit location-dependent.

I've been trying to get good at the friendly disguise tactic for a while now, but I just never remember to re-disguise as an enemy after dying, so I end up getting killed by a sentry or something. And then everyone laughs at how much of a noob I am. :[

I've gotten into the habit of hitting B as soon as I kill someone if I'm not actively trying to do multiple backstabs. Sometimes I'll do it anyway if I don't think anyone's behind me.

As for the noise, you shouldn't be uncloaking next to people in the first place. DR spies should be relying on their disguises, and cloak only as a last resort to get to place they can disguise again. The main hurdle is getting behind enemy lines since you can't cloak manually, so using a friendly disguise is just a good way to activate the cloak. Taking falling damage is also an option - it has the advantage of not needing to worry about making the death convincing (due to the enemy wondering either why you're not firing your weapon at all or why you died so easily), but has the disadvantage of being a bit location-dependent.

Sometimes you don't have a choice when to decloak. It's not as bad now that you can collect ammo to refill the Dead Ringer cloak meter, though.


Well you're not trying to kill anyone if you're using a friendly disguise, and getting killed/cloaking usually doesn't trigger your disguising reflex. Even if it does, hitting B will go back to the friendly disguise. You have to manually pick an enemy disguise while cloaked, which is hard to remember for me since I've gotten so into the habit of just hitting B. :P

Well you're not trying to kill anyone if you're using a friendly disguise, and getting killed/cloaking usually doesn't trigger your disguising reflex. Even if it does, hitting B will go back to the friendly disguise. You have to manually pick an enemy disguise while cloaked, which is hard to remember for me since I've gotten so into the habit of just hitting B. :P

Oh right... I change disguises after getting "killed" the first time, or somewhere out of the way if I manage to make it past the enemies front line. For instance, at the very beginning of Badwater as a BLU Spy, if I make it back to near point A, I'll open the disguise kit and switch.

Taking the road less traveled helps for that.

I'm pretty quick at switching to an enemy disguise as long as I don't stop to think of what I should disguise as.

I'm pretty quick at switching to an enemy disguise as long as I don't stop to think of what I should disguise as.
Pyro. Always. :-D

And the noise goes beyond 'well, I'm not right next to someone I should be fine.' That's the normal watch or the C/D. The DR is like 'well, I'm not in a half mile of someone, I should be fine.'

Seriously, that thing is loud.


Still no internet :(

Hopefully, it will be fixed tomorrow though. The guy said that they would be by, and I quote, "Between eight a.m. and six p.m." Thank you for being specific :P

Also, with any luck, I should be getting a new laptop soon. One capable of running TF2. That way, I'd be able to play when I'm out of town, and on Monday/Tuesday nights too (I'm typically away from my home computer then, and on my crappy laptop).

I also have two cents about the blutsauger/needle gun debate. I believe that people do act differently when using the blutsauger, when facing pyros. The standard medic response to a pyro of backpedaling and needling him is basically a gamble; you regain health from hitting the pyro, but are losing it because you are on fire and possibly still being flamed. Without the temptation to gamble because you can gain health, the medic without the blutsauger, if he is smart (unless he knows that the pyro is almost dead already) will run away. Medics, you are faster than pyros when facing forward, backpedaling you are slower. If you aren't too close to the pyro, and he isn't using the backburner, it's nearly always best to turn away from him and to run for a while. Then you can turn around and if he's still following you, give him a dose of medicine*. Too often, I see medics NOT run away and burn to their deaths when they could have escaped. It's something I'm guilty of, too :P

So, consider this a vote for vanilla days, too.

*This medicine is most effective when applied as a suppository. Possible side effects may include constipation, lacerations, weight loss, impalement, sore throat, gaping wounds, headaches, spontaneous combustion, and loss of libido. Not valid for resale. Product is known to the state of California to cause cancer.

Pyro. Always. :-D

And the noise goes beyond 'well, I'm not right next to someone I should be fine.' That's the normal watch or the C/D. The DR is like 'well, I'm not in a half mile of someone, I should be fine.'

Seriously, that thing is loud.

I guess one thing I never figured out is whether friendly spies make that noise when they decloak too. If they do, people would probably just as soon ignore it if they can't see anyone at the moment.

I guess one thing I never figured out is whether friendly spies make that noise when they decloak too. If they do, people would probably just as soon ignore it if they can't see anyone at the moment.

I *think* they do hear it.

I'm fairly sure I've heard my own teammates comment about hearing it when I've decloaked.


I think that you hear friendly spies decloak as well, although I don't think people ignore it. People really hate spies and the majority of spies on the OCR server are actually pretty damn good; leaving a spy unchecked simply because it might be a friendly one is just a poor choice.


I love how anyone with an [ocr] tag can play entire songs over mic and no one complains, but when I play a single sound clip, everyone votebans me. It is irrelevant that I was the number one scorer that round and was a team player despite having never played the map before. DO... DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM? I'M KIND OF A BIG DEAL.

Looking past the fact that I administrate a server that encourages micspam, I find the fact that your low tolerance for cute cartoon noises is rather contradictory to your high tolerance for people with annoying voices that refuse to unpin their finger from the "talk" button throughout the round.

Just sayin'.

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