Sensai Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 koth_harvest, I imagine, will be pretty damn good. Consider me anxious to try it.
EdgeCrusher Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 Is there a way to perm mute someone clientside on my TF2 by their steam ID or anything? I never want to hear that annoying narwal/walrus whatever the kid's name is again.
Bahamut Posted August 23, 2009 Author Posted August 23, 2009 So how's this rotation for Tuesday? koth_viaduct cp_follower pl_badwater ctf_sawmill cp_steep koth_harvest pl_frontier cp_granary ctf_turbine plr_pipeline koth_waste cp_dustbowl pl_swiftwater
Clefairy Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 Is there a way to perm mute someone clientside on my TF2 by their steam ID or anything? I never want to hear that annoying narwal/walrus whatever the kid's name is again. Doesn't look like it. You could try blocking him through the Friends list, but that's mostly a wild guess on my part. In lieu of that, just keeping an eye on the chatbox works okay. For a while I would mute Tiddly as soon as he connected; IIRC it becomes an option as soon as they get to the motd, signified by their name popping up in green for HLstats. EDIT: Don't remember Swiftwater. Been a while since I ran through all the customs; at any rate, looks good to me.
EdgeCrusher Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 Oh, nice. I loved swift, even though a lot hated it. Can't wait to try it.
Powerlord Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 So how's this rotation for Tuesday?koth_viaduct cp_follower pl_badwater ctf_sawmill cp_steep koth_harvest pl_frontier cp_granary ctf_turbine plr_pipeline koth_waste cp_dustbowl pl_swiftwater Assuming you meant cp_steel where it says cp_steep, it looks OK.
Garian Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 the rtv plugin is absolutely effing retarded in it's current form. is there any way to force it to only change the map if the vote is >50%? I'm sick of being sent to maps because it was a 30% majority. Especially when we did a nextmap vote early on in the map.
Powerlord Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 the rtv plugin is absolutely effing retarded in it's current form. is there any way to force it to only change the map if the vote is >50%? I'm sick of being sent to maps because it was a 30% majority. Especially when we did a nextmap vote early on in the map. There is an option to toggle that, yes... but if you did that, then rtvs would almost always fail.
Clefairy Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 There is an option to toggle that, yes... but if you did that, then rtvs would almost always fail. Well, votes of any other kind almost always fail, so at least it'll be consistent.
DarkeSword Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 There is an option to toggle that, yes... but if you did that, then rtvs would almost always fail. Then let them fail. The majority of players should not be forced to join a map that a minority picks.
Powerlord Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 Then let them fail. The majority of players should not be forced to join a map that a minority picks. Except that a majority vote can really only occur when there's only two choices. An rtv will fail if the total number of votes cast are less than a specific percentage (65% I think), so as long as at least 2/3 of people cast a vote, the vote with the highest percentage wins. Remember, this is also after the majority has already chosen to do an rtv. Incidentally, this is somewhat like how politics works in countries that have more than two major political parties.
pavlvs Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 I think "Don't change" should be the first option on the rtv list, rather than the 7th.
Vivi22 Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 the rtv plugin is absolutely effing retarded in it's current form. is there any way to force it to only change the map if the vote is >50%? I'm sick of being sent to maps because it was a 30% majority. Especially when we did a nextmap vote early on in the map. I'd agree with this, except there are cases where a map is short enough to result in three or more rounds played. I don't know about you, but myself and most people tend to want a new map at around that point, and I wouldn't want to see an rtv fail when everyone's tired of a map and there's 7 minutes left.
Garian Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 I think "Don't change" should be the first option on the rtv list, rather than the 7th. a very very acceptable compromise!
Powerlord Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 a very very acceptable compromise! Except that there's no way short of editing the rtv plugin and recompiling it to do it. And this is a core plugin, so I don't even know if the source to the plugin is available.
Garian Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 all of the sourcepawn (*.sp) script files for the core plugins are available in the 'scripting' directory inside the sourcemod install. i was under the impression that the alliedmods guys were huge on open source so i was a little confused at your response also it looks like it'd be the mapchooser plugin that would have to be edited, the only thing that the rtv plugin does is catch "rtv" and "rockthevote" in the chat and initiates a vote. trying to figure out anything in sourcepawn scripts is kinda like shoving cats in my eyes though... I THINK i tracked it down to this function here: :\
EdgeCrusher Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 I agree with garian on the rtv set up. I myself would rather have it harder to rtv a map off, cause Im sick of joining the server, play for 2 minutes, and get sent to steel cause someone nominated it then rtv'd to it. Happens every time, usually with very few people voting for it.
duckyboycantfly Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 I agree with garian on the rtv set up. I myself would rather have it harder to rtv a map off, cause Im sick of joining the server, play for 2 minutes, and get sent to [enter shitty map here] cause someone nominated it then rtv'd to it. Happens every time, usually with very few people voting for it. I fixed it for you, since you shouldn't be complaining about going to steel.
atmuh Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 you should make rtv 5 maps 6 maps is too much and it will always be a 30% or so to win it also if enough people type rtv its because the map sucks and it should change seriously dont change shouldnt even be an option i think i disabled that
EdgeCrusher Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 Yes, cause everyone on the server obviously knows what a good map is. Lets just all play dustbowl/steel.
Clefairy Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 you shouldn't be complaining about going to steel. Last I checked, this was the Internet. We can complain about whatever the hell we want. Moving Don't Change to first slot sounds fine to me, but until someone figures out how precisely to implement that, I'll give my vote to reducing the rtv list by one or two. It's very rare that a map outside of the first three slots gets picked anyway, in my experience.
pavlvs Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 Good job garian, looks like all you'd have to do is move the "Don't change" if block above the one preceding it.
duckyboycantfly Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 also if enough people type rtv its because the map sucks p much this. what sucks is people nominate stupid maps (pacman, the one with the eagles that's fun to play as spy but still kind of a server killer, pacman) and then 4 trolls pick that map and they win
Clefairy Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 TF2 is 2 years old today. Woo! Assuming it's not forced, I'd like to request that party mode be enabled for this occasion. -- You know, I'm getting pretty tired of people ragging on customs. Sure, Valve is better at it, in most cases (Dustbowl is a series of chokepoints, chained together and occasionally alongside each other. Explain to me how this is good map design), but that's largely because their designers are highly-paid professionals, with the resources of a medium-sized private company to draw on. The people who bring you custom maps have none of that; unless stated otherwise, it's quite safe to assume they're working out of their own basement, doing it for love of the game. They're people with lives, just like everybody else: I sincerely doubt very many of them have enough time and money lying around to afford design school, let alone to hire beta testers. So it's left to us, the gaming public, to try these maps out and give the creator feedback. It's more work, sure, but we're rewarded for our efforts. At the end of the process we get a quality map that offers a significantly different experience, and we keep the game fresh just a little bit longer. Does it always work out that way? Of course not. But, think about where we'd be as a species if everyone who failed at something just stopped trying. Go ahead, I'll wait.
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