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I hate Pyros.

This is an understatement.

Although I wonder sometimes about people's claims about pyros being overpowered - the more I play demo, the more I'm finding how powerful pipe grenades are - they shoot so quickly, and wreck havoc so fast - faster than a soldier's rocket in closer range (i.e. 3 grenades killing a full life heavy). Pyros get raped by two quick pipe grenades as well, as well as being something pyros generally don't think of air blasting.


I'm pretty damn sure Pyros and Soldiers are the two most busted classes in the game. I think it's funny how Pyros went from the worst class (again, IMO) to the best class with that update...Soldiers have always been good.

Seriously, crit rockets suck. And in Arena, even more so. They're so fuckin' stupid.

And speaking of Arena, I gotta say that Snipers are the things that make me scared the most, next to Spies. If you're a good Sniper, or Spy, then that's a 1 hit kill on almost anybody...

But, anyways: crits are dumb. Discuss.


Crits are fine, IMO. They help even the playing field, for one thing, and they can break stalemates. A single good Demo or Soldier crit can turn the tide of battle and that's a GOOD thing. An uber or two is always a more surefire bet, but the fact that a SINGLE player can really turn things around is a very nice feature of the game.


Was coming to edit my post with my real thoughts, but I'll just respond now.

In truth, I think that crits are a good thing too. You're right in the fact that they add a little bit of uncertainty to the game, which is good (a la crits in RPGs or natural 20s, etc). The fact that Soldier's shoot crits about 20% of the time and said crits can kill just about anyone in a hit...that's silly. I know they're usually easy to avoid, but...seriously.

If the overall occurrence of crits went down, that'd be fine with me. If they completely disappeared, I'd probably miss them, truth be told.

That being said, I'd love for them to go away in Arena. Nor will I ever stop bitching about them, haha.


Isn't it true that the chance of crits substantially increases the better you play? Or more concretely I seem to recall it has something to do with the total amount of damage you've done and the number of times you've died, but I like the way how that works actually. (this would also explain the insane crit rate engies get with the wrench)

Isn't it true that the chance of crits substantially increases the better you play? Or more concretely I seem to recall it has something to do with the total amount of damage you've done and the number of times you've died, but I like the way how that works actually. (this would also explain the insane crit rate engies get with the wrench)

Y'know, I hear this every once in a while and I'm completely unsure how people came to this conclusion. Unless it's something that I just didn't read somewhere along the way...

Y'know, I hear this every once in a while and I'm completely unsure how people came to this conclusion. Unless it's something that I just didn't read somewhere along the way...

Found this, seems pretty genuine to me.


Oh and TF2wiki says something similar.


Critical hits are awarded based on random chance at the time the shot is fired, starting at 5% for most weapons. Melee weapons generally have a baseline chance of 10%. The amount of damage dealt by a player over the last 20 seconds can increase the crit chance, up to a maximum of 20% [2]. This "super-crit" period can be extended by continued killing.

crits are not generally a bad thing

the bad thing about crits and soldiers is that because the rockets have such a high damage output and they have such a long life expectancy they get more crits per shot than any other class in the game


I still don't really understand how this works. The Phase 3 test seems to be identical to the Phase 4 test. Am I misreading? In Phase 3, he said he shot 40 rounds into the glob of bots, then another 40 into the wall, but there was no difference in crit chance. In Phase 4, he says he fires 80 rounds into the glob of bots and crit nearly every time. What's the difference?


the difference is that for 40 rounds in phase 3 he is shooting into a wall

how many shots you take at a wall does not affect how much damage you have done

if every shot fired at a bot is one more piece of damage, then 40 bot shots + 40 wall shots = 40 damage

40 bot shots + 40 bot shots = 80 damage

more damage = more crits

Y'know, I hear this every once in a while and I'm completely unsure how people came to this conclusion. Unless it's something that I just didn't read somewhere along the way...

Valve's employees mention it in the Developer's Commentary. You should go listen to it sometime.


Oh, I almost forgot. My copy of TF2 was wigging out tonight. When I went to switch weapons, nearly 1/3 of the time, it would immediately switch back to the weapon I just had. Same with switching disguises as Spy.

Has anyone else run into this, and if so, how did you fix it? Maybe it's just lost packets between me and the server, although that should be reflected in the ping time.

Edit 2:

I've deleted my local TF2 files and am reinstalling from Steam.

the difference is that for 40 rounds in phase 3 he is shooting into a wall

how many shots you take at a wall does not affect how much damage you have done

if every shot fired at a bot is one more piece of damage, then 40 bot shots + 40 wall shots = 40 damage

40 bot shots + 40 bot shots = 80 damage

more damage = more crits

Yes, but if you read, the first 40 shots (which all went directly into the bots) still had 50% crit rate. Whereas in Phase 3, those same first 40 shots had nearly 100% crit rate. What's the difference between the first set of shots in each experiment?


...luck? ◕◡◕

I'm not really sure, despite the presumable accuracy of the experiment he does not seem to be able to make things very clear does he


zircon...you bring up some good points. I'll have to reread it now with that in mind, haha. I guess I didn't read it as carefully as I thought I had to begin with.

I just done playing a little bit (an hour, tops) and I need to restate this: The amount of crits we see are silly.

Y'know, I hear this every once in a while and I'm completely unsure how people came to this conclusion. Unless it's something that I just didn't read somewhere along the way...

It's also mentioned the developer commentary ingame.


I need to play less "support" classes during free weekends. Supporting new players usually leads to frustrating results.

It's nice to rack up the kills against the inexperienced, but on the other hand, my team usually loses in the 20 seconds I'm waiting to respawn when I die. For example, I joined a granary match and had 12 kills + 5 assists on only 3 deaths as an engineer, but after 2 heavy+medic combos cornered me, I watched in horror as my team lost 20 seconds later.

I don't mind helping the newbies because everyone has to start somewhere, but I definitely expect to lose (or win, depending on teams) more suddenly.

ALSO: I still giggle when I hear "OM NOM NOM NOM. NOM NOM" from the other side of the map. Hilarious. I do wish, however, that heavies were even more susceptible to dying while eating the sandvich. Every shot on them should be an instant critical while they eat. I feel that a heavy getting caught munching should practically die instantly as punishment for not finding a good enough hiding spot.


The lack of decent medics this weekend is pissing me off. Ill get healed by one for like, 3 seconds, and he'll run off to another heavy. So Im fucked achievement wise and also playing wise too. Fucking new people.

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