miyako Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 No one said anything to me about being banned if I didn't stop. Relying on him to pass the word along wasn't the best idea either. And other people were asking for drugs and blinds, too, so don't tell me that one superserious player justifies it.If it was rambo, he could have banned me himself. Way to jump to conclusions. Uh, there is a clear difference between ASKING for drugs and blinds (which no one did until after you started doing it to only me and the other demo), and FORCING it upon two players REPEATEDLY instead of anyone else. As soon as I died you would immediately blind me again. Now, what does this look like? Does it look like some playing around or does it look like you got so angry and couldn't control yourself that you had to use admin power to affect the gameplay? I also find it ludicrous that the only reason you would even think of stopping the constant blinding is if you were going to be temporarily banned for it.
D-Lux Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Uh, there is a clear difference between ASKING for drugs and blinds (which no one did until after you started doing it to only me and the other demo), and FORCING it upon two players REPEATEDLY instead of anyone else. As soon as I died you would immediately blind me again. Now, what does this look like? Does it look like some playing around or does it look like you got so angry and couldn't control yourself that you had to use admin power to affect the gameplay?I also find it ludicrous that the only reason you would even think of stopping the constant blinding is if you were going to be temporarily banned for it. I have never and would never take a video game so seriously that I would use admin commands solely to make myself play better or make someone else play worse. Would I have done it differently had I known it was you specifically? I don't know. I do know that garian would have told me if I was out of line since I trust him, and because he said nothing, I saw it as all fun on my side. Superserious games aren't always the case on OCR, so if I "ruined your gameplay" by having fun with admin commands then you might need to lighten up. Also, WTF to your last statement? Way to twist my words, man. Seriously, lighten up.
atmuh Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Superserious games aren't always the case on OCR, so if I "ruined your gameplay" by having fun with admin commands then you might need to lighten up. get out
miyako Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I have never and would never take a video game so seriously that I would use admin commands solely to make myself play better or make someone else play worse. Would I have done it differently had I known it was you specifically? I don't know. I do know that garian would have told me if I was out of line since I trust him, and because he said nothing, I saw it as all fun on my side. Superserious games aren't always the case on OCR, so if I "ruined your gameplay" by having fun with admin commands then you might need to lighten up. Yeah, okay. I need to lighten up when you were the one replying to my 'stop blinding us' chat with 'Who's crying now?' You're also so relaxed and easygoing that you have to almost shout in the mic to tell me to stop stickying the door when it is perfectly allowed. You can ask Brushfire if I'm so serious that I can't deal with fun on the server. He has even kicked me and I didn't go berserk or get 'superserious' on him. I know how to have fun and you trying to push some sort of idea that I'm taking this serious and I'm the one that's wrong here is absurd. How exactly do I even have fun on the server if all I can see is pitch-black when I'm alive? Am I supposed to go around holding down WASD and hold down MOUSE1? I'm sure you'd enjoy it if someone blinded you every time you respawned then? Do you know why I think you were being bitter and not light-hearted? Because of the fact that everytime we play on turbine and I play demoman and put stickies on that door, you have to say something in the mic akin to 'stop stickying the door,' or 'stickying that door is so easy' in a sarcastic tone. Yeah, I know you hate dying to it, and I know that's what fueled your incentive to blind me. Why else would you say something like that everytime you die in that fashion? You even lied at one time and stated that it wasn't allowed when I fully knew it was. Of course you didn't do anything back then, because you knew yourself that it was allowed but you were trying to make me stop doing a legitimate strategy. No one else was complaining about the stickies either.
atmuh Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 oh on another note powerlord or fireslash the themes plugin is still on the server, the cvar has just been disabled in order to make it so the theme doesnt make people download the particles (and then subsequently screw up people's particles on random occasions) you need to move the plugin (smx file) to the disabled folder and reboot the server oh and brushfire (not sure jokingly or not) has thrown around that hed like a stats reset and im just curious how people feel about that idea i for one think its time for a reset
D-Lux Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 You stickied the door. I said what I always say when someone sticky camps any door on any map: "Man, sticky camping sure takes skill." You or the other demo said "stop crying" I blinded you both a few times, with garian giving out some, too. You said you were telling Fireslash. I said "Who's crying now?" I may have done it one more time. I don't know. Fireslash joins and bans. You also failed to mention the half blinds. You can still see with those.
atmuh Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 You also failed to mention the half blinds. You can still see with those. are you SERIOUSLY saying this is ok?
miyako Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 You stickied the door.I said what I always say when someone sticky camps any door on any map: "Man, sticky camping sure takes skill." You or the other demo said "stop crying" I blinded you both a few times, with garian giving out some, too. You said you were telling Fireslash. I said "Who's crying now?" I may have done it one more time. I don't know. Fireslash joins and bans. You also failed to mention the half blinds. You can still see with those. Well thanks for jumping to the conclusion that I told you to 'stop crying.' That other demo didn't say anything either because if he did I would have acknowledged it in my posts. I'm not going to twist what happened so that it makes me look better. Even though I never said I was telling Fireslash, I said that he said to stop doing it. You ignored it, and because you ignored it, he banned. Garian never blinded us, so that is irrelevant. You did the blinds on both of us exclusively so don't drag him in this. What half blinds? You did not half blind us at all. Everytime I would see pitch-black and could not navigate anywhere. That is also hardly a justification for the crap you pulled.
Powerlord Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 You stickied the door.I said what I always say when someone sticky camps any door on any map: "Man, sticky camping sure takes skill." You or the other demo said "stop crying" I blinded you both a few times, with garian giving out some, too. You said you were telling Fireslash. I said "Who's crying now?" I may have done it one more time. I don't know. Fireslash joins and bans. You also failed to mention the half blinds. You can still see with those. Did you miss the giant purge of admins a few months back because certain admins tended to abuse their admin privileges? Also, to everyone else, I apologize for not being on lately. I've had a lot going on in my personal life (family, education, work) this week. The one day I knew I would be able to play, I lost connection to the server. My ISP also hasn't fixed my ping times. Or even called me back. Even now at 2:30am EDT, I have a ping of 150 to the server, when I used to have 30. However, they irritatingly close their customer service desk at 8pm EDT, and I have yet to have a free moment before then this week. Bahamut's not around much, and I've only been on the boards, so essentially FireSlash is running the show at the moment. I also finally got around to giving him the file mirror info, so he doesn't need me to take care of that end... should make it easier to update things.
atmuh Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Did you miss the giant purge of admins a few months back because certain admins tended to abuse their admin privileges?Also, to everyone else, I apologize for not being on lately. I've had a lot going on in my personal life (family, education, work) this week. The one day I knew I would be able to play, I lost connection to the server. My ISP also hasn't fixed my ping times. Or even called me back. Even now at 2:30am EDT, I have a ping of 150 to the server, when I used to have 30. However, they irritatingly close their customer service desk at 8pm EDT, and I have yet to have a free moment before then this week. Bahamut's not around much, and I've only been on the boards, so essentially FireSlash is running the show at the moment. I also finally got around to giving him the file mirror info, so he doesn't need me to take care of that end... should make it easier to update things. you dont really need to apologize for not having the time to play video games
Rambo Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Did you miss the giant purge of admins a few months back because certain admins tended to abuse their admin privileges? Barring everything else that has happened in this thread for the past few pages, the fuck. Yahoo is one of the only people who, prior to today, has always taken his job as admin seriously. He's taken shit from MANY people on this server, regulars included, and no one, not a single other admin has ever backed him up. He keeps being harrassed for doing his job well, and despite never having any backing, has never retaliated. On a related topic of admin abuse: take the fucking weather plugin off the server. It has NEVER been discussed anything but negatively here, and there was NEVER a consensus to put it on the server in the first place. Show me an admin who hasn't arbitrarily done something to suit themselves and you can keep bashing Yahoo. Get over yourselves. I'll read the rest of this crap and post as necessary.
Vivi22 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I do know that garian would have told me if I was out of line since I trust him, and because he said nothing, I saw it as all fun on my side. So garian has to tell you when someone wants you to stop blinding them because it's not fun? Do I even have to point out how that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Doing it once might just be in good fun, but if someone says stop you stop. Just like if someone complains about mic spam people should shut the hell up.
EdgeCrusher Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Shit like this is the reason I'm glad I'm not an admin anymore. I have no problems with Yahoo beign admin, cause he actually does what needs to be done. Seems like people do give him crap for it, and I know how that feels cause you're not gonna make everyone happy and be friends with every single person if you have to punish people doing things that are listed as being against server rules. Unforunately there's way too much conflict here with lack of coordination with the admins and super admins. Anyway, thats all I'm gonna say on it.
DarkeSword Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 D-Lux is generally a good admin, but in this instance he was definitely abusing admin powers. Don't constantly target specific players with your admin powers just because you can't deal with their legitimate gameplay tactics. I really don't understand how you expect to justify this specific instance.
FireSlash Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 the weather plugin has been disabled since last night, though I might have forgotten to reboot after disabling it:< fixing that now. Also, in atmuh's defense here, the issues people are having were NOT reported on alliedmodders until after we installed it, and there is a lot of support for it on irc/on the actual server. There's discussion on the same thread for a non-particle version (No weather effects, just changes the lighting/skybox) which might be more acceptable. Oh yeah, and I was the one who installed it, so it's my fault, not atmuhs.
The Mutericator Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Well, considering my machine runs the game great at 1440x900 with most details on high, but doesn't take a performance hit until the plugin was added yesterday, no, I'm not turning my settings down. Even sawmill doesn't really bother me with rain, but that plugin was just trash. I get anywhere from 70 to 100+ fps on every official map, but goldrush with rain was lagging horribly, especially during conflicts with demos/pyros/or soldiers. It just doesn't work well, and I can imagine how bad it is for people with crappier computers. I must have misread, sorry. I didn't see you mentioning your performance being directly changed by the plugin, just by the map, so I wasn't sure.
A Random Tiger Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Barring everything else that has happened in this thread for the past few pages, the fuck. Yahoo is one of the only people who, prior to today, has always taken his job as admin seriously. He's taken shit from MANY people on this server, regulars included, and no one, not a single other admin has ever backed him up. He keeps being harrassed for doing his job well, and despite never having any backing, has never retaliated. He has been a great admin. I've always enjoyed jumping on the server when he's on because I know I won't have to put up with bullshit. However in this instance I do think he's wrong. I think he KNOWS he's wrong, and I don't think it even needed to come to the forums. oh and brushfire (not sure jokingly or not) has thrown around that hed like a stats reset and im just curious how people feel about that idea i for one think its time for a reset I wouldn't mind if the stats were reset
chivesontheweb Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I'd rather stats weren't reset but that's just me. I love cumulative stats with a passion. Seeing all the stuff I've done so far in numbers and such; it's great. I don't care about the overall score but I would be very sad for my stats to go back. What is reason for Brushfire (and other people) wanting to reset the stats? Have some people just got so high in score that other, newer players are hopeless to catch up?
DarkeSword Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I say "NO" to resetting stats. I like having long term stats. Rank/Position is pointless anyway.
A Random Tiger Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I'd rather stats weren't reset but that's just me. I love cumulative stats with a passion. Seeing all the stuff I've done so far in numbers and such; it's great. I don't care about the overall score but I would be very sad for my stats to go back. What is reason for Brushfire (and other people) wanting to reset the stats? Have some people just got so high in score that other, newer players are hopeless to catch up? I think it has something to do with new players smashing the scores of people with higher. You lose a LOT of points when you die to someone with very little. So if we're all low again it won't be a big deal. But that would mean we'd eventually have to do it again anyway. I just don't really care about the points that much.
chivesontheweb Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I say "NO" to resetting stats. I like having long term stats. Rank/Position is pointless anyway. This is my position 100%
FireSlash Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 How about I reset psychostats, and we leave HL? THis gives fresh stats for people that want them, and old stats for the rest.
miyako Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Barring everything else that has happened in this thread for the past few pages, the fuck. Yahoo is one of the only people who, prior to today, has always taken his job as admin seriously. He's taken shit from MANY people on this server, regulars included, and no one, not a single other admin has ever backed him up. He keeps being harrassed for doing his job well, and despite never having any backing, has never retaliated.On a related topic of admin abuse: take the fucking weather plugin off the server. It has NEVER been discussed anything but negatively here, and there was NEVER a consensus to put it on the server in the first place. Show me an admin who hasn't arbitrarily done something to suit themselves and you can keep bashing Yahoo. Get over yourselves. I'll read the rest of this crap and post as necessary. I know how good an admin he was. I know how much shit he puts up with, especially some of those ZUZ guys who seem to be smartasses with him on purpose. I even vouched for him when he was in that little feud with Ubel. I know Ubel can be a hypocrite when he complains about teamstacking and does his little spectator thing when it scrambles. He was patient and acted mature all throughout with them. I've never seen him do anything affecting the game using admin besides scrambles. I knew how seriously he took the job. He was also an admin that was on late enough to take care of any random retards on the server. I wasn't going to even post about this incident on the forums. I didn't come to the forums until 5 hours after the incident and I wasn't coming to post about it either. I was going to let it completely slide. All I wanted to know was what happened with that hydro vote. I wasn't even going to reply when I started reading his post but when he actually said Fireslash acted out of line and complained about his 10 minute ban, that's when I got pissed off. He has no problem blinding me for 5 to 10 minutes yet he can't take a temp ban which is basically the same thing. I had to tell my side because I didn't want Fireslash taking flak for doing something out of haste because he didn't. It irked me greatly how I had to waste Fireslash's time by making him come on the server for me, and he had to do it to pretty much babysit another admin? I felt so fucking disappointed that I had to do that because I like the server and everyone in it. There's not one person I hate and the admins weren't like some of the other TF2 servers where they are 13 year olds with too much power in their hands for them to know what to do with it. This is one of the reasons I stuck on this server instead of continuously looking for random pub servers everytime I wanted to play a bit of TF2. Anyway, there was no way I was going to let him make Fireslash look bad. So I had to keep on posting in order to prove that it wasn't uncalled for and no I assure you it was not me being 'superserious' and the blinds were not in good fun. It's clear D-Lux lost his temper because he mistakenly thought one of us said he was crying about the doors. He targeted us with blinds and replied with his who's crying now everytime I asked him to stop the blinds. Am I rioting for him to have his admin stripped? No. I don't care enough for that. Whatever, we all lose our temper, we're human. However, I did not like how he was implying that he was innocent when talking about FireSlash, and that's certainly not an in-the-moment thing. I think he's still fit for admin but my opinion of him has changed and I hope this doesn't repeat in another instance.
Powerlord Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Good, drama over? Excellent. So, how about those maps? Also: When this plugin is updated, will people need to download new versions of the files in the maps directory? Those don't appear to have version numbers, which could cause problems.
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