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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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thats because the flare gun is as rambo said a lot better but if you cannot aim it it is a lot worse

I love the Flare Gun but a few key things keep it from truly being an upgrade, even if you're pro with it.

First off, it's a projectile. You can lead targets, yes, but you can't reliably hit them 100% of the time because they won't be that predictable. Just look at the Huntsman. The reload time is somewhere around 2 seconds, which is quite the punishment when you look at how easily you could have missed.

Secondly, afterburn is iffy in effectiveness, especially nowadays. Medic, healthpaks, airblast, Jarate and water are what take care of afterburn. Water is rare so I won't go into that but it only takes one Medic to make your flare gun sniping efforts worthless. All you're succeding in doing is fueling the other team's ubercharge. Unless you hit the Medic, of course, but with the recent Medic regen buff the afterburn looses effectiveness. If I recall correctly, the regen brings the afterburn damage down to about 30, so coupled with the impact damage that's about 60 and that's if nobody puts him out, the other team doesn't have another Medic or he isn't near any medkits. This limits the usefulness of the flaregun a lot, in the long run. And it does too little damage in the short run to usually take out an enemy unless he's already hurt much.

Thirdly, omg shotgun. It's a better general finisher than the flare gun, I don't think anyone will debate that. And being able to finish off those enemies escaping the short range of your flamer is important and the shotgun just does a better job at it when they are running out of your close range. It has a few drawbacks compared to the flare gun, mostly in long range fights and when on offense, spamming chokepoints, but the shotgun makes up for it with sheer survivability. I can expect to live longer and have better runs with the shotgun.

Both have their merits, though and I love both. And as a rule of thumb you can be more badass with the flare gun than with the shotgun because you can use it more creatively than the basic hitscan weapon. That doesn't make it better, though.

One more thing; airblast-to-shotgun combos. Makes it all worthwhile.

All I get is the .cfg file when I extract it :/

Wha? Well, that's weird. I'll look into it.


Program Files\Steam\steamapps\name\team fortress 2\tf\cfg

Other files in that folder should be config.cfg, config_arena.cfg, demoman.cfg, engineer.cfg... et cetera. Interestingly enough, Heavy isn't heavy.cfg, but heavyweapons.cfg.

That said, that mod REALLY came in handy; I can now actually play TF2 on this laptop! It's awesome! The mouse lags a hair, but it's still a thousand times better than it was before. Thanks, man!

And, on one last, unrelated note...

looks like a TON of fun. We should try it some time.
So, random story:

I played some TF2 yesterday for the first time in like forever. There were about 6-8 people in the server, 2 of whom where nQa guys. We all agreed to do melee only, which was cool, but after about 2 or 3 kills, one of the nQa guys would start using other stuff, like uber charges, jarate, sentries, flare guns, etc. I'd ask them to stop and just do melee only, like we agreed. They went back to normal kills for about 3 min or so before they started adding "extracurriculars" again.

Events like this are why I've never enjoyed playing with any of the nQa guys. They don't break the rules, and they don't grief, but they don't have good sportsmanship. It's just not fun to play with them.

As a general reminder, I have a standing threat that I'll remove the admin powers of any admin who bans someone because they won't melee or the like. I'm not saying that you did that, but I need to put out this reminder every 50 pages or so.

And, on one last, unrelated note...
looks like a TON of fun. We should try it some time.

I sound like I'm repeating myself, but:

1. It's a custom mod that they aren't releasing to the public. You can play it on their servers, but not on your own.

2. It's a suckier version of the Prop Hunt mod for Garry's Mod. In the GMod version, you can clone any prop in the game; the TF2 mod forces you to be a single prop at round start. Which really sucks if you get the Control Point prop.

As a general reminder, I have a standing threat that I'll remove the admin powers of any admin who bans someone because they won't melee or the like. I'm not saying that you did that, but I need to put out this reminder every 50 pages or so.

Who banned someone for melee-ing?

A long time ago, certain admins (before the cleanup) were threatening to ban people who wouldn't melee on 2fort.

nah it was dhsu and he would kick me a lot

and hes still an admin

nah it was dhsu and he would kick me a lot

and hes still an admin

No, there really was one who threatened to ban people over it.

I just don't remember who it was... didn't think it was Dhsu, though.


I don't remember threatening bans, although I was tempted to start votes a few times. I did kick once (and only once as far as I remember) mostly because I was operating under the assumption that the purpose of the server was to have fun, and if one person was making everyone else miserable and was not even having fun in the first place, the way to remedy the situation for all parties involved was to just remove said person. But since atmuh's whining obviously takes precedence over other people's enjoyment, I'll just use /votekick from now on.

I don't remember threatening bans, although I was tempted to start votes a few times. I did kick once (and only once as far as I remember) mostly because I was operating under the assumption that the purpose of the server was to have fun, and if one person was making everyone else miserable and was not even having fun in the first place, the way to remedy the situation for all parties involved was to just remove said person. But since atmuh's whining obviously takes precedence over other people's enjoyment, I'll just use /votekick from now on.

I guess I just have problems with kicking/banning people who are actually, you know, playing the game and not breaking any rules.

Especially banning them, as Sourcemod still doesn't have some sort of GUI for removing them.

Incidentally, if the SourceBans mod does, we should look into installing it. If it requires a MySQL server, both FireSlash and myself have access to them on our respective web servers.


Not kicking someone because it causes drama is like not banning someone because they have a grief-join script. Giving someone license to annoy people just because they become even more annoying when they're disciplined just proves that such behavior is acceptable and effective and encourages more of the same.

That said, I'm honestly not on the server often enough to warrant admin in the first place, so it won't bother me in the slightest if I'm taken off. Just remember to think twice before catering to atmuh's whims.

Incidentally, if the SourceBans mod does, we should look into installing it. If it requires a MySQL server, both FireSlash and myself have access to them on our respective web servers.

ive used this in the past

its great because not only does it show who is banned (links to their steamcommunity page) it also says how long (and how much time is remaining) and the reason they were banned

just dont use the admins part of the plugin because it might re-write all of your admin.cfg files


With regard to "just playing the game," I've never really bought that, since the game changes constantly. One minute you're attacking/defending, the next minute you're in an arena, and later you're trying to be king of the hill. I just see stuff like melee-only and spy-and-seek and prop-hunt mods as other game modes, voted on by the majority of players like any RTV. And if you don't want to play by the rules, you don't need to play on the server. So yeah, I'm just of the opinion that democracy rules, and if the /votekick passes, it doesn't matter if you were "just playing the game" or not.

With regard to "just playing the game," I've never really bought that, since the game changes constantly. One minute you're attacking/defending, the next minute you're in an arena, and later you're trying to be king of the hill. I just see stuff like melee-only and spy-and-seek and prop-hunt mods as other game modes, voted on by the majority of players like any RTV. And if you don't want to play by the rules, you don't need to play on the server. So yeah, I'm just of the opinion that democracy rules, and if the /votekick passes, it doesn't matter if you were "just playing the game" or not.

The problem with melee-only is that it's rarely if ever voted on. In fact, I've never seen an actual vote for it. I've heard people say to do it in voice chat, and possibly in text chat, but never a vote, and never ever in the majority.

The problem with melee-only is that it's rarely if ever voted on. In fact, I've never seen an actual vote for it. I've heard people say to do it in voice chat, and possibly in text chat, but never a vote, and never ever in the majority.

I've been in the server before when I was one of 4 people out of 20 that didn't want to melee only. Sometimes the majority is up for it.

I play to have fun.

Good, now we are making progress. You aren't using the term "playing to play" anymore. That is what I had an issue with.

However, fun has many meanings and you should try to define what you mean by fun. It came up once when you said a "nice casual game" but that is not very descriptive.

I have fun winning and improving. I do not have fun losing to a terrible team. I have fun using teamwork and pushing. I do not have fun watching my team run into the same sentry 10 times.

This leads me to prefer people I can trust and communicate with on the same team, thereby allowing me to have more fun playing the game.

I sound like I'm repeating myself, but:

1. It's a custom mod that they aren't releasing to the public. You can play it on their servers, but not on your own.

2. It's a suckier version of the Prop Hunt mod for Garry's Mod. In the GMod version, you can clone any prop in the game; the TF2 mod forces you to be a single prop at round start. Which really sucks if you get the Control Point prop.

Not really. I just played it for about an hour, and I saw some pretty successful Control Point hiders. It sucks that it's server-only, but I'd still like to encourage anyone who hasn't tried it out to go to one of the hosted servers and do so. It's pretty damned fun, and well-balanced too.

And, on one last, unrelated note...
looks like a TON of fun. We should try it some time.

I mentioned it about three pages ago, and no one said anything... I think it got lost in the random talk of plug-ins and mod abuse and such.

Again, I think that is the sort of thing that would get me to play TF2 more

ok this is really just getting to pissing and moaning now. i was one of the ones on then and the medic was some random pubbie who started ubering. i'm guessing you were on the other team with the natascha heavy who was constantly shooting as well but i guess that was just curricular...

Lol no the medic wasn't a random pubby he comes on the server pretty frequently... but there was some "Non melee" on both sides lawl particularly the random pubby heavy who kept shooting people even after we kept telling him to stop and it took him like 30 minutes to actually realise we were melee only...

It was pretty fun regardless even if you did set me on fire >_> also hey again lol.

@SirChadly: also I disagree on the whole... not fun with nQa guys noted previously I mean sure they usually school me but it's the height of satisfaction when I manage to kill one >.>

Also I get to practice getting out of the habit of sucking eggs so I prefer them being there... just not entirely on one team which I haven't been seeing but then again I haven't played much recently so I can't comment really.


But fair warning, this is pretty powerful stuff. Characters don't even have eyes, although if that bothers you could probably turn them back on. With this I get from +60 fps to +80 fps at the lowest(highest jumps around 140 and stuff like that) consistently on some of the main maps. So it worked for me.

Oh god Chives I love this config thank you I love you oh god 60 frames on max res I LOVE IT =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Oh god Chives I love this config thank you I love you oh god 60 frames on max res I LOVE IT =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

It's definitely worth the decrease in visuals. I used to run the game on high visual settings and got a decent fps but having 60 fps consistently is too good to pass up.

EDIT: By the way, I really like the Daily Awards on the the HLStatsX website. Do we control these or are they all HLStatsX, because if we do I'd love to see some more fun ones added. We probably don't but I thought I'd ask.

It's definitely worth the decrease in visuals. I used to run the game on high visual settings and got a decent fps but having 60 fps consistently is too good to pass up.

i tried playing on lower settings on another box at some point but after playing so long on 1920x1200 with everything at max i just cant go back

i tried playing on lower settings on another box at some point but after playing so long on 1920x1200 with everything at max i just cant go back

Well, it depends. What fps do you usually get and how jumpy is it? Some people seem to play better with lower framerates than others. It also depends on what class you're playing and such. GI understand where you're coming from; TF2 on high settings and a good resolution is a very pretty game. But now that I can play Scout halfway decent due to a good fps(also, an awesome mouse) I don't think I could go back.

This config I'm using now isn't nearly as bad as the one I used to use before I got my new graphics card. It was like TF2 on the N64...

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