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fyi pregame mayhem kills and deaths and humiliation kills and deaths go towards your k/d ratio on hlstats community

can you disable the pregame mayhem so we can have an accurate k/d ratio tracking

Oh and I've been using this HUD that look mom a grebe drew for me but she told me not to post it because she wanted to fix some stuff but now she's satisfied with it so here you go!


This is what it will look like:


how dat work

how dat work

there is a simple readme in the rar


23:54 | <<atmuh>> seriously can brushfire not slay all because it is so funny it ISNT FUNNY AND IT IS TRACKED BY HLSTATS NOW

23:56 | <<garian>> hahahaha

23:56 | <<atmuh>> i mean seriously

23:56 | <<garian>> internet schlong

23:57 | <<atmuh>> i just want an accurate k/d ratio

23:57 | <<atmuh>> which is why i dont do pregame mayhem and get 100 kills

23:57 | <<atmuh>> because that counts too

23:58 | <<garian>> so play on a vanilla server

23:58 | <<BrushFortress2>> Hlstats is disabled after the game ends

23:58 | <<Thndr>> yeah

23:58 | <<BrushFortress2>> Or does simple logic escapr you atmuh?

23:58 | <<garian>> he's talking about his internal records or smth

23:58 | <<BrushFortress2>> Cry some more

23:58 | <<atmuh>> no it isnt

23:58 | <<Thndr>> stopyou should be bitching that it counts in humiliation

23:58 | <<atmuh>> its parsed log files

23:58 | <<atmuh>> its NOT disabled when round ends

23:58 | <<BrushFortress2>> It is just a game d00d

23:59 | <<Thndr>> exactly

23:59 | <<atmuh>> check hlstats before and after humiliation

23:59 | <<garian>> i play games to relax don't do it

23:59 | <<atmuh>> if its just a game why do you type rank every 2 deaths

23:59 | <<garian>> ocd

23:59 | <<BrushFortress2>> Yeah once a game is every two deaths

23:59 | <<Thndr>> I miss it showing me the points

23:59 | <<atmuh>> every 2 deaths

23:59 | <<atmuh>> 5 at the very most

23:59 | <<atmuh>> you type rank

23:59 | <<atmuh>> its rather funny to me

23:59 | > Nick: BrushFortress2 is now known as BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo

00:00 | > Day changed to Thursday, November 12th 2009.

00:00 | <<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo>> Anyway, i dont give a rats ass about KDR

00:00 | <<garian>> wind the clock! wind the clock!

00:00 | <<atmuh>> you care about points

00:00 | <<garian>> um... it's a jumprope rhyme

00:00 | <<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo>> Amount of kills with BB is what I am after

00:00 | <<garian>> ch-chung

00:00 | <<garian>> ch-chung

00:00 | <<garian>> magitek armor!

00:00 | <<atmuh>> i care about an accurate record of my performance

00:00 | <<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo>> Tough shit

so what are these stats even for if theyre gonna be skewed by pregame mayhem and stupid slays


Again, you are the ONLY one who cares atmuh. This is why we had an admin meeting. We discussed this at great length, and if you can't get over one, repeat ONE, death during a game, then go play somewhere else.

So seriously, stop your crying and pandering to every other admin out there, because it making you look even more like a douche.

You don't like the way we run OUR server, go fucking play somewhere else.

Also he forgot to post this part of the Chat Log

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> Go play on your own server then

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> oh wait

<atmuh> ok really

<garian> haha

<atmuh> i was gonna make a new post but why ill just copypaste the log

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> We discussed it in the admin meeting, and this was ruled as harmless admin commands

* Dyne (dyne2057.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: sleep.)

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> So you being the only one with a problem with it, makes you the minority on this one

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> SO SHUT UP

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> Jesus

<atmuh> was it brought up that its a part of the hlstats tracking then

<atmuh> prob not because you didnt knowi t

<garian> /nick cheese

<garian> brushfire i hope you know what to do

Again, you are the ONLY one who cares atmuh. This is why we had an admin meeting. We discussed this at great length, and if you can't get over one, repeat ONE, death during a game, then go play somewhere else.

So seriously, stop your crying and pandering to every other admin out there, because it making you look even more like a douche.

You don't like the way we run OUR server, go fucking play somewhere else.

Also he forgot to post this part of the Chat Log

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> Go play on your own server then

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> oh wait

<atmuh> ok really

<garian> haha

<atmuh> i was gonna make a new post but why ill just copypaste the log

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> We discussed it in the admin meeting, and this was ruled as harmless admin commands

* Dyne (dyne2057.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: sleep.)

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> So you being the only one with a problem with it, makes you the minority on this one

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> SO SHUT UP

<BrushForDead2|ElectricBoogaloo> Jesus

<atmuh> was it brought up that its a part of the hlstats tracking then

<atmuh> prob not because you didnt knowi t

<garian> /nick cheese

<garian> brushfire i hope you know what to do

I find myself wondering the same thing.

he said that he didnt like it pages and pages ago too so it ISNT just me and im sure there are others but they just arent as vocal about it as i am

and if you wanna do it then why cant you just have the decency to refrain from doing it when people like me and pav are playing because you KNOW it pisses us off


If you want to track your oh so SOOPER SRS stats 'correctly'...there are plenty of servers out there for you to choose from, Atmuh.

I'm surprised you haven't noticed by now, but, the OCR servers are not serious, and there are very few people who give a shit about the stats hlstats tracks. You are part of a very small minority.

Personally I find the random slayings to be rather funny, especially if it makes people nerd rage.

If you want to track your oh so SOOPER SRS stats 'correctly'...there are plenty of servers out there for you to choose from, Atmuh.

I'm surprised you haven't noticed by now, but, the OCR servers are not serious, and there are very few people who give a shit about the stats hlstats tracks. You are part of a very small minority.

Personally I find the random slayings to be rather funny, especially if it makes people nerd rage.

i know pavlvs cares and on more than one occasion ds stated that he cares about long term k/d ratio tracking and one is an admin and the other hosts the server and ive played here a heck of a lot longer than you i think i know what im talking about here


Because I totally go out of my way to slay everyone at the end of a map, just to piss you off atmuh.

Listen to your asinine argument d00d.

It boils down to you saying "I don't want this cause it adds one death to my KDR." The KDR's round up for christ sake.

I have one more death than kill, and I still have a 1.0 ratio.

So go cry me a river d00d.

Because I totally go out of my way to slay everyone at the end of a map, just to piss you off atmuh.

i didnt say you did i said you KNOW IT DOES so why not just not do it when im there its really easy!

i know pavlvs cares and on more than one occasion ds stated that he cares about long term k/d ratio tracking and one is an admin and the other hosts the server and ive played here a heck of a lot longer than you i think i know what im talking about here

Can you not read or something? I said you are part of a very small minority. You...listed two people you know of in a community of at least 50 who play at least semi-regularly who care about stats.

My point still stands. The queen of England herself could care about these stats, and my point would still be valid, because it would still be a small minority.

Stop being butthurt over something so stupidly small as this. It makes you look extremely petty.

i didnt say you did i said you KNOW IT DOES so why not just not do it when im there its really easy!

Why should he stop doing it just because you whine about it? I find it fun. You're the survivor, then out of nowhere, brushfire wins. I'm sure other people find it funny as well.

Can you not read or something? I said you are part of a very small minority. You...listed two people you know of in a community of at least 50 who play at least semi-regularly who care about stats.

My point still stands. The queen of England herself could care about these stats, and my point would still be valid, because it would still be a small minority.

Stop being butthurt over something so stupidly small as this. It makes you look extremely petty.

Why should he stop doing it just because you whine about it? I find it fun. You're the survivor, then out of nowhere, brushfire wins. I'm sure other people find it funny as well.

you failed to even begin to address my original question

so what are these stats even for if theyre gonna be skewed by pregame mayhem and stupid slays

and its kinda the same rules as micspam on the server

if someone asks to stop playing something, the rule is to stop, out of politeness

why is this any different


I would like to point out that atmuh is not the only one who cares about the slaying

I think it's pretty irritating

edit: also I think that the statement 'the admins got together and decided that the admins doing shit with admin commands wasn't annoying' is kind of dumb


Honestly I don't see the issue with the slays...

I mean what does it matter?

"Oh noes I can't kill all those helpless losers now!"

it's not a problem except to those who really care about their stats I guess.

I don't even see how it's irritating since the round is already over and you were gonna be sent back to spawn anyhow.


it's irritating because the humiliation is designed to be a reward for victorious players

nobody should be allowed to mess with that just because they can

also while I don't really care about stats I DO have to question why we have them if they are just going to be fucked up

I would like to point out that atmuh is not the only one who cares about the slaying

I think it's pretty irritating

edit: also I think that the statement 'the admins got together and decided that the admins doing shit with admin commands wasn't annoying' is kind of dumb

Your right, slaying after a round is not allowed. Upon Mapchange it is.

When the final scoreboard shows up.

That is what atmuh is complaining about this time.

Your right, slaying after a round is not allowed. Upon Mapchange it is.

that's somewhat more acceptable although it's still dumb if it's going to fuck with the stats

also you're*


Can you guys seriously cry some more? My god. I haven't seen this much crybabying about games since I stopped going to the steam forums. I love how atmuh cries about how bad that is and does the same shit here.


and the thing also is that it goes down as a suicide

i try to keep those as low as i possibly can as you see i only have 9 so yeah each time you do that that goes up by 1 and really come on now

and the thing also is that it goes down as a suicide

i try to keep those as low as i possibly can as you see i only have 9 so yeah each time you do that that goes up by 1 and really come on now

Most people only get one suicide in life, but nine is impressive.

I salute you.

i know pavlvs cares and on more than one occasion ds stated that he cares about long term k/d ratio tracking and one is an admin and the other hosts the server and ive played here a heck of a lot longer than you i think i know what im talking about here

Please don't bring me into this argument. I have said that I care about long-term stats because I get an accurate representation of how well I do overall. Getting slain by admin command at the end of a map is a drop in the bucket for me and doesn't affect my long term trends.


Solution: Don't join a team until pregame mayhem is over.

Humiliation is ignored by hlstats. If for whatever reason it isn't, the overall effect will probably balance itself out between wins/losses, and either way will have a minimal effect on your K:D.

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