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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Anybody here play from other continents/regions?

I'm in Aus; would it be worth participating, or too laggy?

It never hurts to try. I'd guess your ping would hover around 125-150, which should be fine. Having ping above 180 starts to cause problems. Again, you should stop by sometime and see how it goes!

OTHER TOPIC: So around 2:30 p.m. EST yesterday, the server was empty. I decided to boot up Team Fortress Classic (Not TF2) just for funzies. Man, I had no idea what was going on. Every character looked exactly the same as everyone else, and I got really sick of hearing "hah" every time someone jumped. Grenades were like impossible to spot, and it really made me glad that they are gone from TF2. It sure was weird that everyone had like 4 guns, especially for the pyro, who suddenly has a rocket launcher to accompany a rather worthless flame thrower.

Team Fortress 2 is a really great game. I can't believe I spent so much time playing TFC back in the day, because it sure feels like a horrible game today.

It sure was weird that everyone had like 4 guns, especially for the pyro, who suddenly has a (worthless) rocket launcher to accompany a rather worthless flame thrower.


I still love TFC myself. Though TF2 is technically a better designed game the original is still incredibly fun. The only exception to the fun being if you play Pyro in the original. It was always fun using weak-ass weapons and setting yourself on fire.


Last night was just...oh my.


We went through every class except Soldier. And lost. Every time.

At least we'll be prepared for the next free weekend!

Edit: Also here's a freezecam shot I thought was pretty great. I dunno if it was intentional or not, but...




FJ - presh plays and is from Aus, and he plays sniper just great.

So the map rotation is











As always, find a custom server that is running this map and download it from there, or just download it from the link on the first post.


FiremanJoe: There's an amazing sniper who plays from Aus....I'm seriously afraid to walk outside when he's on the other time.

He pings in at around 230 or so.


Toy Fort + Low gravity = super happy fun times.

I'm sorry I missed mass classing. I seriously need to stop having other obligations and just play TF2 all day/night long. I don't think I'll be able to play tonight, either.


Steel is fun, but its nearly impossible to navigate until after you play a few rounds and get an idea of where everything is.


I think tonight was pretty damn amazing.

Toy Fort was about 30x better then I expected. Turbine is one of my favorite maps now (I really don't see how anyone can think it gets old), and I'm looking forward to Steel tomorrow.

Also: I think until the Pyro craze dies down, I'mma try to get better with either sniper or spy...so, free kills for everyone on the other team!


so how come the skins that i installed for tf2 only work when i go to create a server and run around alone and now when i play on other servers

so how come the skins that i installed for tf2 only work when i go to create a server and run around alone and now when i play on other servers

Dunno, I've been playing TF2 on the OCR server with the Adidas vs. Nike skins for months now, and I don't have any issues. I also just tried out the Master Sword model (replaces the Scout's bat) and it works fine on the OCR server. :|

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