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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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So, what do people think - should I remove Hydro from the rotation? Or better, yet, how should the rotation be changed? As a reminder, it currently is:


















i am beginning to want to take away anything negative i have ever said to glitch because he is a far better poster than this wonderful seasoned veteran


I'm all for taking out hydro, I've had some awesome rounds on it, but the horrible ones outnumber the good ones.

I'm also up for adding more gimmick maps, obviously not to the rotation, but about 8 of us had a blast on cyberpunk low-grav today. I love how there's actually music in that level too.


As a side note, I added pl_strider_b9 to the server a few days ago, after it was first mentioned. Whoops, I suppose I should have said something.

As for Hydro... it either stalemates or one team tends to blow away the other, depending on how the team balance is. It actually bumped badlands as my least favorite map because of it. I would LOVE to see it go.

I almost suggested replacing it with ctf_well, but then I remembered how much that ones sucks (cp_well is OK, though).


As a side note, I added pl_strider_b9 to the server a few days ago, after it was first mentioned. Whoops, I suppose I should have said something.

As for Hydro... it either stalemates or one team tends to blow away the other, depending on how the team balance is. It actually bumped badlands as my least favorite map because of it. I would LOVE to see it go.

I almost suggested replacing it with ctf_well, but then I remembered how much that ones sucks (cp_well is OK, though).

Oh, and to the person who created epsilon: I commented before about how the control point didn't reset when sudden death started: It doesn't on any of the official maps either. For example, if sudden death occurs on cp_granary, if your team had four points out of five, you start out controlling four points out of five.

As for Hydro... it either stalemates or one team tends to blow away the other, depending on how the team balance is. It actually bumped badlands as my least favorite map because of it. I would LOVE to see it go.

Maybe it's just because I haven't been able to play as much for the last little while, but I can't remember a time that I saw Hydro stalemate, and I've rarely seen one team blow the other away. I personally like Hydro, but if others want to see it go I wouldn't be too bothered, particularly if it keeps players on the server.

Maybe it's just because I haven't been able to play as much for the last little while, but I can't remember a time that I saw Hydro stalemate, and I've rarely seen one team blow the other away. I personally like Hydro, but if others want to see it go I wouldn't be too bothered, particularly if it keeps players on the server.

Well, I was counting Sudden Death as a stalemate, even though it really isn't (unless the server is configured not to do Sudden Death).

I would also like to see Cyberpunk and Strider put in the rotation.

So long as someone can figure out how to get into that damn DJ booth in the Pawty Clubgh.

Hehe... I showed Rawk Hawk how to get in there the other day...

I definitely DISagree with getting those on the rotation, but I'm really glad to see that their on the server.

Oh, and Powerlord, I'm the epsilon guy, thanks for the tips.

Is there a way to have a certain rotation for one night, like an auto timer kinda thing? Cause just having gimmick night would be so easier that way.

Could always change the map rotation the morning before to what is desired for a day, and change it back the next morning.


I'd say keep hydro in. I haven't played any games that were outright bad on it lately, it's just that it happens too often that both teams start turtling. It's downright amazing if the teams are balanced and offensive though, makes for some epic sudden deaths.

Could always change the map rotation the morning before to what is desired for a day, and change it back the next morning.

Who all can do that? Cause we would have to kinda discuss this before hand.


Ok cool. We need to discuss this in the IRC channel sometime and come up with a good gimmick list. I know we can take a few off of the 4chan server that are good fun, like bedrooms and yaaargh.

Hehe... I showed Rawk Hawk how to get in there the other day...

I definitely DISagree with getting those on the rotation, but I'm really glad to see that their on the server.

Oh, and Powerlord, I'm the epsilon guy, thanks for the tips.

So you don't want to share that info with the rest of us huh? That is fine. I see how it is.

Arena is not as terrible as most people think. I mean it gives me a chance to work on my commentary skills.

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