Sensai Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 You guys wanna see bad, bad addiction? Check out my page. I can't take credit for all of this, though. Without delving too much into details, there was a guy that used my account last year (way before I started playing on the OCR server) that pretty much played Spy/Sniper/Scout. Actually, I think that Sniper's probably my least played class. But, jeah, there you go. /needs to get a life
SirChadlyOC Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 I have no excuses other than I work a shitty retail job for minimum wage, and I need to relieve stress when I get home at 10 p.m.
SirChadlyOC Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Yeah that was 5 minutes of my life I really wish I had back. It ruined all of my stats. That was back when you needed every achievement to unlock the ubersaw. Incidentally, they changed it THE DAY AFTER I GOT IT. Ugh. I haven't been to an achievement map since.
EdgeCrusher Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Im pissed about that myself. My medic stats are way more outrageous than that due to me doing achievement maps for the ubersaw, and then they announced it was easier to get. So yeah, I got a shitload of points listed.
Powerlord Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Im pissed about that myself. My medic stats are way more outrageous than that due to me doing achievement maps for the ubersaw, and then they announced it was easier to get. So yeah, I got a shitload of points listed. I think I spent a total of 2 hours farming Medic achievements. Coincidentally, I've clocked over 20 hours as Medic now.
Zephyr Posted October 8, 2008 Posted October 8, 2008 Yeah that was 5 minutes of my life I really wish I had back. It ruined all of my stats. That was back when you needed every achievement to unlock the ubersaw. Incidentally, they changed it THE DAY AFTER I GOT IT. Ugh.I haven't been to an achievement map since. Haha, I got the backburner the day after it was nerfed (I was (and still am) a pyro main, (I had just gotten the game about a week before) so that sucked... but I still love the backburner.
EdgeCrusher Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 I think I spent a total of 2 hours farming Medic achievements. Coincidentally, I've clocked over 20 hours as Medic now. Medic is a class that I can play, and play pretty well. I just hate dealing with people when I do play it. But I think I farmed most of mine on a server that actually modified the point range to where if you healed, it instant ubercharged you. Was on there less than 30 minutes and got the last 12 achievements I had to get I think.
Powerlord Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Medic is a class that I can play, and play pretty well. I just hate dealing with people when I do play it. But I think I farmed most of mine on a server that actually modified the point range to where if you healed, it instant ubercharged you. Was on there less than 30 minutes and got the last 12 achievements I had to get I think. I was farming on my own server (the one we tried to switch to at one point, but it started crapping out after so many players) with two friends (Depo_007 and Oldarr). Got some of the more esoteric medic ones there. I earned the remaining ones I needed for my other medic weapons after that on the old OCR server while normal games.
Sensai Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 I remember earning most of my medic achievements legitimately... ...but then having to farm for a few of them, which is why I have a 70 point high in that class. Bah. Wish I could reset JUST my medic stats.
Dhsu Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 I'd gladly reset my stats period (and even give up my medic achievements) if I could.
Vivi22 Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Yeah that was 5 minutes of my life I really wish I had back. It ruined all of my stats. That was back when you needed every achievement to unlock the ubersaw. Incidentally, they changed it THE DAY AFTER I GOT IT. Ugh.I haven't been to an achievement map since. Agreed. I've thought about resetting all of my stats just to get rid of it, but I have a few achievements that I might never be able to get again that I earned legitimately to be honest which has kind of prevented me so far. It's really annoying having my medic stats jacked way up there above everything else. Especially when it isn't my best class by a longshot.
Zephyr Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Haha, lol nice Xerol, how is it playing like that? I've never had any problems requiring a reinstall yet, but if I had that one I think I'd try to learn to play with it just for fun.
Xerol Oplan Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 It was fine after I restarted the game, but problems like that have been popping up more and more often.
DarkeSword Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 I'd gladly reset my stats period (and even give up my medic achievements) if I could. I wouldn't mind resetting my stats. It'd be fun to go back and earn everything again. xD
Xerol Oplan Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Or just being able to re-earn acheivements would be nice too, like you start accumulating stars next to each acheivement for each time you've completed it. Maybe you could get a notification every time it happens past the first but the server doesn't announce it to all players because I can imagine constant acheivement messages would get annoying after a while. Although I would like to know if someone could hit Pyromancer twice.
Sensai Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Pyromancer...I'm sure I could get it twice. Probably getting close to it's second time now, TBH. And Xerol...that is most odd. How does your computer do all these things to you?
Dhsu Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Yeeeeeah. And I just reinstalled too. Hahaha, that looks amazingly fun. Edit: <3 my new graphics card. Anyone want my old 8500GT?
Pyrion Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Or just being able to re-earn acheivements would be nice too, like you start accumulating stars next to each acheivement for each time you've completed it. Maybe you could get a notification every time it happens past the first but the server doesn't announce it to all players because I can imagine constant acheivement messages would get annoying after a while.Although I would like to know if someone could hit Pyromancer twice. It would take me a month tops.
Triad Orion Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Well, maybe for you, Pyrion. XD I think it'd take longer for anyone who doesn't main (and is good with) the Pyro. XD
SirChadlyOC Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 I've tried to reset my stats before, and you can't. You used to be able to, but I believe it doesn't work anymore. I think Steam removed that option during the goldrush update, if I remember correctly. EDIT: Speaking of updates, the TF2 blog updated yesterday. From my interpretation of the headline, "Git along there, little doggies," is that Engineer is the next class to receive an update. Could be very interesting because he has 5 "weapons" compared to every class that's been updated so far, which has 3. (That includes building and destroying.) Anyone wanna make any predictions? I'm guessing there will be offensive types of buildings that you can build instead of the regular ones. These will build extremely fast, but are weaker and cause less damage. Another guess is that the buildings will have more health, but are less offensive/effective. Also, maybe an "anti-spy" wrench that does more melee damage (especially to spies?) or swings faster but builds objects more slowly and/or puts less metal into sentries per hit. I also wonder about some type of Engy sandvich (An acoustic guitar maybe?) that allows you to resupply metal anywhere but prohibits movement. Maybe it'll sacrifice health for metal? Anyone else got any ideas?
Sensai Posted October 10, 2008 Posted October 10, 2008 @ SirChadly: It's probably because you're an Engy man, but I think assuming that the next update will be engy is hopeful, at best. For starters, notice how the post before that was 'Gentlemen,'? Definitely the spy...but there's been no update. They probably just like quoting the game that they made. Also, engineer is, somehow or another, the most played class in the game (beating out even Pyro, which does not make any sense to me at all). They've updated the lesser played classes...why would they jump to the top of the list? I think (or rather stand by my earlier guess) that the next update is going to be either Scout or Spy (who is somehow on the lower end of percent played). But, since we're making guesses... Offensive buildings seems like a pretty cool idea, honestly. I like that a lot...good call. It may be a little powerful, especially if you can upgrade it to something superior than a level 1...but jeah. The idea of an 'anti-spy' wrench made me laugh. Speaking as a spy, and I'm sure that most others will agree with me....that wrench already crits about 75% of the time and is at least 30 feet long. I mean, I'm not saying there won't be a new wrench that's like what you're saying, I'm just not seeing anyone using it over the already really powerful wrench. A guitar would be cool, although I'm not sure what it would do. For some reason, I really wanna give them something that could unsap a sentry (scent tree) from far away after a shot or two but does REALLY little damage, or doesn't crit. Hm... That is all!
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