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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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no actually what I was saying is that everyone is communicating the problems but it always degenerates into shit about atmuh for some bloody reason

This degenerated into him because he wanted to whine about something else instead of focusing on the problem in the first place. It just happens too much for me to want to deal with it anymore - it's impossible to reason with someone like that, and it's a waste of my time & mind. If he matured, shit like that wouldn't happen and I wouldn't have to be stressed out trying to communicate with a spoiled child, and frankly I expect a lot more in the way of maturity from a college educated adult.

no actually what I was saying is that everyone is communicating the problems but it always degenerates into shit about atmuh for some bloody reason

Right, because trying to bend the rules is communicating the specific issues at hand.

Stop the bullshitting. If you read that text file that even starla posted and compare the timestamps and read the context, it clearly shows that atma was more interested in calling me an idiot than trying to address the issue. I posted a solution, deflecting atma's attempt to derail discussion about the issue at hand, and he continued to call me an idiot while ignoring the crux of the post that mattered (which incidentally, many decided to ignore).

Now if you have legitimate complaints, fine, but stop lying to me and attempting to take the high ground with that lie. That makes your claims null.

The childishness and immaturity of the claims against me is ridiculous, and anyone with half a brain agrees with me here. If anyone else wants to continue missing the point I'm making here and denying what is clear, then I feel sorry for your lack of education in how to reason/think, and I have nothing more to say to you. If you want to actually discuss how to solve problems, then I'm all ears. The onus is on those of you who are failing to open up discussion on problems in a way that they can be fixed in a proper way. This is what atma failed to do, and some of you others apparently as well.

Stop the bullshitting. If you read that text file that even starla posted and compare the timestamps and read the context, it clearly shows that atma was more interested in calling me an idiot than trying to address the issue. I posted a solution, deflecting atma's attempt to derail discussion about the issue at hand, and he continued to call me an idiot while ignoring the crux of the post that mattered (which incidentally, many decided to ignore).

...I don't care what atmuh was doing

it has nothing to do with anything else

many other people have voiced their opinions on the previous matter and whether or not you got all butthurt because atmuh called you an idiot is irrelevant


...I don't care what atmuh was doing

it has nothing to do with anything else

many other people have voiced their opinions on the previous matter and whether or not you got all butthurt because atmuh called you an idiot is irrelevant

Not to me they haven't. People would only mention that something shitty would happen, but nothing in particular in a way I can do anything about it. Discussions between other people != discussions with me. In addition, Powerlord has full access to the server as well, he can do something if I'm not around to do anything (to be honest, for the past month or two I haven't really been able to do anything).

So there were some posts earlier about having a casual night or two where the server is locked down to OCR peeps. Do people still want that? What times & days would you all want it? Please post responses, as generally the only internet access I get for most of the day is at work, which means only webpage viewing. In addition, should there be different custom settings on the server for OCR only nights? i.e. admin settings (such as gravity votes), map rotation, etc.


If there's going to be a lockdown night then I second holding it on Saturday. That's one of the few days I can guarentee I'll be in town lately. I still may not be able to get on all of the time, but that'd be my best shot to play most of the time. As for different custom settings, I'm not too picky. I'm fine with the standard game myself, but if anyone wants custom settings that's cool too.

Also, I don't want to dredge this up any more than it has been again, but I do feel the need to mention that some people seem to be getting up in Bahamut's grill more than necessary, particularly since he provides an awesome server at his expense. Maybe some people are simply sounding ruder than they intend because things don't always come out the way we intend on the internet, but still, ease up a bit. If you have a problem, bring it to him in a civil, well explained manner. I can understand his frustration when some people are sounding a little ungrateful for what he's doing for us.


Saturday never works for me, I'm afraid. That's the night very much reserved for "hanging out with friends and acting like idiots." If it's held on Saturday nights I'll probably never be able to make it until well after midnight.

Even if you guys hold it on Saturday, I won't be bent out of shape about not making it. I'll see what I can do, but for me, either Friday or Sunday will be traditionally better.

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