Xerol Oplan Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 What's happening with downtown? I really liked that map.
Dhsu Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Updated the map list in the first post. I recommend people downloading all of these maps and putting them in the map folder, as some of them are quite large.In addition, what was the consensus on pl_strider? I never got to try it out It's mostly a novelty map IMO. It's pretty weighted towards the strider's team (don't remember if that's RED or BLU)...even if you wipe out all the human players, the strider can usually take out the attackers by itself with its laser and sentry attacks. The map itself is not interesting to fight on at all (I think it was ripped directly from HL2), and there's not enough ammo. Btw, does anyone want map changes to be based off of rounds completed or by time? I'd be up for changing it to 3-4 rounds completed. Although how does it handle 2fort? I don't want 2-hour-long stalemates...
Powerlord Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 What's happening with downtown? I really liked that map. Insomniac/Tiddlywink was apparently on last night with the name "Lost Name" (I think). I could pull the server logs and search a bit, but I'm fairly sure he said something along the lines of "They won't get an updated version from me." I'd be up for changing it to 3-4 rounds completed. Although how does it handle 2fort? I don't want 2-hour-long stalemates... That's a good question... I'd hope that there's also some timer involved with ctf and symmetric control point maps.
Bahamut Posted November 14, 2008 Author Posted November 14, 2008 So...from what I've read elsewhere, it turns out that I was supposed to just put any map specific cfgs in the root cfg folder...so anyone want any map specific settings? i.e. alltalk, map time limit, round limit, etc.
Powerlord Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 So...from what I've read elsewhere, it turns out that I was supposed to just put any map specific cfgs in the root cfg folder...so anyone want any map specific settings? i.e. alltalk, map time limit, round limit, etc. That's weird, I was told it was supposed to go in maps/cfg/mapname.cfg Anyway, low gravity on cyberpunk and cp_cyberpunk!
Bahamut Posted November 14, 2008 Author Posted November 14, 2008 That's weird, I was told it was supposed to go in maps/cfg/mapname.cfgAnyway, low gravity on cyberpunk and cp_cyberpunk! I just tested it, all map cfgs are supposed to be in the root cfg folder in order to work...which is nice! For example, does anyone want specific round settings instead of time limit settings for maps like dustbowl, goldrush, or badwater? How about time settings to be changed to a mix of round limits for maps like well or granary? Edit: Insomniac/Tiddlywink was apparently on last night with the name "Lost Name" (I think). I could pull the server logs and search a bit, but I'm fairly sure he said something along the lines of "They won't get an updated version from me." Was it for an antagonistic reason, or because he's busy or what?
Meeting_Gman Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Insomniac/Tiddlywink was apparently on last night with the name "Lost Name" (I think). I could pull the server logs and search a bit, but I'm fairly sure he said something along the lines of "They won't get an updated version from me." His name was "Name Error", if memory serves and I believe he was waiting for someone to ask him for the updated map. I think maybe he became upset that no one asked him. I can't be certain though, since those are just my thoughts.
Zephyr Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Insomniac/Tiddlywink was apparently on last night with the name "Lost Name" (I think). I could pull the server logs and search a bit, but I'm fairly sure he said something along the lines of "They won't get an updated version from me." I was talking to him afterwards, he means that he's done the updated version, but that you haven't gotten around to uploading it yet. I told him to just send you a download link, but he insisted that you get it from playing on his server. Talk to him about it. His name was Name Error.
Garian Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 he was on last night griping around that no one was logging on to his server to download the map, but that makes no sense since he unfriended everyone except his other steam account. i've got no clue as to what his server address is, so i guess we're still out of luck for the latest version. oh, his name should be dr. tiddlywinks again, he was trying to get the game to do some glitch where it hides the name of your killer... we saw it on atma's server when arena 2fort glitched and made abyss's name disappear, the kill notices in the top right would say "errorname" or something to that effect... pretty hilarious at the time :V
Zephyr Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 I've decided to take another crack at making a map. I realize that the concept for my ctp map got a little complicated, especially without a working ctf HUD. I have a new gameplay mode in mind for my next one. It'll be cp Attack-Defend, but there's only 1 cp and it starts off neutral. The starting spawn rooms are almost right next to eachother and the cp is at the end of a short level. After 1 team caps the point the timer starts counting down from 3 minutes. The team that capped it must hold it for 3 minutes to win the round. If the other team caps it then the time is reset and they must try to defend for 3 minutes. Kind of a back and forth King of the Hill type thing. I haven't done much on the map yet, but I'm going to try to make it much smaller and more playable than ctp_epsilon.
Zephyr Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 Are we going to be locking the server tonight? I had a lot of fun with it last week. Double post +1
Bahamut Posted November 15, 2008 Author Posted November 15, 2008 Ahh right, time to pw lock it. Does anyone want a rotation change btw to include some new maps? It currently is: cp_dustbowl pl_badwater cp_granary pl_goldrush ctf_2fort tc_hydro cp_gravelpit pl_badwater cp_well cp_downtown_b3 cp_steel pl_goldrush ctf_turbine
Powerlord Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 cp_downtown_b3 should be cp_downtown_b31.
Bahamut Posted November 15, 2008 Author Posted November 15, 2008 cp_downtown_b3 should be cp_downtown_b31. You're right, I just copy/pasted from the version on my hard drive.
Brushfire Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Egypt is a must for regular rotation. The rest of them however are up to everyone as I have no real approving or disapproving thoughts.
Dhsu Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Aesop Rock (I think, the one with the gas) is bugged. It's a neat concept, but not executed in the best way.
Garian Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 yeah. wooticus says that it's a remake of a team fortress classic map, but i wasn't quite so keen on the "take their intel to their gas chamber" design... i don't think it really meshes well with the respawn waves system. was pretty fun trying out all the different maps that have been added that i've never heard of, thanks zephyr for initiating that. was pretty good for being locked down... except a bit of team stacking :V
DarkeSword Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 As much as I was complaining about custom maps last night, I actually kind of like Hoodoo. Grass and Cave isn't ready yet for play. It's too short and the guy still needs to tweak it some more. Honestly though, I wasn't keen on OCR Saturday turning into "LETS TRY CUSTOM MAPS" Saturday. I can't remember the last time I had a chance to play Dustbowl.
Bahamut Posted November 16, 2008 Author Posted November 16, 2008 As much as I was complaining about custom maps last night, I actually kind of like Hoodoo.Grass and Cave isn't ready yet for play. It's too short and the guy still needs to tweak it some more. Honestly though, I wasn't keen on OCR Saturday turning into "LETS TRY CUSTOM MAPS" Saturday. I can't remember the last time I had a chance to play Dustbowl. Well I don't know what happened last Saturday, but as for this one, maybe it was because I added a lot of new maps to the server? Also, I'm going to try to add/fix the Extend Map option sometime this week.
Garian Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 i feel you DS. i kept telling zephyr to put it up to vote because i didn't want to sacrifice fun times for experimentation... and besides, i've noticed that the server has been quite dead for most of the day so it's not like some of us can't do some playtesting during the "off-time." it is a bit of a shame that there has been a slump but it's to be expected during autumn i guess. hopefully with the l4d demo ending we'll see a bunch of guys come back to tf2 this week :S hopefully it won't be quite so much of the 'try out new maps' thing from now on during saturday lockdowns because it does turn off a few guys from playing, which is the complete opposite point to it. I remember last week we had quite a few epic games on the regular maps. oh, also, the payload map crane top causes the server to crash, so one of the admins might want to remove it!
Zephyr Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 It was a fun night and we got to try out osme of the new maps so I'm happy. And no, it's almost certainly not going to be like that every saturday because we don't have that many new maps every week. We just wanted to test them sometime and it's hard to do that during the week without completely killing the server. In the end we found 1 or 2 good maps (like egypt) and had a blast.
Garian Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 there we have it oh, i downloaded the source sdk again so i has the hammer editor. i've got no clue how to make maps though. i've gone through some tutorials but that doesn't help with actually designing something that would be fun to play... oh well!
Meeting_Gman Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 That was such great fun last night. Thank you, thank you to whomever the wonderful person was who added Egypt! I actually liked grassandcave more then I originally though I would, but it's true it needs some tweaking. Studio was really quite nice, what with the bushes to hide in and all and the pagoda which was barraged with many a Scout who were promptly met with a rocket.
Bill Lumbergh Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Ok this is Atmuh making a post (I asked permission first so it's ok!). First off I think it's about time I made a post about what's happened with me buying a server and whatnot. It seemed that, sadly, the OCR server was facilitating to the community less and less. I don't blame Bahamut for missing the complaints of various posters (including myself, quite vocally) because he's a real busy guy and I know what it's like to have life get in the way of internet affairs. So with the launch of my server, I think I sparked a little more awareness with the admin crew, which is really all we wanted in the first place, so I am completely satisfied. I don't really play on mine anymore, and anyone who's seen my brother's posts in the Left 4 Dead thread knows that I'm converting my server over to Left 4 Dead. This is basically because, as I said, my TF2 server has more or less served it's purpose, and in the process I've learned quite a bit about server commands as well as sourcemod commands, which makes me happy because I love learning new stuff no matter what it is really. Now I'll move on the the OCR only Saturdays. First off I'm the kind of person that will play a lot of different maps so I enjoy trying new maps and it was rather enjoyable to see something new. The only things I didn't like were the whole "LETS LET THEM WIN SO WE CAN SEE MORE OF THE MAP." In my opinion that's just dumb. I (and many others are behind me but as usual I'm the only one with the balls to say it) also didn't like that these nights really aren't truly OCR only, but instead whoever can get the password night. If you read back to when people were suggesting that we do this, it was with a specific purpose in mind. It wasn't with the intention of a night with no pubs, it was instead a night where OCR folk could play on a night without a CERTAIN GROUP OF PEOPLE (you know who I'm talking about). I think the password should be more word of mouth than simply a first post, or admins should actually enforce it. I might not count as an OCR person since I'm banned and whatnot, and I'd respectfully restrain from playing on these specific nights if you people wanted to keep it strictly OCR only if you people didn't want me. On that topic, I continue to have trouble with certain ZUZ members with team stacking and general faggotry. Voting to scramble the teams does nothing if Ubel is gonna switch to the team with the rest of them anyway. Also being that I still have server even though it's gonna be L4D any wonderful donations would be wonderful. ◕◡◕
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