atmuh Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 FAC16 ZOMBIES THE WINNER IS NINJA-SAN I personally thought literally every entry this month was pretty good which was great to see! Also on a side note its nice to see that the top 4 were ladies (: Rambo - Pokeymans 2 Sindra - Resident Evil 15 Bonzai - Team Fortress 19 cobaltstarfire - Yoshi 17 Ninja-san - Resident Evil 30 DJ Mighty - Ghosts and Goblins 6 Faulken - Redead 1 -------------------------------------------- OK so here are the entries. PM me your top 3, starting with the one you love the most by September 2nd. I was really impressed with everything this goaround. Rambo - Pokeymans Sindra - Resident Evil Bonzai - Team Fortress 2 cobaltstarfire - Yoshi Ninja-san - Resident Evil DJ Mighty - Ghosts and Goblins Faulken - Redead ------------------------------------------- So my internet quit was epic failure and here I am to do this again. Welcome to the August 2008 edition of OCR's "official" Fan Art Competition (FAC). The winner of the previous month gets to choose the following month's theme. Last month's winner, Sindra, is sick and tired of super happy happy stuff and wants everyone to draw crazy bloodthirsty ZOMBIES. That's any kinda of zombie from any game. GO CRAZY WITH THIS ONE. If your unfamiliar with FAC then here is a FAQ thing sorta. FAQ What is the Fan Art Competition? The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme. What is the theme? The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition and must be video game related. Who can submit art? Anyone What are my restrictions? You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions. Who decides the winner? OCR of course, the whole community votes on it. How does voting work? On the day after the deadline I will make a post that displays all of the art submitted. Then users will be allowed to see every entry and decide which three they like the best, in order. Afterwhich they will send me a PM with their vote and maybe a few comments about the contest. They must do so in the announced voting period. If not then they fail at voting. When and how do we see the results? After the voting period is over I will count the results and figure out which peice has the most points. When voting the voter sends in their top three favorite peices. The one they like the most is worth 3 points, the second 2 points and the third 1 point. If I enter the contest can I vote? Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you REALLY wanna. Once the points have been counted I will send a happy PM to the winner that tells them that they one and explains how they are to choose the next months theme. *deep breath* Once I get a PM back I will post the results and artists choice for the next months theme. Rules and Regulations! 1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme. 2) No nudity. 3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme. 4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry. PM me all entries by: August 27th Alright! Lets get started! Support this thread by wearing one of these or make your own: Quote
relyanCe Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Zombies... are you freaking serious? Sindra, you are a GENIUS! Quote
Cottus and Gyes Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Can we make characters into zombies? I'd hate to see this thing littered with RE and Zombies Took Over My Neighborhood (or w/e). Quote
atmuh Posted August 5, 2008 Author Posted August 5, 2008 first off its ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS which is one of the greatest games of all time second off after seeing that idea that is actually a pretty cool idea i dunno how many of you have read marvel zombies but they kinda do that Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Can we make characters into zombies? I'd hate to see this thing littered with RE and Zombies Took Over My Neighborhood (or w/e). Somebody had better do Decap Attack. Oh wait... I think that person will be me. Also, there are plenty of games to choose from without getting into the whole 'zombification of normal game characters' business. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 ZOMBG! No idea what to do yet, but I really like this theme!! =D Quote
Jaroban Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Yeaahh great theme! If you need some inspiration, go listen to this [/shameless but relevant plug] Quote
Bummer Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 This actually sounds crazy enough to work. Hoo hah. Quote
Rawk Hawk Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 This is gonna be sweet. there are so many to choose from for this, i don't know where to start. Resident Evil is the obvious choice, but you can do zombies ate my neighbours, ghosts and goblins, castlevania, even the zombies from the metroid series (fusion and prime 2 for those who can't recall). Ooo...Here's a good one, "Stubbs the zombie in: Rebel without a pulse". Ack... so many choices, hard to pick just one! Quote
Cottus and Gyes Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 ...second off after seeing that idea that is actually a pretty cool idea... I am going to assume its legit and do something. p.s. I have a ruler and sharpie now! Quote
Davos-Moon Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Zombies ay...hrm...well I guess I really gotta work this one out. Interesting topic though. I'll have to check in later and see how everyone else is coming along... Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Cool, I might have some ideas for this. Quote
Binjovi Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 I'm kinda bogged down with a lot of other artwork I have to do, so I might not get around to this. But I like the theme, so I'll see what I can do if I get the time. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Well apparently my penciling came out "disturbing" so I guess I've succeeded in drawing something that doesn't suffer from cuteness as is often the case when I draw something (or so I am told anyway). For some reason I still think it's a bit cute though, for a rotting reanimated corpse anyway. Quote
Sindra Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 I didn't wanna make it too easy for you guys. Quote
atmuh Posted August 12, 2008 Author Posted August 12, 2008 so WHY IS NO ONE SAYING ANYTHING OR WHY IS NO ONE DONE YET i am sad Quote
Aninymouse Posted August 13, 2008 Posted August 13, 2008 I need to feel pressure. I always wait until I have just enough time. I'm weird. Quote
Davos-Moon Posted August 13, 2008 Posted August 13, 2008 so WHY IS NO ONE SAYING ANYTHING OR WHY IS NO ONE DONE YET i am sad Technically I have one done, but it's another Kirby one...I'm kind of using that as a fall back in case I don't do anything better, or from a different game. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted August 13, 2008 Posted August 13, 2008 Because I can't scan the bloody thing till I get home on the 15th. Then I have to ink/color/give it a background and possibly a foreground. Quote
Davos-Moon Posted August 13, 2008 Posted August 13, 2008 well if you have a camera you may be able to take a decent picture of it, then fix it up on the computer...that's usually what I do to start. Quote
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