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What's strange was that the day before, news about Bernie Mac was "don't worry, it's only Pneumonia, media is making too big a fuss about it" and now this. Talk about ironic. And sad.


Not to open up fresh wounds, but what did Bernie say about Obama that riled up so many people to the point of fake death reports?

At any rate, I didn't follow Bernie Mac as a devoted fan, same as George Carlin or Richard Pryor, but I had seen a lot of his comedy and movies. To me, just knowing that there WAS a Bernie Mac along with other comedians like him made me feel like things were still being done right for the art, and Bernie was definitely one of those that had a large(har har) presence when he was doing his thing. When I read about this last night, I was in some serious disbelief. 50-years-old? That's way too young for a guy like him. I know I'll miss him

I'll be hitting up youtube to watch some of his stuff later today.


This is strange because some friends of mine and I were watching Bernie Mac's Def Comedy Jam acts on youtube only about a week ago. His stage presence was amazing and his style has certainly been refined over the years.

He successfully made the transition from edgy stand-up to main stream family comedian without really losing himself. He has certainly left us with a great body of work but it's still a shame the Mr. Mac left us so prematurely.

Not to open up fresh wounds, but what did Bernie say about Obama that riled up so many people to the point of fake death reports?

At any rate, I didn't follow Bernie Mac as a devoted fan, same as George Carlin or Richard Pryor, but I had seen a lot of his comedy and movies. To me, just knowing that there WAS a Bernie Mac along with other comedians like him made me feel like things were still being done right for the art, and Bernie was definitely one of those that had a large(har har) presence when he was doing his thing. When I read about this last night, I was in some serious disbelief. 50-years-old? That's way too young for a guy like him. I know I'll miss him

I'll be hitting up youtube to watch some of his stuff later today.

Mac basically did R-rated comedy for an audience that was supposed to be family friendly. It basically was a genuine mistake on his part. Should've seen that coming when you're endorsing a candidate and politics will start creeping in.

I never was a real fan of Bernie Mac, but I thought he had a pretty good, awkward presence in the movies he was in. Too bad most of the movies were either fluff or just shit.

"CHICAGO - Bernie Mac, the actor and comedian who teamed up in the casino heist caper "Ocean's Eleven" and gained a prestigious Peabody Award for his sitcom "The Bernie Mac Show," died Saturday at age 50.

"Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital," his publicist, Danica Smith, said in a statement from Los Angeles."


This is....just not right :cry:

Man, that crushed me, and before I heard, I was talking about him with my brothers. Coincidences are something else.


Ironic that on the day of his death, my friend's band said "We dedicate this show to Bernie Mac. He died this morning." They were joking, but no one was the wiser.

Sad that he died.

I loved him in the "Ocean's" movies.


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