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yeah I do not believe that this is physically possible without damaging the human body

But don't you know? WE'RE ALREADY BEING DAMAGED.


It turns out the human body is not affected by magnetic fields; it is affected by elective fields. So what we are doing is transmitting energy using the magnetic field not the electric field."

So instead of damaging us, damage our electronics (like TVs!)

A *lot* of energy needs to be transferred for wireless power, and continually to boot. That's a lot of potential to disaster, and most kind of electromagnetic waves, when they're at that intensity, cause harmful effects on (See the FCC warning on almost any electronic device). It seems this tech will not be safe for people AND equipment for a long time.

Rattner spoke of technological transformations he expects by the year 2050.

This is a reasonable time frame.


Yeah, I'd think by 2050, we'd have wearable photovoltaic clothing as the norm, and whatever electrical devices we'd rely on at that time would be powered by a combination of sources, including said clothing. Heck, by 2050, those electrical devices could very well be integrated into our clothing, if not our bodies.

Yeah, I'd think by 2050, we'd have wearable photovoltaic clothing as the norm, and whatever electrical devices we'd rely on at that time would be powered by a combination of sources, including said clothing. Heck, by 2050, those electrical devices could very well be integrated into our clothing, if not our bodies.

Yep. Wanna play your PSP 9? Just stick a plug up your ass and walk to generate the power needed... bringing Plug 'N Play to a whole new level.

Yep. Wanna play your PSP 9? Just stick a plug up your ass and walk to generate the power needed... bringing Plug 'N Play to a whole new level.

Well we already have that with anal suppositories right?

Someone else already mentioned it but... c'mon, Tesla anyone?


Hmm, I remember my physics teacher talking to me about this. He said that when perfected it should be perfectly safe as the waves (or something) aren't powerful or of the right type to damage the human body. Actually, I'm not sure if he said that, but it was something along those lines. I'd better stop before I look like a cock.


I'm pretty sure the power transmission is done via EM resonance... i.e. it will only resonate with the tuned coil of the receiving device, not your body. There's no reason to think it unsafe. Unless you worry too about all the TV, radio, and cellphone waves traveling through the air. (But you shouldn't!)

And everyone's right who mentioned Tesla, such things have been proposed since the dawn of electric power. The recent breakthroughs are about doing it efficiently & on a miniature scale, I believe.

Unless you worry too about all the TV, radio, and cellphone waves traveling through the air. (But you shouldn't!)

I will only stop worrying about this when they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not harmful

I will only stop worrying about this when they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not harmful

Do you also worry about the genocide taking place in the world as we speak?

(edit: that's not to say you shouldn't)


Think of all of the places in the world that don't have electricity right now because of the cost of wiring everything up: Third world countries could very feasibly get vastly improved healthcare systems. Hospitals could have the most advanced technology, even in the most remote locations. Production and everyday use of electric cars would become much more practical for everyone. Energy costs would plummet to the point of being nearly inconsequential. If we suddenly didn't need to rely on something as simple as an electric outlet to operate our high powered machines on a day to day basis, global society could quite possibly skyrocket into beautiful Utopian levels of World Harmony.

The potential of this kind of technology to advance the human race is beyond all human understanding.

And then think what would happen when someone entered the "world code" for the government's top secret EMP satellite weapon: Our dependence upon technology would have grown far past the point of no return. People would forget how to operate without all of our newfound luxuries. A third World War dubbed "The Energy Wars" would break out all across the globe as nations struggle for alternate energy sources. Cities would burn just for the heat and women and children would be eaten just for survival. If we suddenly had to rely on something as simple as our wits rather than technology just to survive on a day to day basis, global society could devolve into unthinkable Dystopian levels of Hell on Earth.

The potential of this kind of technology to destroy the human race is beyond all human understanding.

PS: I love writing science fiction. ;-)

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