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So Cho Aniki on VC this week. I think I'll pass on that one. ITT let's alternate between talking about how fricking crazy Cho Aniki is and bitching because Nintendo can't seem to release anything decent for VC. If you're gonna import some obscure shit, how about a translation of Bahamut Lagoon?

Fixed. And therein lies the problem.

To further elaborate on the problem

The popularity of the Cho Aniki games has endured since the series' debut. Depending on which specific title one looks at, highlights include in-game music, innovative control schemes or sheer kitsch value. In Japan, these games are examples of baka-ge, a type of kuso-ge. "Baka-ge" literally means "idiot game" while "kuso-ge" literally means "shitty game" or "shit game". Baka-ge's appeal lies in its campness. Indisputably, the game's aesthetic sense — semi-nude men in suggestive homoerotic poses — is a unique one, certainly a quality that has given the series a cult popularity among Western gamers. Though the graphics are more risqué than pornographic,

the series references homosexuality and gay sex more directly and more often than perhaps any other video game series in history.


It's one thing if it was done for a particular reason, easily done in say rpgs...

But in Cho Aniki series case, they just slap the dick at you while trying to drench you bukkake style...

seriously they put this bullshit out when im sure maybe five or six people total will download it

Clueless people will download it to fill in the gap from the more... "wiser: buyers avoiding it...

Then again there are those, such as myself, who always seem to get a good laugh from "cult classics" like the Leprechaun movies. :lol:


I'm waiting for a 12 year old to come in with a single word post exclaiming "ghey."

In Japan, these games are examples of baka-ge, a type of kuso-ge. "Baka-ge" literally means "idiot game" while "kuso-ge" literally means "shitty game" or "shit game".

so this is the Japanese equivalent of a Uwe Boll film except in game form?

Everyone complaining about Cho Aniki secretly wants to buy it.

It's actually more to do with the fact that after SMRPG was released for the VC, it decided to chose a game that not only is obscure (usually not a bad thing except for this time), but one that basically flogs a dildo at you with watery lotion ready to squirt at you.

It's a rollercoaster ride where at a certain peak it took a dive and decided to cause its passengers to splash into a heavily neglected septic tank which as of now said passengers are still wallowing in it.

It's actually more to do with the fact that after SMRPG was released for the VC, it decided to chose a game that not only is obscure (usually not a bad thing except for this time), but one that basically flogs a dildo at you with watery lotion ready to squirt at you.

It's a rollercoaster ride where at a certain peak it took a dive and decided to cause its passengers to splash into a heavily neglected septic tank which as of now said passengers are still wallowing in it.



If you thought that was funny, I'll consider pming you this manga series I've been reading. Not a "holy shit LOLZ" but a good lulz throughout the series. Also thank Yahtzee for the bit of inspiration on my earlier post.

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