DarkeSword Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Ok...since everyone is talking about that assclowns comment, I gotta ask again,Does anyone know where I can get a battle snaredrum sound font? What do you mean by a battle snaredrum? A marching snare, akin to what was used in the army, or a kind of power-rock snare you'd hear in a battle them in FF or something? Quote
genghisdani Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 I have practically every soundfont I need, except for a good harp. HELP!!! Quote
DarkeSword Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 I have practically every soundfont I need, except for a good harp.HELP!!! http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ Quote
Hentai Otaku Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Ok...since everyone is talking about that assclowns comment, I gotta ask again,Does anyone know where I can get a battle snaredrum sound font? What do you mean by a battle snaredrum? A marching snare, akin to what was used in the army, or a kind of power-rock snare you'd hear in a battle them in FF or something? Yeah, more like an army type one. Quote
STM Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Anyone got a good chime tree glissando? Preferably a sample(s) that runs down the tones, but I guess anything will do. Beggars can't be choosers... Quote
Navi Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 I have practically every soundfont I need, except for a good harp.HELP!!! http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ I love you ten times more now. You have squidfont. Quote
acca Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 I recently got a program which I'm liking, but it seems it only wants a particular type of sample, of a GUS format. I currently have one set of basic instruments, and while some of them are bareable, others are less than good to the ear. So, does anyone here have any GUS patches, or know where I can find some? They haven't been the easiest thing to find so far. Given, I have only had the program two days, but two or three days search if I can get help here is better than 6 months... Quality would be very nice, but I'm also after quantity. So, I will pretty much take anything. If you have GUS stuff, but don't want to be nice and send everything you have, or have too much to send all at once or something...I would appreciate in the least, some drums, acoustic bass, flute, and harpishcord...as these instruments in particular are very displeasing in my current set. Note: The format this program says it needs is GUS but the file extension of these patches is not .gus but rather .pat...so if you have no idea what this GUS stuff is, but have or know where .pat files can be downloaded from, I'm betting that they will probably work anyway. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me URLs, FTPs, or basically send me any of this stuff. Quote
Tebril Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Is the program you are talking about Timidity++? If so, you don't even need the GUS patches - you can just use soundfonts. I'd be happy to tell you how to set up Timidity for soundfonts if that is the case. Quote
acca Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Is the program you are talking about Timidity++? If so, you don't even need the GUS patches - you can just use soundfonts. I'd be happy to tell you how to set up Timidity for soundfonts if that is the case. I'm new to this jargon so correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression I needed a decent sound card to successfully use soundfonts. If that's the case, I won't be able to because I have a worthless card that has minimal to zero MIDI functionality. But if I don't then that would be great, of course And yes, it is Timidity I'm referring to. Quote
Red Omen Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Anyone got a good chime tree glissando? Preferably a sample(s) that runs down the tones, but I guess anything will do. Beggars can't be choosers... Get Marktree Up and Marktree Down. Quote
Tebril Posted January 2, 2004 Posted January 2, 2004 If you haven't already, get this version of Timidity (Windows GUI). Open timidity.cfg as a text filt and replace it with this code: ## This sets the Timidity and Soundfont directories ##dir (Your Timidity directory-can't have spaces)dir (Your soundfont directory-can't have spaces)## Complete Soundfonts ##soundfont Fluid_GM.sf2#soundfont Personal_Copy.sf2#soundfont Unison.sf2## Additional Instruments ###soundfont Ahh_Choir.sf2#soundfont Grand_Piano.sf2#soundfont String_Orchestra.sf2#soundfont String_Quartet.sf2#soundfont Woodwinds.sf2 The complete soundfonts and additional instruments sections should be changed to match the names of your soundfont files. You can enable/disable soundfonts by putting a # sign in front of them. Finally, put a copy of timidity.cfg in C:\WINDOWS. Make sure in timpp32g.ini "ConfigFile=C:\WINDOWS\timidity.cfg". Open timidity and load a midi, it should now work. You don't need an SB Live! soundcard for Timidity to work. Also, here's a help file I wrote: (apologies for the long post) # How to Use Timidity # What is Timidity? ----------------- With Timidity you can load a midi file and play it back using a soundfont. A soundfont is a set of instruments that replace your default midi instruments to give midis a different sound, usually a more realistic one. How do I install Timidity? -------------------------- Copy the Timidity folder from the CD to wherever you want it on the computer. Make sure you put a copy of timidity.cfg in C:\WINDOWS or else the program won't work. The two directories listed in timidity.cfg should be the Timidity directory and the Soundfont directory, wherever those may be on your computer. To set the default directory Timidity uses to open midi files, open timpp32g.ini and look for the line 'MidiFileOpenDir='. After the = put the directory you would like Timidity to browse in. How do I use Timidity? ---------------------- Open timidity-gui.exe, then go to File > Open File to open a midi file. When you hit the play button it may take a few seconds to load the soundfonts. How do I record a midi into a wave or mp3 file? ----------------------------------------------- First, go to Config > Preference and check not looping. Then, go to Config > Preference > Output tab. In the bottom half of the Output tab you will see an Output section that reads 'Windows audio driver'. Click on it and change it to 'RIFF WAVE file' (to save a wave file) or 'MP3 GOGO' (to save an mp3 file). Click the Output File button to set the name of the file your wave or mp3 will be. Click OK and hit the play button in the main window. The wave or mp3 file should begin recording, and will be complete when the midi file has finished playing. What Soundfonts do I Have? -------------------------- In the Soundfonts directory I've included these soundfonts: Personal_Copy.sf2 - Complete instrument set, high quality Unison.sf2 - Complete instrument set, high quality Ahh_Choir.sf2 - Male choir in lower register, female choir in upper register Drumset.sf2 - High quality percussion set, takes a little longer to load French_Horns.sf2 - High quality french horns Grand_Piano.sf2 - High quality piano, takes a little longer to load Harmonica.sf2 - Good quality harmonica Pizzicato.sf2 - Realistic string pizzicato String_Orchestra.sf2 - Good quality string orchestra String_Quartet.sf2 - High quality violin, viola, cello, and bass Tubular_Bells.sf2 - Good quality bell Woodwinds.sf2 - High quality wind instruments How do I change soundfonts? --------------------------- In the Timidity directory open timidity.cfg. You should see something like this: ## This sets the Timidity and Soundfont directories ## dir C:\Timidity dir C:\Soundfonts ## Complete Soundfonts ## soundfont Fluid.sf2 #soundfont Personal_Copy.sf2 #soundfont Unison.sf2 ## Additional Instruments ## #soundfont Ahh_Choir.sf2 #soundfont French_Horns.sf2 ##soundfont Grand_Piano.sf2 #soundfont Harmonica.sf2 #soundfont Pizzicato.sf2 #soundfont String_Orchestra.sf2 #soundfont String_Quartet.sf2 #soundfont Tubular_Bells.sf2 #soundfont Woodwinds.sf2 This is your configuration file for soundfonts. To disable a soundfont put a # in front of it, as in '#soundfont Ahh_Choir.sf2'. To enable, delete the #. Always have one of the complete soundfonts enabled and the others disabled as you can't use more than one at the same time, and the additional instruments are only replacements. Also, make sure the the two directories at the beginning of the file point to your Timidity directory and your Soundfont directory. The 'dir' must be at the beginning of the line. Quote
Rellik Posted January 2, 2004 Posted January 2, 2004 Ok, here's what I'm needing: Random vocal hits. Jazzy, male or female, just really smooth type phrases. I don't really care what it says... if there's enough I'm bound to find one that fits. But the jazziness is the most important part; I don't want rap "YeAHA!"'s and "WOOOOOhhh"'s and "COME ON!!!!!"'s, I want jazzy, cheesy, "One two, ready let's go." or "Time to split.", "Okay, three, two, one, let's jam.", "I think it's time to blow this thing." etc. And that's as specific as I can get, really thanks if you have any tips. Quote
acca Posted January 4, 2004 Posted January 4, 2004 [Timidity info & Help File] Ahh, besides the quality and availability advantage, I notice I don't have to edit the config to list every instrument like I would have to for GUS patches. Nice Thank you, now I can get some decent quality mp3s of all these MIDI compositions I've made over the years Quote
DJ_Aquagenesis Posted January 4, 2004 Posted January 4, 2004 ok this is what i need. either sample or soundfont. Grand Piano Brite Piano Honky Tonk Piano SynthBass1 SynthBass1Dark Ice Rain(synth FX) can be found using a keyboard. but the synthbass1dark i tihnk needs XG. hook me up. plzkthx! Quote
GrayLightning Posted January 4, 2004 Posted January 4, 2004 ok this is what i need. either sample or soundfont.Grand Piano Brite Piano Honky Tonk Piano SynthBass1 SynthBass1Dark Ice Rain(synth FX) can be found using a keyboard. but the synthbass1dark i tihnk needs XG. hook me up. plzkthx! Those sound like instruments in a GM soundfont. You should try Fluid 3 at hammersound. Quote
DJ_Aquagenesis Posted January 4, 2004 Posted January 4, 2004 ok im at hammersound. now, where the heck is fluid 3??? Quote
GrayLightning Posted January 4, 2004 Posted January 4, 2004 http://www.hammersound.net/cgi-bin/soundlink.pl?action=view_category&category=Collections&ListStart=0&ListLength=15 Quote
acca Posted January 5, 2004 Posted January 5, 2004 I'm looking for some rock soundfonts. Overdriven guitars and Distorted guitars mainly as I only have one of each and they aren't really great. I could do with a bass with more 'oomph' that still sounds smooth. Either that or I'm not processing it properly to get that sound. I have drumkits, but only really one kit that is useful for traditional rock instrumentations. I'm not terribly worried about this because it isn't a bad set, but if possible I'd like to bring up more options for myself. I'm mainly after electric guitar Soundfonts though. Quote
GrayLightning Posted January 5, 2004 Posted January 5, 2004 For electric guitar soundfonts for free, your choices are mostly the ones at hammersound. There's really no great guitar sample, they all sound fake anyway. ^^ For free rock kit, I like the slavo kit (80s sound) and the nskit at http://www.natural-studio.co.uk/nskit_download.htm Quote
DJ_Aquagenesis Posted January 5, 2004 Posted January 5, 2004 thanks gray. w00p. now i can make this song ive been dyin to make Quote
Wallace Guyford Posted January 7, 2004 Posted January 7, 2004 Ok, here's what I'm needing:Random vocal hits. Jazzy, male or female, just really smooth type phrases. I don't really care what it says... if there's enough I'm bound to find one that fits. But the jazziness is the most important part; I don't want rap "YeAHA!"'s and "WOOOOOhhh"'s and "COME ON!!!!!"'s, I want jazzy, cheesy, "One two, ready let's go." or "Time to split.", "Okay, three, two, one, let's jam.", "I think it's time to blow this thing." etc. And that's as specific as I can get, really thanks if you have any tips. that sounds like the voice from Cowboy Bebop's Tank. Maybe you could just rip the sounds from that. Quote
Tansunn Posted January 7, 2004 Posted January 7, 2004 I'm looking for a sample that seems to be used for "icy" stuff. I've heard it in Metroid Prime in the Phendrana Drifts theme, and in Mega Man X4 for the Frost Walrus stage. Here's a small clip from the Phendrana Drifts theme where it gets used 3 times, so you know what I'm talking about: http://www.jabcreations.com/~lousyspy/mp3/sound.mp3 Either some samples or some hints on how to simulate the sound in either Fruityloops or Reason would be appreciated. Quote
Rellik Posted January 7, 2004 Posted January 7, 2004 Hmm... This is a long shot, but you could try tuning up high an orchestral hit, and then using a filter. Like I said, a long shot. Yeah, , that's actually what I was referring to . I just want stuff *like* that, though; I don't want to rip it, because people will recognize it. Quote
CobraCommander Posted January 11, 2004 Posted January 11, 2004 I'm looking for a soundfont of a paticular keyboard sound, I don't have any idea what it's called, but you can hear it in mv's (friggin awesome) chrono trigger remix at around 1:20-- http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=211 if you can't find a sound font, just the name of it would be good enough. EDIT: Just found out it's a rock organ. Gray, it comes in at 1:18 Quote
GrayLightning Posted January 11, 2004 Posted January 11, 2004 My mistake, I was thinking of his other CT mix. ^^ Ya, as you found out, he used a hammond patch from reason. Just look for a hammond B3 organ or similar soundfont/sample. Quote
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