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does anyone know where I can get some soul sounding vsts? something po! would use

vibey EPs

I have a big collection of these sorts of soundfonts, hit me on AIM and I'll send them to you (I can't remember where I got them and it wasnt any of the usual sites).

I'm looking for some pop/bang/oomph sounds that'd go well in some sort of percussion, for example bottle caps or the sound of tyre pump.

does anyone know where I can get some soul sounding vsts? something po! would use

vibey EPs


Go there, do your search thing, find what you want. They have a MASSIVE collection of VST and VSTi instruments, among pretty much everything else. Also, a good one to search for would be either for 4font's pianos or Plugsound Free (both have nice Pianos and I believe some nice EP's).

Happy Hunting!

  • 2 weeks later...

Metal, metal, metal. Basically, I'm looking into bothering to actually mess around with FL again since I actually came up with a decent idea at work today. But I don't have any soundfonts that would match up except for a so so drum kit. Basically, I'm looking to emulate a very metal sound. Think something along the lines of Black Metal, Death Metal, Goth Metal (though I suppose one could argue the legitimacy of labelling this as a sub genre of metal).

Anyway, here's what I really need in terms of SFs or even VSTs:

Lead Guitars


Metal Drum Kit (something that'd have something nice for a machine gun bass drum sound if you know what that is - IRL it'd be dual basses and someone going ape shit on them ;P)

Maybe some good electric/industrial SFs and Sound Effects

Anyway, I'm sure this type of question's come up before, but I couldn't seem to find what I needed in the search function.



I can pretty much guarantee you that your best bet with the guitars is to just find live performers to do it for you (or better yet, learn yourself). samples and soundfonts can never come close. never. the expression, quite possibly the most important part of playing, can't be done by computers - no matter how hard the kind folks on the other end try.*

if that doesn't help, though, what you might do is check out Slayer, for starts. seriously, though, people will hate you for it (nothing personal, everyone hates anyone who uses anyslayer), so I really really REALLY reccommend live recordings and the FL audio clips function.

* this is assuming they don't invent an rockstar AI that can play your parts for you. computers don't have emotions, though, so metal would not be easy for them (since a lot of metal seems very angry). also, I suppose it's not entirely impossible to pull off, but it would be very difficult. I was mostly exaggerating the point, because I personally hate synthesized guitar stuff with EVERYTHING IN ME, but that's just me.

also, for people who will read the never never part and say "no way u sux" immediately, it's usually a good idea to read my entire post, if only for the context.


like I said, the way the guitar sounds is actually pretty easy. making it sound like someone's actually playing it, not so.

but perhaps this is one of those things we will forever disagree on (in fact, I have a horrible feeling that a lot of people are going to chime in and support you, zirc :P)


Tch. Well, honstely, I figured as much. Sad thing is that my brother is actually quite good at guitar, save for the fact that he couldn't play metal to save his life :P Maybe I should just try for an industrial sound then since I'm not doing this for any ohter reason than because I feel like it :P

Tch. Well, honstely, I figured as much. Sad thing is that my brother is actually quite good at guitar, save for the fact that he couldn't play metal to save his life :P Maybe I should just try for an industrial sound then since I'm not doing this for any ohter reason than because I feel like it :P

There are a decent number of good guitarist around these parts, scope around! 8)


Yeah I know, but I don't wanna waste anyone's time since whatever I made prolly wouldn't be releaseable quality anyway. I just like to mess around now and again.

To get "realistic" guitar, you need a guitarist dude. Period. No substitutes.

Gotta disagree with you, again. The latest guitar libraries are so expressive and filled with perfomance nuances processed in real time with stuff like self-generating harmonic feedback (and so forth), that you'd be extremely hard pressed to tell the difference between samples and the real thing.

To get "realistic" guitar, you need a guitarist dude. Period. No substitutes.

Gotta disagree with you, again. The latest guitar libraries are so expressive and filled with perfomance nuances processed in real time with stuff like self-generating harmonic feedback (and so forth), that you'd be extremely hard pressed to tell the difference between samples and the real thing.

I think KFC is probably refering to that "thing". Not the technical aspects of how expressive or how much harmonic feedback a sample library can self generate, but, that something that you can just TELL made it come from a human, and not a sequencer.

It's like Hardware and Software Synthesizers. I dont know about most people, and, the technical aspects will PROBABLY disagree with me, but, Hardware definately has a warmth and a more bold tone than Software does. Now, granted, the line is always blurring, as you say zircon, the addition of effects and new audio technologies are making the line smaller and smaller, but, the fact is bro, it's still there.

To get "realistic" guitar, you need a guitarist dude. Period. No substitutes.

Gotta disagree with you, again. The latest guitar libraries are so expressive and filled with perfomance nuances processed in real time with stuff like self-generating harmonic feedback (and so forth), that you'd be extremely hard pressed to tell the difference between samples and the real thing.

I haven't heard the latest guitar libraries, having never been without live guitar, but I'd be interested in hearing their progress if it's really as good as you say. (And I believe you!)

Like Lord said, no Hardware or Software synth can emulate a real guitarist, and a guitarist would be able to know that it's fake in a second. Not saying that your method would be bad, but it would not equal or hold a candle to the amount of feeling and tone as a real person playing a guitar.

Exactly. You can argue technicalities all you'd like, but, unfortunately, a sequencer doesnt have an "add emotion" feature yet. :wink:

It's like Hardware and Software Synthesizers. I dont know about most people, and, the technical aspects will PROBABLY disagree with me, but, Hardware definately has a warmth and a more bold tone than Software does. Now, granted, the line is always blurring, as you say zircon, the addition of effects and new audio technologies are making the line smaller and smaller, but, the fact is bro, it's still there.

Totally ridiculous. NOTHING makes digital hardware better than software. It's just chips and that's it. As for analog stuff, they've done blind listening tests comparing software emulations with their analog counterparts, with teams of trained engineers/producers/synthesists and the differences are anywhere from nearly unnoticable to not there at all. It's very easy to make a broad statement about bullshit like "analog warmth" or "boldness" but really if I sat you down and played a TB303 followed by the Audiorealism Bassline, or a DX7 followed by fm7, you would not be able to tell the difference, I guarantee it.

As for some demos of guitar libs, here are some demos of Bela D's latest, "Lyrical Distortion".


It's only a 3GB library or so. There is a 100GB guitar library as well.

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