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Do you have a NES/Atari/SNES/Sega/N64...

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What with readily available emulators and Virtual Console, I am curious to know how many people out there still use the previous generation consoles.

I am fortunate enough to have a SNES and N64 with a small library of games for each and I feel like there's something special about playing old school style. Maybe it's just nostalgia.

Also, especially in the case of the N64, I can't bring myself to play those games using the Wii retro controller. No C-buttons? Zounds! (though I do love the Wiimote for NES games)

Now, if only I could get my hands on a copy of Pilotwings 64...

I sold my N64 when I was in debt, so bye-bye N64. I still have a Dreamcast with three controllers and a memory card, but I sold the games that I had in the same situation. :cry:

...in fact this thread makes me nostalgic. I might go play through RocketKnight Adventures now...

That game was the shit! Man, it should've gotten more props.


I see N64s all the time at the thrift store, you should see if you can find one - won't run you more than $30 probably [if they have the complete package]. I know my stores will just throw them out on the shelf, no cords or anything, for like $5 D:

Also people steal that internal memory thing all the time :[? Bunch of dicks I say. They also pocket the cartridges off of the old turntables...


I still have a working TI-99a that I take out and play sometimes(And it's tape storage device for Tunnels of Doom). Then I also have a Master System I play now and then though I only have Safari Hunt and Super Hang On!(built into the system memory), Shanghai, and Shinobi. NES still works, SNES still works, Genesis still works(after I messed around with its parts a few times), N64 still works, GCN still work. I take em out and exercise each one every now and then.


Man... what's with the Atari hate? I still have my Atari XE Game System (XEGS), and I play it pretty regularly each month. Games like Rescue on Fractalus, Mario Bros., Lode Runner, Desert Falcon and Crossbow are still fun to take out and play for a while. Couple that with being able to play almost all of the Atari 400/800 game library, and it's a great old system with a lot of games (original and arcade) to play.

I never had a N64 so I don't really know what the hell it was. You open up a cover on the top of the console at the back, and there's some cartride inside that you can take out.

That was an expansion slot used to plug in the Expansion Pak which boosted the N64's RAM to 8MB. I believe the original cartridge was just a dummy cart, though if it was removed the system would not play.

I have a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Sega CDX, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, GBA SP, DS Lite and Neo Geo Pocket Color Pro. Most of the systems are hooked up and I still play them occasionally. I like to play them instead of emulation because of a collector's sensibility and I enjoy relaxing on my bed in front of my TV to play them.


These are pictures from my last apartment but I still have the same setup in my current one. Please excuse the crappy camera phone quality.




Not pictured are my original Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance SP, and DS.

There is just something about playing a game on it's original system that is just so much fun, and it brings back so many memories. A lot of people were raising the issue of having to rebuy all of their old games if they wanted to play them on the Wii, but that was never a problem with me because I still own most of my old games. I mean I never even use Slot 2 on my DS, when I want to play a Gameboy game I just pop it in my GBA SP instead. I've never liked PC emulators because it feels silly playing games on a keyboard, and the Wii Virtual Console is much better. The VC balances it out because you don't have to blow on carts or do any other tactics to try and get games to work, that and it has that instant save feature.

I'm still wondering why Nintendo didn't just release little adapters so you can plug old controllers into the Wii remote... probably beacuse they wanted to push their new hardware, but still.

I never had a N64 so I don't really know what the hell it was. You open up a cover on the top of the console at the back, and there's some cartride inside that you can take out.

It's indeed for memory. Bought one myself when the n64 was still warm on the market. Plugged it in and there were some noticable differences between having it and not having it. Quake II for the N64 played faster and looked better, Castlevania 64:LoD had less jaggies and played smoother. Starcraft 64 was much smoother as well. (Big fan of the games I bought the gimped n64 version of starcraft)

The original cartridge inside the slot was black while the memory expansion had a red cover to it.


I've got two NES's, SNES's and N64's, and a gamecube. I've got the old Game boy, the pocket, color, advance, SP, micro, and DS lite. My sister has the old DS, so I'm trying to buy it off her.

We've also got a working Coleco vision with donkey kong! w00t

I'm still wondering why Nintendo didn't just release little adapters so you can plug old controllers into the Wii remote... probably beacuse they wanted to push their new hardware, but still.

I actually e-mailed NOA a few years ago to ask if they would consider releasing a N64 controller adapter or similarly shaped retro controller for the Wii. They responded by politely stating that they did not have such a product in the works. Too bad. Ocarina of Time on GC controllers (playing the Master Quest) was no fun with the C-stick. I imagine it's similar on the Wii-retro controller.

I've never liked PC emulators because it feels silly playing games on a keyboard, and the Wii Virtual Console is much better.

Using a controller takes away most of that feeling (I only play emulated games using one; I can't get used to a keyboard anymore). Plus, you can re-map button functions pretty easily.

Even then, you'd probably notice a little lag or something funny about the way it controls. Like I said before, it's really noticeable in action games and platformers. It's still great, but there is definitely a little something missing.

Since most of what I play are RPGs, this insufficiency doesn't bother me much. KF


I've got 9 systems hooked up to my TV right now (NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, XBox, GameCube, and Wii). Nice to be able to play with the original system, and not having to spend the extra money to buy the games again on Virtual Console, plus I can play games that aren't available on VC yet.

I've always been more nintendo oriented, so I've never owned a Sega Genesis :( And Atari is a joke

No, YOU'RE a joke. not enough explosions for you?

I got my start on my mom and dad's NES which is 5 years older than I am when I was but 2 years old. I moved on up to a SNES, a couple Gameboys, N64, Dreamcast, GBA, Gamecube, PS2, DS, Atari 2600, Action Max, Genesis (two, actually. New one and old one), Xbox 360, Commodore 64, Atari 5200... and I think that's it. My parents made me choose between the SNES and Genesis back in the day and naturally I took the SNES. I wanted to keep all my old systems even when my friends told me to sell them (this is around 96-97) because they were useless and obsolete... I sure showed them. My parents had the Action Max and all three of its "games" are somewhere in the house. I bought my Genesis for $5 in 2005. The atari 2600 was at my grandparents' house and no one knew where it came from. Nothing beats a free atari! My uncle gave me his Atari 5200 and old-model genesis earlier this year.

My best find had to be Earthbound on Ebay for $7 in 2003. It only came with the guide (no box) but I'm quite pleased. I didn't know it was really expensive until more recently.


The oldest systems I have that still work are my original Game Boy and N64. I usually only break out the N64 for the occasional Goldeneye or Mario Kart session with my friends, or better yet, some awesome Pokemon Puzzle League action.

I had an SNES when I was a kid, but I (very foolishly) gave it away. Then a friend of mine gave me one for my birthday a couple years ago, but sadly it stopped working after only about two months, right after I bought Mario RPG on Ebay. Money well spent...


As far as old systems go, I've got an NES, SNES, and a Gameboy Color. Still play the NES and SNES all the time, though my DS has pretty much covered all of my portable needs.

Emulators are cool, but a keyboard and savestates can never beat the feeling of sitting in front of the TV with the controller in your hands. With arrow keys, you can't show off your epic Street Fighter 2 blisters.

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