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PRC130: The Fifth Anniversary Special - Mix for Prizes!

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Looks like I'm gonna have to cut my piece short. :(

EDIT: Okay, mine is up. Hopefully it will do well.

I thought it was interesting how this piece was in a minor key. It is truly a beautiful piece, and I am surprised it wasn't mixed on here already. There were about five ways I could have gone with it, but I picked one.

I just wish I didn't have an English paper due this week as well. I would have had more time. Didn't end up meeting my vision, but I feel it is a pretty good piece.

I may still perfect and submit to OCR.


Wooee. Almost didn't do it this time... Didn't have any decent ideas until, like, today. Hurrah for doing-everything-in-the-last-eight-hours? XD

As I failed to say it in the submission thingummy... Thank you, miss Rexy, for making PRC one of the more inviting competitions to enter for people who're shy as a hermit crab and as skilled as a blind knife-juggler.


I'm not voting yet because I want to know the entry from TheEndoftTime (The Runaway Five) is elligible or inelligible (I don't know it's spelled correct).

OneUp. I hope it's possible, otherwhise you can add it as a bonus track (by posting here or contacting Rexy).

Well, I suppose there's no harm in extending the deadline by four hours so OneUp can get on (or as soon as he hosts his entry, whichever is quicker).

Consider it done. Now get on there and get it up :D

Thank you! I won't do any changes to it (although it's needed).

EDIT: Oh yeah, it's up there.


Glad to see you got it up in the end, bro. :)

Still, how the heck can I describe the turnout for this contest?


Seriously, I can not be any more amazed by the turnout for one thing! 12 legible entries? Putting it this way, I am happy to say that this is the second highest PRC turnout ever! (The first obviously being PRC26)

I'm currently validating all the entries now (And TheEndOfTime, I didn't even get your message, unless it meandered over to my ThaSauce inbox, which I never get notifications for anyway). Hopefully we should get a voting stage going pretty soon :D


Alright! We've got a clear set ahead of us, and now we shall move on to the voting stage!

So, this is what you're going to do. You're going to visit the ThaSauce link and check out all 12 entries (and the one ineligible). Once done, you scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form - select three mixes and file them from first to third, with a reasoning attached. Contestants are encouraged to vote as they will automatically gain 3 points added to their score. You have until Friday, October 10th at 1:29PM EDT (don't worry Bunde, I think you should be able to start PRC131 the next day).

Since (as above) I'm "moved to tears" to the amount of entries we've got, I will grant hoodies to second and third place as well as our winner! Again, well done for the fantastic turnout! :D


analoq - cheers, rexy

Binweasel - 2:26 to Damycan

bundeslang - Theme of Fantasy Love

DZComposer - Dreaming of Brass Love

evktalo - Remembering Rosa

Hylian Lemon - We Love You Rexy

just64helpin - Digitized Heart

Nutritious - Return of Love

OneUp - Melodic Love

Pleiade - Evolution of Love

setokaibarocket - Always and Forever

TheoryOfNonexistence - I Love This Radio


The Runaway Five - Theme of Love (Jazz Ballad)

Sir NutS - Hello Miss Rexy


Well I don't have a webspace anymore so:

Rapidshare: (Not very reliable)


Doulifee's Website: (Thanks douli!)


Enjoy, and thanks Rexy for all the work all these years :)

EDIT: Douli's link is still uplaoding, should be done in 4 or 5 minutes.

E2: It took me 3 hours to do that song (I started when I saw the therad) so bear with me XD. It's more like... my way to say thank you :).

So, this is what you're going to do. You're going to visit the ThaSauce link and check out all 12 entries (and the one ineligible). Once done, you scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form - select three mixes and file them from first to third, with a reasoning attached. Contestants are encouraged to vote as they will automatically gain 3 points added to their score. You have until Friday, October 10th at 1:29PM EDT (don't worry Bunde, I think you should be able to start PRC131 the next day).

I'll try my best to keep the PRC a good competition. Hopefully Setokaibarocket can send the source to me before voting ends (at Friday). Make it a good one.

Also, very good turnout (will vote tonight because I need time for that).


Oh, wow, I thought today was Tuesday. There goes making a song! :lol:

Due to the lack of time I've had to work on a song--I hate to admit it, but--I did a midi-rip and replaced all of the channels with a VST called TruePiano. I know that midi-rips aren't allowed--I don't even support of them--and so I just wanted to take the time to say that I don't think my name should even belong to the file below, but rather the person who created the midi for this PRC.

I just think that TruePiano is a wonderful VST and wanted to share what I can of it. Sure, it may not be original at all, and I'm aware that it would be considered stealing were I to put my name on this song--which I'm not--but I think this would still sound appropriate for Final Fantasy IV were it in the game.

Five Years Of Love

Credit goes to the midi-creator of this month. I just wish my life gave me more time to work on music again. :( Of course, I don't even think this qualifies for an Ineligible Song, but I just wanted to post it anyways.

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