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I can't remember the last time that actually happened

I've never seen that happen on the OCR forums myself but I wouldn't be too surprised if some one tries that some day. All the more reason for an option to block a particular poster's images of their choosing...


I never use my scroll wheel, because it's stupidly slow anyway and I don't feel like trying to figure out how to fix it.

Personally, I don't really care. When someone has an obnoxiously large sig, it usually just makes me laugh... Though it would be nifty if we had an option where you could turn off all sigs of a certain size or larger. You could add in an option to turn off that ugly sidebar while you're at it. (jk plz don't ban me.) That would probably take more coding than it's worth though.

Dont mean to bitch but what was the point of this? There are several people who either wont get the memo or just wont change their sig.

Violations will get a warning PM. Resistance will award punishment.

most likely

They keep on these things.

Dont mean to bitch but what was the point of this? There are several people who either wont get the memo or just wont change their sig.

Think of the thread as a reminder, as I recall another thread about this issue but which it was eventually deleted/disappeared...

Dont mean to bitch

Then don't. This isn't really up for discussion, you know.

but what was the point of this?

The point is that people make sigs that are too big. Large sig graphics are annoying and break up the flow of conversation.

There are several people who either wont get the memo or just wont change their sig.

It's stickied in Community where most forum related announcements go. It's reasonable to expect people to check out the stickies once in a while.

If you don't change your sig, you'll be asked nicely to change it. If you don't change it, we'll change it for you, and if you continue to break the rule, you'll just get banned.

Please keep in mind that 250 pixels tall for just graphics is pretty generous.

If you don't change it, we'll change it for you

please replace their sigs with mine, I want an entire forum full of the salesman. LOL THEN I WILL HAVE STARTED AN INTERNET MEME AND MY LIFE WILL HAVE MEANING!!!1

btw excuse my last post I had no idea of the efficiency of this forum's moderation.


Yeah, the mods here are pretty quick, and they get stuff done.

Also, they'll probably never do it, but replacing violators' sigs with the salesman is a hilarious idea.


Just how intrusive would a change of coding on the site would be if it gave the option to block a particular poster's sig?

I recall on another thread one poster made a statement where he/she had blocked another poster. While I understand this may just be refering to PMs, in the thread it seemed as if he/she had the option to not even see the offending poster to begin with once blocked on any thread.

If this is the case, wouldn't simply copy/pasting the same coding except changing it to refer to individual posters only be a clear fix rather than disturbing the site's coding altogether..?


That kind of thing is controlled by the forum software. To implement a feature like that is to actually dig into the source code for forum itself which is something you really don't want to mess around with. It's not as simple as just copy-and-pasting.

vBulletin does have a plug-in system. If any enterprising programmer wants to take a stab at creating a plugin that allows people to ignore specific users' sigs, have at it.


But please keep in mind that such a feature is probably not worth implementing in the first place. If a signature just annoys you, suck it up and deal with it. If a signature is actually offensive, then it should be changed, in which case you should talk to a mod about it. But stuff like the Nohbody's sig, while potentially annoying to some people, isn't offensive and is perfectly fine as far as sigs go.

But please keep in mind that such a feature is probably not worth implementing in the first place. If a signature just annoys you, suck it up and deal with it. If a signature is actually offensive, then it should be changed, in which case you should talk to a mod about it. But stuff like the Nohbody's sig, while potentially annoying to some people, isn't offensive and is perfectly fine as far as sigs go.

Understandable, I just became more curious if it's possible at all. Nonetheless thanks for the info :)!!

Now to see if there's a way to make the side bar disappear just as one can with making the task bar disappear on a windows pc via plugin. :<


If a particular person has a signature that annoys you, use AdBlock. It's a plug-in for FireFox that let's you block specific pieces of media from loading, be it advertisements or images.

No simple way to do that short of editing the template itself, which probably is not on Dave's priority list.

I'm sure it's way easier to add that to that field than to say...oh iono add last.fm account, or MySpace accounts, or wii numbers or XBOX live accounts. But hey...OCR priorities. I really don't care anymore.

Oh, and before the "If you don't care then why post"

Because I can.

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