Sensai Posted January 4, 2009 Posted January 4, 2009 I play on my laptop just fine. My laptop from like...over a year ago. Not even lowest settings either. Really, if your computer can run TF2, it can run this game about as well. I'm sure there's a way to make this sentence make more sense, but I cannot figure it's late. If your computer runs TF2 well, L4D will be no problem. If your computer runs TF2 decently, L4D won't be a problem. Quote
MajLink Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Hmmmm, I can run TF2 fine on my laptop... I guess I will just have to further investigate which I will enjoy more, PC or 360. Quote
1337 1 Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 l4d ONLY runs on my laptop. But I guess I am running it on one of Dells XPS models. Seriously, its basically a desktop.* Which is handy, as my desktop was made from spare parts given to me by friends *: this means that its powerful for a laptop, but is useless as a laptop. Try putting something with that much heat on your lap without burning yourself. Quote
Native Jovian Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Yeah, the old laptop I had at school was the same way. The thing was a beast, and certainly wasn't "portable" in the usual laptop sense, but it was still better than lugging around a desktop + monitor + mouse/keyboard/etc. Sadly, its heating issues were so bad that it eventually burned itself up from the inside. Anyway, the point is that there are legitimate reasons to get games that are available for the PC for console. Incidentally! I've gone through and beaten all the campaigns by now, but is it just me or is No Mercy (barring lameness like closet/ramp camping) still the hardest finale? I think it's the 3-D nature of the environment that does it. In the other three there's a place where you can put your back against a wall or stand in an intersection and cover every approach pretty easily and still have a pretty good LOS to far-off zombies. In No Mercy you have to worry about guys climbing up the walls and stuff, though, so there's no way to funnel enemies into your line of fire -- they literally just come from everywhere. Quote
H. Guderian Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Yeah, I think the NM finale is the hardest. easy. Death Toll's finale has a essentially a free win. Blood Harvest you can likewise glitch out the tank. No Mercy is likely hardest due to the lack of Exploits and the ability for specials to encircle and attack from cover. The BH and DT finales are exploitable, DeadAir just has that corner to hide in where all enemies have to run up a long slope at you. Oh noes... So yeah, 3D NM enviornment. Try fighting the tank and not only have a smoker, even for a moment latch onto you and you can fall down a level or two, take fall damage, become completely seperated, heck, being punched off the roof in general. I was very resistant to closet camping when people first started doing it, it essentially renders hordes ineffective given that there's something closet-like nearby at all times. Closet camping also ties in with the ability to just have a few people on melee duty. Quote
big giant circles Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 So, this update thingy. Anyone have any predictions? Minor bug fix, or 20 new campaigns, 10 new VERSUS maps, 15 new weapons, and 6 new playable infected, along with a new Jessica Alba version of the witch? What do you guys think? sidenote, I have never seen a whinier group of people than those that are on the L4D steam boards. so much petty whining/namecalling/mini-modding. Darkesword would have a heyday. Or maybe a hayday. I have never in my life actually typed out that expression before, and I'll be darned if I know which is correct. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 I've actually been trolling the people on there. It is ROFLtastic. All they can do is yell "OMG VALVE IS LAZY FIX THIS NOW NOW NOW". Quote
H. Guderian Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 For them it might be late hours, but for some this update thingy came right during peak hours. I'd direly love to see something new and some fixes to the greifs and explits found ingame thusfar. Quote
big giant circles Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 rofl from the forums: Originally Posted by Reignfire View Post 1. A cooldown time for melee (1.5 - 2 seconds). It'd force players to use it wisely instead of spamming it. 2. Guns that jam from time to time. During a gun jam the player would have to take the time to correct their weapon as their teammates cover them. It should only happen once or twice per level when players are constantly spamming bullets. Let's combine these two ideas and have wrists and elbows that jam after too after a lot of melee. They can only be fixed by having another team mate gently massage the affected areas, or quickly applying some topical BioFreeze that can be picked up in place of pills. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Gun jam. Yes, lets have a clusterfuck like far cry 2 Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Although I've heard nothing about this update you're talking about, I'll make some projections: I'm about 85% sure this will fix the melee spamming. As much as I have enjoyed slamming right-click while changing guns, it does seem pretty unfair and impractical. As well as these minor tweeks and fixes, I bet we have one more campaign, and two or maybe three more maps for versus mode (although the maps will be ones from campaign mode already). I would love another weapon, and I'd be OK if it were just another grenade object. Also, smoker buff? Quote
Triad Orion Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 I'm hoping you can still spam melee, but not under certain circumstances. Using melee a lot in campaign mode is fine, it just needs a tweak for Versus in a lot of situations. Though personally, I'm hoping for a new campaign more than anything else. Considering Co-Op is how I normally play the game, I don't care quite as much for Versus tweaks. Though that said, there do need to be more Versus stages. Lots more. If that were the case I'd probably like the mode a lot more. I'm not a huge fan of Blood Harvest in general and although No Mercy is fun, it's way too brutal on Versus. Then again, maybe it's just because I usually end up on the opposite team of Garian and Bahamut. XD Quote
Native Jovian Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 I'm not a huge fan of Blood Harvest in general and although No Mercy is fun, it's way too brutal on Versus. No Mercy seems to be the hardest of the campaigns in general. It seems to be the most cramped, the least open of all the campaigns, and that means that you have less time to react to situations because both a) you don't see things until they're closer to you, and they spawn closer in the first place. While all the campaigns have both closed-in and spacious open areas, No Mercy seems to have the highest ratio of "cramped" to "exposed". What is your favorite campaign, anyway? I have to admit that I'm a big fan of Dead Air. There's just something about it that gives the impression of an empty city better than any of the others do, and it's fun as hell to shoot your way through zombified airline pilots and runway workers. Its finale isn't the greatest -- it's a bit too open, and if you move over to the area by the respawn closet with assault rifles (and maybe one hunting rifle to take care of obnoxious smokers) you can annihilate everything before it even gets close. My favorite finale is definitely Blood Harvest -- I love bracing for the assault at the top of the stairs. One person covers the stairs, and one gets each end of the hallway, which leaves the fourth free to heal, reload, make a break for ammo downstairs during a lull, or just help out whoever needs it most. It's that sense of teamwork, where everyone has a clearly defined role and everyone needs to pull their own weight in order for the team to survive, that makes for great times. Quote
Strike911 Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 @ Native Jovian Right on, man. I think Valve got it right with the styles they chose for the maps. Each represents something mildly different from the others. Gotta be honest though, I'd play through Dead Air just to get to the plane crash at the end. lol. I don't care if the Finale is a little, meh, that plane crash is totally worth it. I find a lot value in Blood Harvest's Finale though, too, because you can choose a couple (okay, a few) different locations to fortify and defend. I think that's where L4D shines is when you are given a few opportunities, and your team can decide what it thinks is best. For instance, me and buddies tend to like the barn and avoid the house, although, maybe we should give the stairs a chance one of these days. I'm hoping for some really open Finales in newer (or community made) campaigns. Blood Harvest has two buildings and a few smaller structures around it outside... I'd love to see like a suburban, blocked off cul-de-sac with houses you can choose to defend. I love being able to choose a location. That's the stuff that's great. Quote
justinj212 Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 Am I the only person on OCR who can't really get into L4D? I really like Valve and TF2, but I just haven't enjoyed my experiences with L4D. Maybe I just need some friends who are more into it. Quote
The Damned Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 No, no one single game is for everyone. It may not suit your interests or tastes. If you don't like it that much, that's fine, no biggie. If you're willing to give it a shot, add some of us to your friends list and we can take a run at it. Maybe you've just had some mediocre players that ruined the experience for you. IF you still aren't into it, then you only wasted a little bit of time and validated your feelings about the game. The rest of us get another hour or so out of the game. Quote
H. Guderian Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 I actually won't play the game at all unless my friends want to. l4d with friends is a seperate game than l4d without friends, moreso than most other multiplayer games. Quote
The Damned Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 Fucking L4D keeps crashing on me today. Sorry to everyone I was in a game with, and then suddenly left. It was not by my choice. Quote
big giant circles Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 it didn't crash on my end, but i got DC'd a ton today. very frustrating. Quote
Triad Orion Posted January 11, 2009 Posted January 11, 2009 No Mercy seems to be the hardest of the campaigns in general. It seems to be the most cramped, the least open of all the campaigns, and that means that you have less time to react to situations because both a) you don't see things until they're closer to you, and they spawn closer in the first place. While all the campaigns have both closed-in and spacious open areas, No Mercy seems to have the highest ratio of "cramped" to "exposed".What is your favorite campaign, anyway? I have to admit that I'm a big fan of Dead Air. There's just something about it that gives the impression of an empty city better than any of the others do, and it's fun as hell to shoot your way through zombified airline pilots and runway workers. Its finale isn't the greatest -- it's a bit too open, and if you move over to the area by the respawn closet with assault rifles (and maybe one hunting rifle to take care of obnoxious smokers) you can annihilate everything before it even gets close. My favorite finale is definitely Blood Harvest -- I love bracing for the assault at the top of the stairs. One person covers the stairs, and one gets each end of the hallway, which leaves the fourth free to heal, reload, make a break for ammo downstairs during a lull, or just help out whoever needs it most. It's that sense of teamwork, where everyone has a clearly defined role and everyone needs to pull their own weight in order for the team to survive, that makes for great times. My favorite is probably Dead Air. I very much like the stages in that level and it's very well designed for the most part. The only areas I have problems with are the fire escape at the very beginning of Part 2 (the Director has a terrible tendency of spawning Tanks on it, usually at the top) and the finale is rather bland comparatively. The other one my friends and I constantly play is Death Toll, which has the better qualities of the more open Blood Harvest while having some areas that are cramped like No Mercy. It's a very good balance, the stages are fun, and the finale's pretty decent. No Mercy's good too, as it's a more intense experience than most of the rest of them and I really like Urban/Building sections in general, I just prefer not doing Versus there because it's just painfully brutal in most places. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 11, 2009 Posted January 11, 2009 After playing No Mercy so much, I can't stand the first 2 sections of it. After that I'm fine though. Dead Air is great though, and the tank thing is true. I got raped by two there last night, and also inside the offices near the cubicles. Ran in a closed door, tank standing there, punch, dead. Also, if people are playing we should set up times for it, or at least a somewhat timeframe you might be on. Scytheful and I have tried to get expert runs going the last 3 nights and either no one shows up, or we get one other person and they bail. So yeah, do tell if you are on the pc version Quote
Vivi22 Posted January 12, 2009 Posted January 12, 2009 After playing No Mercy so much, I can't stand the first 2 sections of it. After that I'm fine though. Dead Air is great though, and the tank thing is true. I got raped by two there last night, and also inside the offices near the cubicles. Ran in a closed door, tank standing there, punch, dead.Also, if people are playing we should set up times for it, or at least a somewhat timeframe you might be on. Scytheful and I have tried to get expert runs going the last 3 nights and either no one shows up, or we get one other person and they bail. So yeah, do tell if you are on the pc version I hear you on No Mercy. As for times I'd be good to play, it varies a lot. I could probably make the time some night if I know in advance some people here want to play. I'd be up for trying an Expert run. The only reason I've avoided them is because I never trust random teammates to not suck. Hell, I'm not sure I trust myself to not suck on Expert sometimes. Quote
Triad Orion Posted January 12, 2009 Posted January 12, 2009 I pretty much only trust OCR Regulars, ZUZ members, and a few of my real life friends on Expert runs myself. Big Giant Circles, myself, and a couple of his friends did an Expert No Mercy which was brutal once. Fun, but royally painful. I'm not too great on Expert myself, but I'm willing to try it now and then with the right people. Quote
Sensai Posted January 12, 2009 Posted January 12, 2009 L4D + my college = blue screens while I'm blue screening. No joke. I blue screened, and then that glitched...and then I blue screened. Took me a long time to fix my computer (and I'm still not willing to try L4D again)...but I think we're stable now. Sorry to Rawk Hawk, Baha, Edge, Garian...and whoever else was in there for bailing. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 12, 2009 Posted January 12, 2009 It's cool. We had a few other people join and we played through no mercy, and most of blood harvest. I just couldn't take Odin anymore at that point though. I wear a headset, and his constant acting like a stupid frat boy talking and screaming into the mic made me hit the Go To Main Menu fast. Quote
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