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It took me forever to beat anything on Expert too. But if you can get to the finales... well, it's different for every campaign. The only general tips I can offer are ones that are good for the whole campaign, not just the finales. On expert, it's absolutely vital to take out infected when they're as far away as possible, so stay away from the shotgun. During the finales you'll be facing mostly hordes, so the assault rifle is a better choice than the hunting rifle. Go for headshots to conserve ammo, but don't be afraid to spray a whole clip at roughly head-height when a horde is rushing you.

No Mercy: forget it and just jump off the roof. Seriously, barring absolutely lame tactics like rampcamping or using the bait-and-switch glitch to spend most of the time hiding waaaay back in the safe room, it's damn near impossible. Frigging No Mercy...

Death Toll: There's no real great place to hang out, so I usually end up on the balcony by the minigun just for lack of a better option. Using the minigun itself is mostly a waste of time, but with all four people there you should be able to cover all approaches. After the second tank, grab an ammo refill and then book it over to the dock; the dock makes a great funneling point, but with the only ammo being inside the house, you can't spend the whole finale there.

Dead Air: Definitely the easiest finale. Behind spot with the radio and the ammo is a wide open area, near the respawn closet. Have one of your guys take the hunting rifle and the other three use assault rifles. The sniper takes out specials when they appear (smokers are the biggest worry; they like to perch on top of planes and pull people out of the group), while the assault rifles take care of hordes. It's wide-open flat terrain. Easy.

Blood Harvest: You want to stay at the top of the stairs in the farmhouse. This finale is basically the only time shotguns are acceptable. One guy covers the stairs, and one gets each of the three bedrooms. Since this requires each person to have their back to all the others, communication is absolutely vital here. Ammo can be a problem too, given that it's all the way downstairs in the kitchen; if anyone's running low (usually the stairway guy runs out first) then wait for a lull and ALL FOUR OF YOU go get ammo together. One or even two will get overwhelmed instantly if they get caught by a horde, and if three go than the lone guy waiting upstairs is vulnerable. When you hear a tank coming, run outside and deal with him there, rather than waiting for him to come to you; on Expert, fighting a tank in close quarters is suicide.


IMO the best spot for Death toll is in the corners of the veranda at the back of the house (under the balcony). It's relatively open so you can see most threats coming (i.e. no tanks right in your face out of nowhere), and the infected aren't able to attack you from behind (as opposed to the balcony).


Also, this should go without saying, but horde your bloody molotovs for the finale too. You need at least two to properly deal with the tanks in the finales, no matter where you are. It's probably most important to hold a molotov from stage four of Dead Air because Dead Air is typically very mean about giving you grenade weapons in the finale.

Also, prioritize killing boomers when you see them. Particularly in Dead Air, one good boomer attack can screw over your entire attempt.


Expert No Mercy is a major pain. I've had to redo the finale in so many different ways until we finally listened to the smart guy and camped the stairs in the building. Two downstairs, two upstairs. Common Infected had no chance, Special Infected hardly touched us, and we dealt with the Tanks fairly well. Hell, even the door we were shooting through wasn't blown off its hinges by the time the helicopter came.

Maybe we were just lucky though. I'd like to try the stairs again to see.


Any tips on playing as infected on the first stage of the hospital, before the elevator?

I've no problem as a boomer, smashing holes through doors so I can puke of Survivors running by but I'll be damned if it isn't a cock sucking whore trying to pounce/constrict survivors in those bloody hallways. I wouldn't mind hunters if I had a source of fire to light myself with. Smokers, shit. It's so hard getting a chance to catch a survivor and dragging them into an adjacent hallway.

The area after the elevator is pretty straight forward. I've had no difficulty up there.

Expert No Mercy is a major pain. I've had to redo the finale in so many different ways until we finally listened to the smart guy and camped the stairs in the building. Two downstairs, two upstairs. Common Infected had no chance, Special Infected hardly touched us, and we dealt with the Tanks fairly well. Hell, even the door we were shooting through wasn't blown off its hinges by the time the helicopter came.

Maybe we were just lucky though. I'd like to try the stairs again to see.

Agreed. The back hall strat is the way to do it. No Mercy is the only campaign I've beaten on expert (our dead air attempt got flattened by my teammate's comp crashing repeatedly leaving us with only 3), and the back hall is how we did it. Dealing with the tanks accomplished the same as in versus, just light and kite.

Is anybody else as excited as I am to be getting Dead Air and Death Toll for VS mode? :razz:


I don't think I've ever beaten the No Mercy finale except by cheating. Rampcamping, closetcamping, saferoomcamping... I freaking hate the No Mercy finale. THEY COME FROM ALL DIRECTIONS! THEY CLIMB UP THE WALLS! THERE IS NO ESCAPE!

Amusingly, when I finally did manage to beat No Mercy on Expert (via aforementioned saferoomcamping), only one of us escaped anyway. One of our four died answering the radio and then being abandoned. One of us stopped to fight during the run to the chopper and got overwhelmed instantly. I took a punch from a tank and was instantly incapped. Only our fourth guy made it into the chopper. (I got Zombicial Maniac anyway, though, because although incap'd, I was technically stil ALIVE when the campaign ended. Hooray technicalities!)

Is anybody else as excited as I am to be getting Dead Air and Death Toll for VS mode? :razz:

You can play Death Toll for VS mode. Just need to download the map and ignore the wonky textures that happen.

I took a punch from a tank and was instantly incapped.



True, but now there will be no texture issues, and the maps will be balanced for Vs.

Also, I get really annoyed with tanks. With the teams I play with we never need them to kill pubbie teams, and it just makes it harder for us to survive. It's really frustrating to go infected first, and after you've basically got the survivors dead you see a tank coming, because then you know YOU are gonna have to deal with it soon.

Tank servers suck :P

I don't know why everyone gets upset about tanks.

Out run it and get to the safe point and win for a worry free lunch.

Here I even drew a pic:


hahahaha. Why haven't you been entering the Fan Art Competitions!?!

I don't know why everyone gets upset about tanks.

Out run it and get to the safe point and win for a worry free lunch.

The tanks, they is easy. But when people you get boomed while the tank is around...that's problematic


so guys, i was browsing fpsbanana for any high rated community maps and stumbled upon a beta version of an incomplete campaign called Death Abroad. So far 3 of the maps have been completed (and are still being worked on based on feedback it looks like), and it's pretty solid, although the pacing is a little weird. The first map is about 3x as long as the second, which is about as short as the apartments. I've got the map files from "death abroad v3.rar" uploaded, which SHOULD be the version up on fpsbanana right now at the url http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/79317, which does include vs versions of the maps.


Ooh, that's not too far from an idea I had about a campaign. It was going to be entirely a sinking cruise chip, with the survivors having to go from one end to the other to et away on a lifeboat before the ship sinks. Along the way, you would have to swim under water for a few moments here and there.

Come to think of it, there is no swimming in L4D. Is that just because they never made any water-heavy maps, or because the game doesn't support swimming?


i don't think the game supports swimming. the survivors kinda just float on top in a half-wade while the zombies (well, hunter, at least) get stuck underwater... from what i've seen anyway

Water levels suck.

i concur. If you think about it, L4D use dark themed corridor or night outside landscape. Navigating in a sunken ship with minimal light AND underwater would be horrible (an exemple is the front bow of rivet city in fallout 3)


I've been playing the dicks out of this game. The map design is pretty good, love the weapons and the special infected are loads of fun. My favorite aspect of the game is how cooperative play is REQUIRED or you will fucking die. So good! The achievements are great fun to collect to, and they're well dispersed. My biggest complaint is probably just that only 4 people can play together at a time. Have had to turn away some people sometimes :(

I play with friends (even a few from here) about 2x/week. I'm richtaur on XBL. Feel free to add me and jump in if you see me playing.

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