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I will totally join in on this...I've a 70 lock and shaman on Mug'Thol, though I don't plan on transferring.

Any objections to me waiting and starting a dk? :-P

EDIT: Quelinar and Droginon are my 70s, and I generally just come up with a name last minute. My catch phrase: "Give me a letter!"



Q. What if I have a level 55 character on one realm but want to create a death knight on another realm to play with friends?

A. At the launch of Wrath of the Lich King, you will only be able to create a death knight on the same realm where you have an existing level 55 or higher character. In the future, we plan to allow the creation of a death knight on any realm (provided you have at least one level 55+ character).

I know some people were planning on rolling a Death Knight on Illidan with us when WotLK came out, but it seems that you won't be able to until you either have a higher level character on that realm or transfer over from somewhere else :\


I know some people were planning on rolling a Death Knight on Illidan with us when WotLK came out, but it seems that you won't be able to until you either have a higher level character on that realm or transfer over from somewhere else :\

<--a dk roller mentioned :-?

Well shoot, there goes my plan :\ I can still technically transfer the dk, though, so there's still hope

  • 3 weeks later...

The whole DK thing doesn't really bother me. At this rate, my lock will get close to 50 if not higher by the time WotLK comes out. She's already 41 after 3 weeks. I don't even know if I'd wanna roll one anyway.

Edit: needz moar trollz


Updated, at this point in time because many servers are having instability and lag issues it's helpful to play during off hours (read: while the kids are still in school) because it gets kind of crazy sometimes. We are still very welcome to new recruits, if you can deal with the lag! I've been levelling my priest now and she's up to lv38 as of last night. Vilecat is a beast to play with. Raarr!

Also afaik Rama is rolling a DK Troll, I think I'ma do an Orc male because of the shoulders.


Now I keep saying this, but I might as well post valid reasons: we should move if Illidan stays laggy when WotlK gets out. My mates in Mug'thol are considering a move to Medivh, where others we know play. It's PvE, too, so while we've all our Horde guys we can still make alliance guys, as the group we know are Alliance.

If we all do in fact agree to transfer, we'd have a stable guild with even more 70s, not to mention how many of those guys who might have/level Horde characters.

It'd be great to have a backup plan, just as long as we all remain in agreement.

EDIT: Orc DK, cause of the most awesome racials for the job.


I'm going to go get the battlechest today, if someone wants to to the recruit thing, I was planning on being a priest. I've never played (edit: until) a couple days ago when I downloaded the trial.


hey, im interested in joining this guild! =)

im a new player =(, am using a friends' acc who has TBC, but im not sure if he's getting wrath, so i might not be able to level-80 raid with you guys, which would be *lame* for me...

but in any case, i love OCR, and would love to be part of this =)


I don't think we'll be anywhere close to raiding when WotLK comes out xD

And I have yet to decide with toon of which server I'll first get to 80. So don't feel left out or as if you'll miss out for quite a while.

EDIT: Orc DK, cause of the most awesome racials for the job.

Trolls got nice ones too. It'll be hard to pick which one personally.

But PvE server? pfft! Real men play PvP /flex

Sorry, I just can't play alliance. And it's not like I haven't tried either. I'll stick to my "WoW jew" kthx ;)

And lol starla. I'll take that a a compliment. Doesn't hurt at all to have a pocket healer to keep you up with you chain fear/life tap for multi pulls either.

But PvE server? pfft! Real men play PvP /flex

Focus less on the PvE part and more on the non-PoS server, more people to play with, more 70s to start off with, and you don't HAVE to roll Alliance.

Oh, and did I mention the non-suckage?

...Though it is a "locked" server


So far so good, after maintainance it seems that the lag on Illidan has been stabilized - it was green all day.

I managed to get into Black Temple today, kind of ridiculous. That's why I love this server <3 PvP servers tend to have the best PvE progression as well.

And Val I love playing with you :3 I try to follow and figure out how on earth you level so fast! My priest can barely stay caught up, but my mage (level 30ish) can still hang with the lower level crowd and level with them.


You might wanna change the name and race of my friend's warrior. Synë, troll warr ;o

Gotta admit that priests aren't the fastest class at killing. I leveled mine mainly in instances like SM, ST and SLabs. But as shadow it's not that bad at all, just repetitive. Bubble > VT (if not, MB) > SW:P > MF > MF > wand and if you get hit, bandages instead of dropping shadowform to save mana. steady killing instead of having to sit and drink like a mage.

But hey, if we get quests again we can do them together! I'll be able to chain pull again like a madman :D

Edit: so Illidan apparently isn't offered free xfers like some of the highest pop servers...


Edit: so Illidan apparently isn't offered free xfers like some of the highest pop servers...

Well Seems Medivh was given the xfers, at least...

I don't think it's so big a deal though since 1. yes the server seems stable now, and 2. Illidan never had a queue time :-P

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