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Posted (edited)

Hey, Prophet. I have something to add to the list. Thanks a lot.



Grand Theft Auto IV (American)

Grand Theft Auto IV Strategy Guide

I'd prefer to be able to sell these as a set. They're both extremely mint. I have played the game for several hours and just realized that it's not my cup of tea compared to the other games I have. So I'm ready to part with it after only like a couple of weeks of owning it. If you're interested PM me please. I'll make you a good deal for it.

Also one more thing to add to the list.



Gefen Component to HDMI converter with the necessary cables

I got this thing for my Playstation 2 after I got an HDTV but I found out that it doesn't do what I thought it would. I emailed the efen guys and they told me that what I really needed was a Scaler. I didn't know about those at the time. So, I just wasted 300 bucks if you include the shipping. The price has DRASTICALLY dropped since then, which is really regrettable for me. Anyway, I just want to get that thing out my house while hopefully getting a bit of the money back. How's 100 bucks? It comes with a PS2 component cable. If you have a TV that has an HDMI port and not component inputs, then you can use this and get component-quality picture and sound. If you want it for a PS2, you're ready to go. If you want it for use with a Wii, then you'll need to buy a Wii component cable.

That's all. Thanks.

Edited by The Legendary Zoltan

Can you remove Pokemon Emerald from the sell section, and add all of this to the audio section:

Fostex MR8 Digital Multitrack Recorder, Red (Not MKII) - $80 shipped

M-Audio StudioPro 3 Desktop Audio Monitors - $75 shipped

Hartke VXL Bass Attack Pedal (Preamp / Overdrive / Direct Box) - $70 shipped

(All shipping is US only)

If anyone is interested, make an offer! Thanks.


Prophet, Pull the Gamecube, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Zelda the Windwaker, and the LOZ collection from my want list...I have them now...

Also, could you add:

Wild ARMs 3 for PS2

Pokemon Red Blue Yellow Gold Silver and Crystal on GB



Can you also remove my Suikoden listing...I've got Suikoden now, just looking for a case to mate with my copy of Suikoden II now :) thx



Zelda: Oracle of Ages

Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Zelda: The Minish Cap

Mega Man Xtreme 2

Mega Man Zero

Mega Man Zero 2


Well, I might as well throw my list in there... The only games that are desperate desires are Kartia and Earthbound. If you have it, make me an offer, please! For all of the rest, I'm not really interested in buying them one at a time, so only message me if you have at least a few of them.

Also, I have a number of games I might be willing to trade, for the right deal. These range from extra copies of Super Mario RPG, to my dozen copies of Super Mario Bros. (NES), to random games like Double Dragon NES) Donkey Kong Country, Starfox, and Mario All Stars. Let me know what you're interested in, and I'll tell you if I have it for trade (I'm not selling, only willing to trade if you have something that I want).




RPG Maker


Mario Kart 64

Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask


Donkey Kong Country Competition Cart (Just thought I'd throw that in there).


Lufia 2

Mega Man X2

Rock and Roll Racing

Spanky's Quest

Super Noah's Ark 3D (for novelty value)

Zombies Ate My Neighbors



Adventure Island 2-4

Arkista's Ring

Balloon Fight

Base Wars

Bionic Commando

Bomberman 1-2

Boy and his Blob

Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle


Circus Charlie


Dig Dug

Donkey Kong 1, Jr, 3

Dragon Warrior 2,3

Field Combat


Joe and Mac

Kid Icarus

Kirby's Adventure and Dreamland

Lode Runner

Lolo 2-3

Mappy Land

Mega Man 1,3,4,6

Monster in my Pocket

Ninja Gaiden 3

Nuts n Milk


Punchout (Not Tyson)


RC Pro AM 2



River City Ransom

Sesame Street 123

Smash TV

Snow Bros

Super Dodge Ball

T & C Surf Designs

Turtles 2,3


Ultima Warriors of Destiny

Zoda's Revenge

Posted (edited)

Prophet, if I could add this to the list, that'd be great.



Megaman Legends 2 [kierancarden]

Legend of Dragoon [kierancarden]

Final Fantasy IX [kierancarden]



MtG (Magic the Gathering) cards [kierancarden]

Dragonball Z CCG cards [kierancarden]

Sonic the Hedgehog comics [kierancarden]

Edited by KieranCarden



I'm putting up for sale my entire collection of Neon Genesis Evangelion DVD's. These are the original ADV releases from between 1999 and 2001, episodes 1 - 26 (disks 1 - 8).

All the disks are in like new condition, and the cases only show very minor shelf wear.

Including shipping to the Lower 48 via USPS Flat Rate Box, I'm asking $20.



Please add this one under For Sale:

:::computer/music electronic stuff:::

Native Instruments FM8 (download only): $50 [kanthos]

Please remove these under for sale.


Oblivion + Knights of the Nine disc (all downloadable content) + Shivering Isles expansion (discs in third-party cases only, no manuals/boxes/official cases) + Strategy Guide: $25 (includes shipping) [kanthos]

King's Quest I-VII package (2 CDs in official case; manual is in PDF format and contains codes for all KQ games that need them): $10 (includes shipping) [kanthos]


Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (cartridge only, perfect condition) - $10 (includes shipping) [kanthos]

:::computer/music electronic stuff:::

Native Instruments Pro-53: $100 [kanthos]

Please change these (For Sale again) to the following:

:::computer/music electronic stuff:::

Line6 PodXT with FX Junkie expansion pack: $200 + s/h [kanthos]

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