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So...anyone playing this awesome game? I'm still going through the story levels. Extremely creative and awesome stuff. Audiovisuals are great. Controls are the weak point of this game so far. Too slippery.

I have yet to start creating a level, but I did play one of my friend's. Also played online with random people and so far the game runs well.

I'm wondering if any of you guys created levels yet? Maybe I can play them or something.


Fun, but not really when playing with three other friends who don't know how to work together and only want the glory of being #1 in point-collecting.

Luckily the game allows our little people to beat the crap out of each other so that's a plus!


Got it last week and I love it. Haven't been able to play since Sunday since I'm out of town, but the game is great; the user generated content is going to add a lot of life to it after the story mode I think. It's also great that my fiancee is in love with the game too so we have something we can play together.

I spent the first week building a level detailing the me and my wife's history together, from the day we met to today, like a storybook level. She loved it. :-D

That is amazingly nerdy yet romantic lol


It looks fun! I really want to play it.

I spent the first week building a level detailing the me and my wife's history together, from the day we met to today, like a storybook level. She loved it. :grin:

Reminds of that guy who proposed with chrono trigger lol.


Guys who aren't sure what the fuss is about, have you played it? There's just something really fun about it, I'd reccomend at least giving it a go.

Frankly, I'm amazed by this game. It has a nonstop excitement factor that I havn't had last long on a game for a long time.

4 player co op is just amazingly fun and often hilarious. Some of the things people have made online are absolutely genius-even the really simple (I heavily reccomend finding a level just called 'ramp').

I have toyed with the creator a lot, but have yet to actually create a proper beginning to end level. Me and 2 friends are going to spend like a day creating a half decent level soon, hopefully.

My PSN ID is Luketh-feel free to add me and check out my 'hearted' levels, some awesome ones I've found there.

Anyone else have good online level reccomendations to track down?


LBP doesn't really get me psyched. Sure, it looks like a cute little diversion, but it hardly seems like a console seller. And this is coming from a guy who displays little-to-no creativity in games, so one of the game's biggest features doesn't quite appeal to me.

At this rate, I doubt I'll ever feel the need to buy a PS3.

LBP doesn't really get me psyched. Sure, it looks like a cute little diversion, but it hardly seems like a console seller. And this is coming from a guy who displays little-to-no creativity in games, so one of the game's biggest features doesn't quite appeal to me.

At this rate, I doubt I'll ever feel the need to buy a PS3.

I have yet to create a level yet, and am still having an absolute blast. Other peoples ideas for levels are so pleasing on their own sometimes-there are more than enough of them even already, and the actual offline 'story' mode features some brilliantly designed levels.

It's just lots more fun to play than it looks, you should really give it a try at a friends or something-it won't neccessarily make you wish for a PS3 any more lol, but it is definitely fun. I think on paper, as an idea, it doesn't sound like much more than a glorified level designer-but the reality is VERY different.

Something about this game really has an old school nintendo-ish vibe to me. Perhaps it's just the playfulness.


A beautiful, fun platformer with a good sense of adventure, I say. Fun as hell, great music, good levels, etc. The thing I like most about this game is it's attitude, though. It really doesn't take itself seriously, and the style so gentle and endearing!

I watched several levels on youtube. They all had the same music. Please tell me there is more than the one song.

There are plenty of songs, in fact quite a few songs have mixers, so you can pick which parts you want to play and completely customize what music the player hears... and you can have that tune evolve as the player plays through the level by altering which parts are playing at different areas. It's cool.

I'm having a blast with LBP. :)

Seriously, the final boss(es) in the end of the story mode make you say wow, in that you can actually create transforming bosses with multiple stages of attacks. When I played through that area, I did say "wow." Good stuff. :) The fact that people can actually build the things they see in story mode is really cool.


Speaking of the game's music, it's awesome, wouldn't you say, guys? Does anyone know the names of these tracks and their artists? 'cause I think Media Molecule took the licensed route with this game ala Braid. We all know the Swinging Safari one due to obvious reasons. But I know nothing about the rest.

*sings* If you ever step on my bush, I'll bring you down. I'll bring you down!

Speaking of the game's music, it's awesome, wouldn't you say, guys? Does anyone know the names of these tracks and their artists? 'cause I think Media Molecule took the licensed route with this game ala Braid. We all know the Swinging Safari one due to obvious reasons. But I know nothing about the rest.

*sings* If you ever step on my bush, I'll bring you down. I'll bring you down!

If you go to level creator, tools bag and skim along to 2 from the end, all the music you've collected is listed with track name name and artist. And yeah, the music is pretty awesome-some tracks get a bit over used online, as is evident from that comment about the youtube videos all having the same track lol, but is unavoidable with user created content.

The song seemingly stuck in your head from the post is called "My Patch" by Jim Noir :) it is amazingly catchy

I am currently taking on the monumental task of building a level, loosely based on Airman's stage from Mega Man 2-adding to it with a Rush Jet mechanism, etc <_< the most fun thing so far was building Airman's floating pink heads of doom xD

Should finish it soon-hope some of you guys will give it a try!


Also (and I'm not positive about this) but I think the beta only had one or two tracks available for people to use in their levels. So most every one of the levels that carried over from the beta probably still uses those one or two songs.

Fantastic music in this game, by the way.

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