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Chrono Trigger DS - Only 15 Silver Points!

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Spoilers about stuff that you see at the ending. Again, read at your own risk.

After doing more research into the series after getting the extra ending, I found out just how tragic this series is.

Dalton destroys Guardia with us only to assume that Crono and Marle got murdered since his final lines in CT were that he was going to get revenge. Magus finds Schala in the distortion, only to lose her again when Crono and crew lose *storyline wise, you win but you still lose* to the dream devourer. She then sends him away with him losing his memory, ultimately becoming guile.

Lucca still gets screwed either way.

Man, this game turned the chrono series into a sad series for me. I LOVE IT EVEN MORE NOW.


Preordering right now. Looks like it will be an awesome experience, and i haven't really played my ds in a while. Plus i get cool bonuses if i preorder, and i like me some bonuses.



Can't say I'm too excited. I found the "Final Fantasy Chronicles" for $20 and I say Chrono Trigger is just as good on TV as it is portable...plus I got FFIV with it as well. I don't think I'll be touching this one.


I'll pass on this. I still have DQIV and FFIV left to finish, and that's after I find the time to finish Ecclesia, which at least is an actual new game that development time went into rather than some straight-up port with a couple of minor endgame extras and a full $10 more. Fuck you, SE, you have enough of my money, but I'm not buying an RPG I couldn't force myself to get through the first two times I played it.


I already reserved a copy of Chrono Trigger DS and I can hardly wait for it to come out. After spending over a hundred and six hours getting everything in The World Ends With You, I need a new game to spend my time with.

Preordering right now. Looks like it will be an awesome experience, and i haven't really played my ds in a while. Plus i get cool bonuses if i preorder, and i like me some bonuses.


It isn't much, but it's put together nicely. I got an LP of the "Chrono Trigger Orchestra Extra Soundtrack" . It's orchestrated, track 1 is the Chrono Trigger theme, and track two is a medley. Really nice. Inside is a little paper with Yasunori Mitsuda thanking everyone for enjoying the soundtrack so much.

This is not really a preorder bonus, it's a love note.

Spoilers!! Read at your own risk.

The last dungeon is very important to the cc line and so is the final boss.

Dungeon shows that dalton is responsible for the fall of guardia in CC

Boss tells how magus becomes Guile in CC

So good.

End Spoilers.

to bad i was using rama's dark skin. Never mind i'll survive :-P

to bad i was using rama's dark skin. Never mind i'll survive :-P

Ha ha! Anyway, because of this same Arek's post, I've made too much advertising to my friend Douly :wink: (useless advertising I believe)

Went to gamespot to see the review : lots of new stuff, it's really better than what they did for the Final Fantasy remakes ! So I've order it !

(with Castlevania, hard to get on my small island)


I'm going to be angry if they downgrade the sound quality again for a remake. Otherwise, I might get around to it. It is only one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Now they need a Shining Force collection for a handheld.


Do you believe we'll get one day Seiken Densetsu 3 on DS ?

"World of Mana" (games project) has disappointed me a lot...

But why don't they do a remake of this game ? Is there any license or copyright stuff behinf that ? I don't get it.

Do you believe we'll get one day Seiken Densetsu 3 on DS ?

"World of Mana" (games project) has disappointed me a lot...

But why don't they do a remake of this game ? Is there any license or copyright stuff behinf that ? I don't get it.

probably the same reason Mother 3 hasn't been released here

they don't like giving us 3's

The Orchestra Extra disc is awesome, but is such a tease. They need to give us a whole album of that stuff. Especially "Wind Scene" and "To Far Away Times."

QFE. I wasn't planning on getting the game, but I got it as a gift for my birthday, and it came with the Extra Disc yesterday when I picked up the game. Both songs sound amazing but we're only talking 6 minutes of music. Where's the rest?


I bought it. Funny thing, I've never bought Chrono Trigger in any of its other iterations. First time I played it was when I borrowed it from a friend. Second time, was on (ahem) a SNES emulator. And then I played it on my brother's PS1.

Even on the emulator, it felt..not quite right, and the PS1 version load times were irritating to say the least. So for me, $40 for one of my all time favorite games is well worth it.

Now we just need to convince the powers that be to release a Mother trilogy on DS. I'd gladly pay $100 for that.


I got it. I've played it many, many times via emulator before, but hey.

I started it up, noticed some new dialog work, won some silver points, etc.

When Frog entered, however, something went very wrong. "Lower your guard, and you're allowing the enemy in."

What is this nonsense? I'm quite angry.


I really, really hate the fact that I'd eventually be compelled to buy the latest and the ultimate Chrono Trigger version after buying it once, emulating it twice, buying it again twice, buying the PSX version and now this... I don't want to bother with the cost math.


The only thing I could possibly have a problem with, is that I thought the sprites would be a little bigger. Everything seems smaller than I think it should. Maybe it's because I haven't played Chrono Trigger in years, but somehow, I remember everything being a lot bigger. I don't mean, like on a bigger screen, I mean as in the amount of screen space the character take up.

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