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  • 2 weeks later...

I fully expect the great WIP-forum kings to dominate this thread and give you the most useful constructive criticism on your growing a capella ouevre. In fact, no I don't. There's nothing that can be done to make this any more perfect. And let's face it, it's not like you're going to rerecord these anyway.

Good sir, I will be looking for your name in the papers in a few months, headlines including your name and "makes millions off latest a capella tour", of course, that headline just covering one of the many tours you will be doing monthly.

Er, uhm, what was your name again? :D

(good, funny stuff you've made lol)

I lol'd so hard during Cradle when the guitar solo came in. And then the quotes happened...I died...XD



I vote we have a remix project that is entirely acapella. And Jaybell.

Super Mario Bros acapella project. I like your thinking. :razz:


Hahaha, these acapella songs are getting more love than actual serious WIPs I made. Granted, my wips are pretty brutal usually.

Still, I'm glad y'all liked it. I will maybe make some more?

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Yeah, make more, dude... Hell, let's collab on a duet, for shits and giggles. Bring in Liontamer and we'll have a real whoppin' group goin', here :lol:

I can't believe the last post on here is over a year old - it still seems like just yesterday I was laughing at this stuff...

And don't diss the Cradle one - that was by far the best one here, lol.

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