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I was browsing online until I came across a website where parents review video games for other parents. Curiosity got the best of me and i researched mgs4 in which I found a lady crapping all over mgs4 with words like "this game is terrible. first off it has terrible graphics 2nd it has too much blood 3rd TERRIBLE online" only to leave an e-mail for discussion.

Now I'm not going to post her e-mail but you can see her post on this page titled "shocking"

How would you respond to her? I sent something like

Hi I recently I saw you post and I agree for the most point. This is a very mature game with lots of mature themes. I would not like my 8 year old sister playing a game with so much violence.

However as for it being terrible and with all due respect in the world :you are an idiot. The metal gear series has some of the most complex, elaborate, and deep story lines in the history of gaming. Not only has it received the best reviews from the most respected game critics in the world it's sales have surpassed 4 million. I'm not going to tell you what to do in your own home but I'm tired of idiots like you telling the gaming generation the "evils" of video games.

Look lady I'm 26 years old, pre med student, a responsible young adult and I have been playing the series for 20 years. One of the major driving forces behind the series is political intrigue (*gasp* kids do like to think), philosophical debate, ethics, science, and evolution of society. Is there violence yes, war yes, betrayal and sexual themes yes but it's just a form of entertainment.

Hey here is an idea how about playing the entire game first before you judge it.


Basically, a pit-the-prunes argument, clarifying that negativity in a game doesn't make it 100% crap. True, I would agree not to give your 8-year-old child/sibling/friend the MGS series (because the content isn't suitable), but it still has a good story and great detail.

Ok, I can understand the person not liking the content or concept of MGS, but the GRAPHICS!? Go to hell! I haven't even played the MGS series, just watched them, and remain impressed to this day.

Last, I don't really get roused over people's perceptions of games/etc; I just laugh.

The difference here is negligible, to be honest.

Never owned a PS2; just been to sleepovers and strategized with the owners while they played it.


I only recently managed to get my hands on the original (which is really a great game) and I'm hoping to get the others, once I have the means to play them.

Lol, yeah, a lot of the game is watching.

You fail to stay diplomatic, and then insist that you are a mature individual in the next paragraph.

Yep. Not to mention all the spelling and punctuation mistakes. For all we know, she's telling her buddies "Hey, look at this idiotic email I got!"

I haven't played MGS either, but come on, BAD graphics??? This is clearly an immature and poitless feud, and so I must go!


You know, aside from the fact that MGS4 is violent, the fact that someone actually compared it to Gears of War 2 and Call of Duty 4 shows that they really don't know jack about games. I mean, all three games are violent, and while MGS4 has Playboy magazines in it, the content of the magazines are respectable photos, not nudes like in real life Playboy mags.

Furthermore, the idiot on the site who said "uhhhhhhhgg" or whatever they spelled there, needs to go back and take classes on reading, writing and spelling, because obviously, they're a noob. Obviously. XD


I just read the post. The logical flow of the argument she(?) poses is second to none, and her point is expressed with such clarity and precision that one can only feel compelled to adopt this perspective on the game.

...okay, nevermind...

For the record, I doubt that that person is actually a mom, and I further doubt that it is a female. I suspect it's some 13-16 year old boy screwing around. For that reason, I would not validate the stupidity with an email response.

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