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Sonic 3 - Hydrocity Zone Samba Style (UPDATE 12/16 - Intro Experiment)

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Hello everyone. Just joined OCRemix after a long time of lurking. I'll spare you the lengthy introduction and link you to the file:



Sax Solo Experiment - http://www.meedeor.com/nexus-mp3/NewSaxSolo.mp3

Intro Experiment - http://www.meedeor.com/nexus-mp3/NewIntro.mp3

It's less of a remix and more of an arrangement. It retains most of the form from the original while taking on a bit of a more latin jazz/fusion style. I'll admit that some of the sampled instruments (like the saxophone) are a bit cringeworthy, but due to time constraints and resources available, a decision had to be made to keep them. Also note that there is no real "ending," as the song is meant to be a gameplay track intended to loop indefinitely.

I look forward to your comments and critique! I plan on flexing my creative muscles and really trying to put a whole piece together in a few weeks, but with finals and whatnot, it's tough to find time to do that.



Welcome to OCR :D

Not bad, not bad at all, you are certainly on the right track, as ocremix have arrangements, not remixes.

I like the style and the original intro is nice.

Not sure that the bass works with the intro tho.

6th chord of the chorus section sounds weird, I would change that.

Production sounds all right, I think some of the sounds are a little simple, but the style and sequencing is good and creative. I don't like the sax sample tho :S

My biggest crit is a lack of variation and original writing.

After the first run-though of the theme, you basically repeat. Variate the theme and chords a little the second time around, and I think you should be able to do that no problem :P

Also, I think you need an extra original section in the middle of the piece, be it a solo, anything really.

I don't think this is there yet, but it has the potential to be awesome, keep at it dude, great first WIP :P


Funny how I should be doing an arrangement of this as well, albeit in a different style of jazz though...

But like Willrock07 said, you basically repeat what you have after the first go through. There's nothing wrong with that if you intend to keep this as a loopable track, but you will get shot down with the judges for a lack of variation. More creativity on your part would really add to the track, especially since you've already translated it to a different genre than the original.

I look forward to more after you've gotten through finals.


Arrangement is golden. I really like the transitions, the solos, the new chords, even that 6th chord that Willrock doesn't like - but why don't you change it at all the second time through?

I know you said it should be loopable, but one of the major features of music that loops A LOT (trance, dnb, etc etc) is that there are very small changes done often. Really often. You can substitute chords, add backing parts, vary the drums, modify the melody - any number of things to make it "loop and yet not loop."

Also, this sounds like it came straight out of a finale/sibelius/FL midi file - you are going to need some better samples or some live players.

Nevertheless, it sounds like you know what you're doing; do well on your finals and come back soon!

Fixed. I liked the chord! It was something that was different from the original.

Thanks, I noticed that but didn't think it was worth mentioning.

I still don't like that chord tho, it sounds random and unnatural imo, like it was changed for the sake of it, not because it came to you naturally, but it seems like I am the only one that thinks this, so I'm going to shut up now :tomatoface:


Thanks guys. I appreciate it. Regarding that chord... it's such a small, passing instance but is seems to be rather polarizing to listeners. Honestly, I wanted to lower the degree of the note that chord is under because I thought it would sound jazzier. I then had to change the chord to fit the modified scale step. What it ended up being was some sort of secondary diminished chord if I remember correctly.

Really though, if you don't dwell on it, I think it adds a nice effect.


Pretty much everything that needs to be said has already been said, I'll just make the remark that even though VG Music does traditionally loop endlessly, you're going to need some sort of end to this song... PLEASE don't fade out...

Also... random parts that sound like a global pitch bend need to be thrown out.


I love Hydrocity. Gotta be the best track of a Sonic game. Your piece is great as well. It does need more variation though, but you obviously know how to add variation in, it shouldn't be too difficult to add more. You could also vary the timings a bit (by a couple milliseconds and such) of each note to sound less rigid, especially considering the genre you chose. I think the intro needs a little more variation as well.

Do us all a favor and don't forget to work on this more and post it here on the WIP boards, alright? I'm looking forward to more.

Oh, and Xenon, you got sax in your remix that you've started for Hydrocity? If so, that makes you, myself, and hRook all working on hydrocity, and we're all throwing at least a little sax in it. Now we just need Prophet to join us :P.


Most of what I would say has been covered already. I'd really like to see an additional countermelody at 1:51 though, instead of the straight repeat.

As for an ending, I'd recommend some sort of play on the opening motive found at 0:31-32. It jumps up to tonic nicely, and could work well -- you've certainly proven to us that you have the talent needed to polish this one up!

Hoping to listen to a new version soon. Note that as of today, you can edit the thread title by editing your original post...letting us all know when you have updated the WIP.


Alright, so I took what you guys said about the Sax sound. After doing a bit of research today, I realized a completely different method of sequencing I didn't even realize. Basically, instead of writing the notes out in a MIDI track, I used Melodyne and some samples I got off Freesound.org to make a much more human-sounding sax solo.

I've been a little pressed for time, and it's more of aquick experiment than an actual final piece to go into the mix, but I think it shows the direction in which I'm going with the sax tracks.



Totally like the solo, and it transitions very well. You should add more in the mix somewhere. Though I gotta say, because I like sax, it's over too quickly :P. But that could be because that's the only section you've done so far, and it's not yet included in the rest of the mix.

Something that would make it sound a little better (that I think):

Add another sax. Totally. What's better than a sax? Two saxes. For example, I have a alto sax and soprano sax following for the most part the same melody an octave apart with each breaking off here and there for a note or two, with the alto panned a little to the left and the soprano to the right a bit. Or maybe for the second "loop" of the song (where you do the same as the first half), instead of a sax solo, have a sax duet, like I mentioned above. This would add more to the song, and make it a "loop but not a loop," while definitely keeping it fresh on the ears and mind of your listeners. Take it, run with it, or leave, up to you.


I was toying with the idea of a completely new solo section since I have figured out a way to make more human-sounding solo voices. Perhaps a tenor vs. alto or tenor vs. guitar bar-trading part? I've also been scouring to find some good horn section voices. I'd like to take this piece and give it more of a big band sound rather than the combo vibe it's giving off right now.

Speaking of vibes...

  • 3 weeks later...

The link to the main song in the first post doesn't work anymore. Also, you should definitely render a full version of the song witih what you have going right now. I've been looking forward to more!

  • 1 month later...

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