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i'm thinking of buying a ds or a psp - which should i get? fanboys not allowed!

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As previous owner of both, I'd go for a DS if you want to game for hours. I got so addicted to it last summer, I had to take it back to Microplay so I can actually hang out with friends again. lol Although PSP has some great games with excellent graphics and superb sound, I only play 3 PSP games often (and that is if I get bored while I don't have a mic in my face). My PSP has somehow turned into a MP3/MP4 video player now. As for homebrewing, I find very few games and apps are compatible with system software above v1.0 and with the 3.9.3 system software, there's really no other additional features that are usable (I wanted to camera, but won't submit CC information to any Japanese sites at this point).

Yeah, go for DS if you're bored!

i'm thinking of buying a ds or a psp. but, i don't know which to get! so, i'd like you all to suggest which i should get. when you make your suggestions, please include a justifiable reason - games that are fantastic and exclusive, features you really like, etc. i don't own a wii or ps3, so any cross-platform stuff ain't gonna work for me. but if you know of any dark-horse games, any features that i'd really be interested in, post them here!

of course, i might just buy an old ps2 and buy a ton of vintage good games.

thanks in advance for your help, everyone!

DS has a lot of the oldschool games coming back for rerelease the fact they have done CT suggests that Earthbound could be on their list. If that happens its gotta be the DS

PSP however also now has the PS network which honestly is something people are going to need to start checking out. The call has gotten tougher. PSP isnt a pure gaming platform while the DS is.

Thanks, that's exactly the sort of thing I really want to know... But what about standard DS vs. DS Lite?

The DS Lite gets a much better screen, far brighter, sharper and vastly superior color. Also having several brightness levels instead of on or off makes a big difference in terms of battery life. Lowest setting is good for most lighting conditions, and full brightness is actually painful to use. Seriously, it's goddamn bright.

Battery life is slightly better on a DS Lite. Again, having the option to drop the screen brightness helps that.

The speakers on the Lite are somewhat worse. If you use the speakers all the time, you will notice that the Lite is slightly tinnier, and not as loud. The bass is also pretty weak. The DS Phat just had beefier speakers.

The glossy coating on the Lite is a serious problem, for me at least. I don't like the way gloss smudges so badly. I bought some transparent skins to cover it up, so I have both the shiny and the no-smear going on.

Size-wise, the Lite is smaller and lighter. I'm not going to give the specs, but it's like 5 to 10 percent or something.

Lastly, the DS Lite GBA slot is smaller, so GBA carts stick out about a half inch or so. If you play GBA games on a Lite, you will have the cart exposed, so be careful not to smash you Lite into things. It can take it, but the GBA cart might not.

Overall, the Lite is the superior version. It improves on everything while only diminishing a few features that not everyone uses.

If you really want to know, go hit up wikipedia for some specs. They should have a chart or diagram or something that can detail it for you.

DS has a lot of the oldschool games coming back for rerelease the fact they have done CT suggests that Earthbound could be on their list. If that happens its gotta be the DS

PSP however also now has the PS network which honestly is something people are going to need to start checking out. The call has gotten tougher. PSP isnt a pure gaming platform while the DS is.

The Damned forgot to add this piece. There is a new model for the DS comming out soon.. it has a built in camera and SD card slot in it with bigger screens. I seen it in my Game Informer Magazine. :-P


Both systems are great and I'm not sure after having a taste of both systems I could let either of them go.

The PSP is a good multifunctional system and when you hack it, it's an incredibly solid investment. I'd certainly recommend a hacked PSP over a DS, but not a vanilla PSP. If you grab a 4GB+ memory stick and slap it on that bad boy, instant classic gaming gratification. SNES emulation (Mode 7 emulation's gotten better but games with it will drain your battery FAST), CPS2, Neo-Geo. It's fantastic. It has games like MGS Portable Ops and J'eanne d'Arc which are two games I'm pretty sure anyone will like. I'm not sure how easy the newest models are to hack however, it's become increasingly difficult to my knowledge.

The DS' strength, for myself, is in its games library. There are more games on the DS I tend to play, and games like Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow or Order of Eccelsia will seriously have any platforming fan keeping busy for a long time. Advanced Wars, played that for dozens of hours. In terms of how many hours I've stuck into my DS for actually playing DS games vs. playing PSP games (not counting emulation) the DS wins by far, so it's very possible that you'll experience the same thing. I've never hacked my DS, but I've heard its emulation sucks. At the same time I've heard its homebrew utilities are a lot more fun and practical to play with than the PSP's.

The Damned forgot to add this piece. There is a new model for the DS comming out soon.. it has a built in camera and SD card slot in it with bigger screens. I seen it in my Game Informer Magazine. :-P

If you had read my last few posts, you would know I that I did mention it. It's been in the portable system news for the last three or so months, so I think that most people are at least aware of it.

If you had read my last few posts, you would know I that I did mention it. It's been in the portable system news for the last three or so months, so I think that most people are at least aware of it.

he's making fun of you, damned =)

so, i think it's going to be a psp. we'll see what happens after christmas.


Also, if you get a Slim, I'm pretty sure you're gonna need a Pandora's Battery if you wanna run CFW and homebrew.

Making one yourself with the battery it comes with is easy enough, AND you can change it back to a normal battery when you're done.

I can't remember who, but someone said PSX games work flawlessly on PSP. This isn't Strictly true, follow link:


Also, if you get a Slim, I'm pretty sure you're gonna need a Pandora's Battery if you wanna run CFW and homebrew.

stevo (level 99) told me this on the phone this afternoon. he owns all the stuff needed to hack it, so i'll be ok on that regard. if i get one, we'll hack it up at magfest.

edit: all the games i want to play on the ps1 seem to be there. i just need to figure out which games don't really run because of the lack of the extra shoulder buttons. what other emulators work on the psp? like, is there a gba emu that works?

Making one yourself with the battery it comes with is easy enough, AND you can change it back to a normal battery when you're done.

Of course, but some people aren't so great at that kind of stuff, and I've heard complaints of such people ruining 2 or 3 batteries (After the first mess-up, I'd have just paid for one). As it stands, I got one for $10, but the shipping was ridiculously slow. Guess you get what you pay for.

EDIT: ya, I completely forgot you can also use a hacked phat somehow to get the same result.


Heh heh, it's interesting to see Gen disc's change in views regarding the PSP.

I'd say the reasons listed in this thread accurately outline why the PSP is worth every cent if you harness its capabilities. If you don't plan on utilizing emulation its value is a little more debatable, but there is a decent selection of truly great games.

Based on what I've played, I highly recommend/second Valkyrie Profile, both Syphon Filter games (highly polished as mentioned), Wipeout, and Jeanne d' Arc (still playing it).

i just need to figure out which games don't really run because of the lack of the extra shoulder buttons. what other emulators work on the psp? like, is there a gba emu that works?

There are options when you run PS1 games that'll let you configure the analog stick to act as L2 & R2, and yes there's a gba emu that works. I was playing River City Ransom Ex and Mega Man Zero 2 this morning :3

The SNES emu works fairly well considering you only have, at most, 333mhz to work with.

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