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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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Thanks a lot to the peeps who dropped by to check out the show. Other than the recording going all loopy, and Species going "Nah, it messed up again", everything went off without a hitch. I'll be playing a little less music next week, so I can leave more breathing room for talking and hanging out with the chat people on the air, but tonight was definitely a great show content-wise, with a lot of different genres. Be sure to check everything out next week and tell some more people to drop by. For those of you who were here tonight, I was glad to have you aboard. We'll have a link to the chat transcript fairly soon. In the meantime, enjoy the rundown of tonight's playlist:

Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

"VG Frequency" - Saturday, January 24, 2004 - 10:05 PM - 12:05 AM

1. Beatdrop - VG Frequency "Lose His Mind" Bumper

2. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Yuna's Theme" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

3. Disco Dan - Megaman 3 "Magnetman Goes West" [OverClocked ReMix #1085]

4. virt - Shadowgate "Warrior King" [VGMix2 #41]

5. Freemind & GrayLightning - Chrono Trigger "Tears for a Girl" [OverClocked ReMix #1099]

6. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "YuRiPa Battle Theme 1" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

7. Palpable - Marble Madness "Marble Dancefloor" [OverClocked ReMix #1102]

8. Beatdrop - "Firedance" [Final Energy]

9. Dale North - Golden Sun "Venus' Lullaby" [VGMix2 #846]

10. Destiny - Seiken Densetsu 3 "Within the Fable" [OverClocked ReMix #1103]

11. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Mission Complete" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

12. Mazedude - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Master System) "Reich Lake" [http://listen.to/mazedude]

13. Star Salzman - Chrono Trigger "Love in an Hourglass" [VGMix2 #783]

14. BlueEnvy - Star Ocean: The Second Story "Aqua Tears" [The People's Remix Competition 7]

15. Daniel Baranowsky - "Odyssey 12" [http://members.cox.net/ocmaniac]

16. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "YuRiPa Battle Theme 2" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

17. zyko - VG Frequency "Keep It Real" Bumper

18. AmIEviL - "A New Light" [http://shortcut.to/ajax]

19. SuperGreenX - Beatmania IIDX 7th Style & Dance Dance Revolution 8th Mix Extreme "Kick Your A" [http://www.supergreenx.com]

20. Dev VJ - Final Fantasy 7 "Nanaki Searches for Truth" [ironMix Challenge X: The Big One (Unmoderated) / OverClocked ReMix #1104]

21. Kevin Stephens - Fire Emblem 1 "Etude for Piano in F# Minor" [VGMix2 #819]

22. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "YuRiPa Battle Theme 3" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

23. Trance-Canada - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Ice Age" [http://www.funender.com/music/bands/656]

24. DCT - Sonic & Knuckles & Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Iced Out Nine Twenty Two (Instrumental)" [http://www.thebigshot.com]

25. DarkeSword - Megaman X2 "Beamsabre Beat ZERO v2" [http://www.darkesword.com]

26. Shadow - EarthBound "Funky Bookas" [OverClocked ReMix #1091]

27. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Machine Faction" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

28. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Makes Me Question" Bumper

29. OverCoat - "Penis Insertion" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat]

30. Digital Coma - "Poem" [http://members.cox.net/skaddi]

31. Gecko Yamori - "Let's Groove!" [http://www.geckoyamori.tk]

32. SuperGreenX - "soulsight" [http://www.supergreenx.com]

33. DarkeSword - Chrono Trigger "Through the Dark" [VGMix2 #838]

34. Beatdrop - "There Was Light" [Final Energy]

35. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "I'll Give You Something Hot!" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

Dang, I chose sleep instead of this? I chose rest instead of this? I chose alcohol instead of this?


Hey, glad to have you aboard last week, even if it was only for part of it. Rectify your mistake by tuning in tonight for this week's show. It'll benotbetter than the fucking SUPER BOWL! Adhesive Boy will be calling in, and we've got enough free time to field calls, so if you wanna be on the air, feel free to come to the AIM chat room at 10 PM ("VG Frequency") and get the phone # from there.

In 2 weeks we'll be having the Valentine's Day show, BTW, so keep your lovey dovey requests in mind, bros and bro-ettes!

Dang, I chose sleep instead of this? I chose rest instead of this? I chose alcohol instead of this?


Instead? Why instead? It's perfectly restful, and from what I've heard from some vgmix people, getting drunk immediately before is somewhat of a tradition :lol:.

Ooh! For the valentine's special, you totally need to contact the PMM people and see if you can use clips from the unreleased vocal version of the Forever Rachel theme! That would be totally awesome... I say 'clips' because they also apparently never recorded a final version, they only have a recording of a practice session. Hehe, they might not even have that anymore, I tracked it down back when PMM had only been out for a few months. Anyway, it's far too lovey-dovey for playing just about any time that isn't Valentine's Day.


Very phat show tonight, with the most people in the chat room ever with 33 at one time. We had people going in and out, but it was nice to nearly break the room with listeners. Thanks to Species for figuring out a way around RealPlayer's crappiness in order to record tonight's proceedings. I'll get some older episode archives eventually, have no fear bukkake fans.

Thanks a lot to smh, OverCoat & Moose585 for this week's new bumpers, which went over real well with the chat room. Great job, peeps! I really appreciate the effort, so keep 'em coming.

Also props to DarkSword, Danny B & Adhesive Boy for calling in tonight as well as Kaleb Grace for recommending I play some tracks from SaGa Frontier II, which has some excellent tracks. Some older chat transcripts'll be going up soon, soon, soon, so keep an eye out. Also, someone give Succubus's leg a massage; she banged it on her desk, so she's feelin' the pain! Let's get to tonight's playlist. (BTW, that is a track #0 you see. Rob & Alex from the show before me played the OneUp crew while I was getting set up for VGF):

Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

"VG Frequency" - Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 10:05 PM - 12:05 AM

0. The OneUp Mushrooms - Super Mario World 1 "Super Mario's Sleigh Ride" [OverClocked ReMix #888]

1. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "Break Loose" Bumper

2. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Sphere Hunters" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

3. LeonHeart of the Flame - Skies of Arcadia "Horteka Stomp" [OverClocked ReMix #1109]

4. Beatdrop - "Pyroclastic" [Final Energy]

5. Jared Hudson - "Peaches and Cream" [http://www.hudsonstudios.net]

6. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Mushroom Rock Road" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

7. DarkeSword calls in (again) while Larry can't get the phone to work [http://www.darkesword.com]

8. JigginJonT - VG Frequency "Be As One" Bumper

9. Blak Omen & MC - Final Fantasy 9 "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo" [OverClocked ReMix #1113]

10. Jared Hudson - "Troubled Feelings" [http://www.hudsonstudios.net]

11. SuperGreenX w/MC - Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix "4F73R M3" [VGMix2 #660 / OverClocked ReMix #1114]

12. Blak Omen - VG Frequency "Best In Chinatown" Bumper

13. Trenthian - Final Fantasy 7 "Sector7 Hath Wrought the Angel" [OverClocked ReMix #1110]

14. Masashi Hamauzu - "Raumkomposition" (a.k.a. 'Composition of Space') [saGa Frontier II OST]

15. Unknown - The Legend of Zelda 64: The Ocarina of Time "Artifact of Power, Movement Three - Traveling the Woods" [http://www.geocities.com/theunknownproductions]

16. smh vs. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Major Lesbians" Bumper

17. Jayson Litrio - The Legend of Zelda 3 "The Goddess Appears (Trinity)" [OverClocked ReMix #454]

18. The Evil Horde - Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo "Homage to Amida Buddha" [OverClocked ReMix #1111]

19. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Chocobo" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

20. OverCoat - Final Fantasy 6 "High Above Chaos" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat]

21. Dan Baranowsky calls in to advocate medicinal marijuana use [http://members.cox.net/ocmaniac]

22. Mazedude - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 "Turtle Wave" [http://listen.to/mazedude]

23. Gecko Yamori - Chrono Trigger "Cronco Triggar" [http://www.geckoyamori.tk]

24. Masashi Hamauzu - "Durcheinander" (a.k.a. 'Disorder') [saGa Frontier II OST]

25. Adhesive Boy w/Protricity - Super Metroid "Braving the Flames" [Relics of the Chozo / VGMix2 #106 / OverClocked ReMix #1112]

26. Adhesive Boy calls in to do what adhesive boys do [http://adhesiveboy.no-ip.com]

27. Masashi Hamauzu - "Besessenheit" (a.k.a. 'Obsession') [saGa Frontier II OST]

28. Rayza - VG Frequency "Bee Gees' Frequency" Bumper

29. Beatdrop - "#56" [Final Energy]

30. Moose585 - VG Frequency "Corny Moose Scat" Bumper

31. mv - Chrono Trigger "Time Chill" [VGMix2 #211]

32. Koji Kondo - "World 2 Map" [super Mario Bros. 3 OST]

33. Koji Kondo - "Potion Door BGM" [super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) OST]

34. OverCoat - VG Frequency "¡Olé! ¿Spanish?" Bumper

35. Unknown & random splinter - GoldenEye 007 "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" [VGMix2 #861]

36. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Sphere Hunters ~The Gullwings~" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

Keep ideas in mind for the Valentine's Day show coming up in two weeks as well. Protricity, OCR's resident love doctor, will be on hand to dispense advice. Well...ok, he won't, but you can imagine what he'd say and have fun with that. "Dump the bitch!" Thanks again to everyone who came by, and I hope to see you next week.


WOOT. Great show Larry, even though I missed some of it cuz I had to help my mom with cookin. So yeah, I love your show so much that I made you a bumper too!! Woot. I hope you use it some time :lol::lol:



Here is the transcript:

Hi, I'm Blizihizake, and when I used to have horrible allergies, I couldn't decide what I would do. But then my doctor prescribed me to VG Frequency! It was the best decision I've ever made!

<Stereotypical advertisement voice that is really fast>

For your free 30 day trial of VG Frequency, call 1-800-OJI and tell them you saw this commercial. You should ask your physician about taking VG Frequency if you are a diabetic. Common side effects are: nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, possible skin cancer, bleeding, combustion, morning wood, heart failure, and seizures. Other reported side effects consist of bald men floating around in space during dreams and/or nightmares.

</Stereotypical advertisement voice that is really fast>

Me :

Don't thank me, thank VG Frequency! It really helped me a lot. Go see your doctor about it now!

Ill just give you the updated version of this bumper through AIM cuz I'm too tired to upload.

WOOT. Great show Larry, even though I missed some of it cuz I had to help my mom with cookin. So yeah, I love your show so much that I made you a bumper too!! Woot. I hope you use it some time :lol::lol:



Liontamer87: Bliz yo! I can't hear your voice over the music!

Liontamer87: Can you mix the music section a little lower?

Liontamer87: cuz this is nice

BliziHiZaKe signed off at 2:39:35 AM.

Liontamer87: Blake!!!!!!!! :-(

Previous message was not received by BliziHiZaKe because of error: User BliziHiZaKe is not available.

Liontamer87: NOOOOOOOOOO!

Previous message was not received by BliziHiZaKe because of error: User BliziHiZaKe is not available.

EDIT: I love you. Not as much as the Super Bowl :lol:, but thanks for the transcript yo. I'll get on AIM soon.


Yo yo folks. Just checking in to see if anyone has any requests for this coming Saturday's episode of VGF. We've already got some good stuff on board with new bumpers from BliziHiZaKe & OverCoat, along with requests for funkymuskrat, Electron (Happy Birthday!), OverCoat, JigginJonT, prozax, Beatdrop's latest cut from Final Energy, and TO's winning entry for the People's Remix Competition 8.

Keep an eye out for February's episodes of VG Frequency. On the 14th, we've got the Valentine's Day edition. I'll be looking for requests from YOU, my fair listeners, so keep your suggestions in mind. DCT's already requested "Goodbye at the Airport" by capoeira legend Mazedude, so that's just a quick example of what you'll be hearing. And of course, there'll be tons of lovey dovey songs (VGM, VG remixes & mixer originals) that all have titles with "love" and "heart" and "skank". You know, all the Hallmark buzz words.

Nothing's specifically planned for the 21st, although I'll see if zyko is willing to come on the air for an interview then, since weed's been nice enough to wanna do one. Weed's been doing music for a long time beyond the game remixing scene, and he's gonna be a very interesting guest whenever we have the chance to have him on the air. In any case, it'll be a regular show, but anyone interested in doing an interview, lemme know and I'll be glad to have you on the air.

The 28th will be the big second edition of my All-Originals show, featuring ONLY original, non-game-related songs created by your favorite OC ReMixers & VGMixers, so definitely be sure to be around for some unique cuts right there. I'll be making sure to bug everyone I know to get 1 track per person, and if it's anything like the last show, I'll literally need 4 hours through 2 shows to play everything. Hopefully someone will give up a free timeslot on Leap Year Day this year (Sunday, February 29th), so that I can do an extra show..."THE SHOW THAT NEVER WAS!"

I'm really hoping down the line to have remixers and guys from the community in the Atlanta area (UGA/Georgia Tech) over for a show down the line. I know FateHologram (Justin Zer0/debotron), kLuTz, sephfire & OMG Bagel Fuzzynuts are around, along with Electron who's with me at Emory. Who knows if we can get something like that done, but I'll be seeing what we can do down the line.

That's the plan going through this month my peeps & peep-ettes, so keep Larry Lar in mind and keep tuning in! Lemme know if you have any requests for this Saturday.


ooh you should play some stuff by marc star...

how about on valentines day play rosettarefrain (by marc star), and this saturday something like the crono cross mix he did. That would be cool.


Done and done. I'll be playing "Another Fair" again this week to celebrate it's OC posting, and I'm doing a double shot of Marc Star with both "Fantasy Rush" as well as "Kasugano (Booty Mix)". I'll get "Waltz of Pain" & "Rosettarefrain" for the Valentine's Day episode next week. Love will soon be on the air in video game radio form.

Sorry can't listen tonight :(. Gonna be out partying. Have a good one!

:P That's aight. I was bumpin' & grindin' last night too. JigginJonT & DarkeSword can't make it either too, but we carry on. The show's lookin' lively right now, so check out the AIM chat room at "VG Frequency" or IM me at Liontamer87 for the invite.


And... I didn't. The party was a huge (and I mean *huge*) crowd of people drinking beer and listening to a crappy pop band that cost thousands of dollars. How about not.

Well, I would've checked it out, but by the time this stupid RealPlayer 10 beta finished installing, it was past midnight.

Don't worry my man, there's always next week!

Thanks to Species for this week's recording, which hopefully turned out aight, and to BliziHiZaKe & OverCoat for this week's new bumpers. Thanks for everyone who came by, including Rellik & Midee. Note: Midee's difficult to please musically. Note: Play more Life Force. Note: Pimp The 8-Bit Boys.

Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

"VG Frequency" - Saturday, February 7, 2004 - 10:10 PM - 12:05 AM

1. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat A Bumper" Bumper

2. SgtRama - Kirby Superstar "Green Greens (Contagious Eye Infection)" [OverClocked ReMix #612]

3. zyko - ICO "The Unforgiving Mist" [VGMix2 #306]

4. Electron - Megaman 2 "Bubbleman Electron" [OverClocked ReMix #143]

5. prozax - Megaman 3 "Wily's Ambition" [VGMix2 #937]

6. Masashi Hamauzu - "Majestät" (a.k.a 'Majesty') [saGa Frontier 2 OST]

7. Red Omen - VG Frequency "More Proof" Bumper

8. mv - Streets of Rage 1 "Sensual Ippon" [VGMix2 #710]

9. TO - Seiken Densetsu 3 "Electrion" [The People's Remix Competition 8]

10. Sal - Final Fantasy 10 "Guardian's Sending" [OverClocked ReMix #1118]

11. bLiNd - "Space Cowboys (Revised)" [starFox Ultimate Collaboration Project]

12. Masashi Hamauzu - "Trübsal" (a.k.a 'Affliction') [saGa Frontier 2 OST]

13. funkymuskrat - Jones in the Fast Lane "Keep Up with Jones" [VGMix2 #812]

14. Beatdrop - "The Enemy of My Enemy is My Enemy" [Final Energy]

15. OverCoat - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Ancient Ocean" [VGMix2 #945]

16. The Coop - Altered Beast "The Fallen's Grave v2" [VGMix2 #186]

17. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Mushroom Rock Road" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

18. Unknown - VG Frequency "How Was That?" Bumper

19. Midiman (Tony Thai) - Super Mario World 1 "Flying Donuts" [VGMix2 #403]

20. MIDIman (Christian Guirreri) - Super Metroid "Mega Dance Mix 2002" [Video Game Revolution / OverClocked ReMix #573]

21. McNoods - Secret of Mana "Beyond Comprehension" [OverClocked ReMix #1116]

22. smh - EarthBound "Wandering the Catacombs" [VGMix2 #178]

23. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Zanarkand Ruins" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

24. BliziHiZaKe - VG Frequency "Cure For What Ails Ya" Bumper

25. Chikusho Sound Team - Megaman X1 "Airbased" [OverClocked ReMix #525]

26. Dhsu - "Another Fair" [ironMix Challenge XVI: Life IS Fair! / VGMix #924 / OverClocked ReMix #1115]

27. Marc Star - Final Fantasy 8 "Fantasy Rush" [OverClocked ReMix #1033]

28. Marc Star - Street Fighter Alpha 2 "Kasugano (Booty Mix)" [VGMix2 #722 / OverClocked ReMix #1117]

29. Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi - "Leblanc's Got It All" [Final Fantasy X-2 OST]

30. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Pantsu" Bumper

31. Heart of Air - "Kiss Me Sunlights" [Z.O.E: Zone of the Enders OST]

32. Spencer Nilsen w/The Corrs - "Wacky Workbench (Present)" [sonic the Hedgehog CD (US) OSV]

33. Alph Lyla - "Breathe Again" [street Fighter II Alph Lyla with w/Yuuji Toriyama]

34. virt - Dragon Spirit "Wings of Gold" [VGMix2 #881]

35. JigginJonT - F-Zero 1 "Silent Progression" [VGMix2 #492]

36. Masashi Hamauzu - "Außenwelt" (a.k.a. 'Outer World') [saGa Frontier 2 OST]

Next week is the Valentine's Day episode, which'll warm your black hearts. Be sure to drop requests here! If you're gonna be around next week, and don't have a date, don't worry; I'll bring you some chocolates. But not the expensive stuff. Just some cheap shit.


I haven't had time this week to pimp out the Valentine's Day show coming up, but if anyone has more requests that tie into love, matters of the heart and whatnot, drop 'em on me with the appropriate linkange so I can pick up your V-Day music request and play it. If it's obscure or not easily attainable in a game music format, give me a place where I can get it. Like DarkeSword's request, original music by mixers is sweet as well, but don't request anything besides game music, game remixes or mixer originals.

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