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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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Oshit, 59's up? :o Haha, as awesome as that episode was to be the first time I ever called into a VGF, I'm shying up on hearing the damn thing, lol (mainly because the song I put on there caused a lot of freakin controversy along my peers, or so I believe).

Regardless, I'm here for VGF70. Maybe I would call, maybe I won't, but it all depends what happens at my end :)


That reminds me, I'm ready to receive the Prot-editied web pages at face value :) Boy will this be a laugh.

And so I finally heard my song again on VGF59 after... what, 6 months of not touching it? I still think I don't sound so bad for having a coldsore at the time :P


As soon as it is released, it will be available via link here, or if a pack-of-5 is full, then a torrent will be available. You also have to realise that this is a special bonus on a volunteerial base.

Shows are mostly released in a chronological order (with exceptions, of course). Shows starting from #60 till now (with exception of VGF#68) aren't released yet. Guess you have to wait.

As soon as it is released, it will be available via link here, or if a pack-of-5 is full, then a torrent will be available. You also have to realise that this is a special bonus on a volunteerial base.

Shows are mostly released in a chronological order (with exceptions, of course). Shows starting from #60 till now (with exception of VGF#68) aren't released yet. Guess you have to wait.

Can't blaim people for wanting to hear my sexy self.

You also have to realise that this is a special bonus on a volunteerial base.

You should have said so in the chat yesterday, I would have recorded it myself, then... when I wanted to do that, you just said it will be available to download afterwards, so I didn't record it back then :(


Oh sorry that I didn't mention "that". It should have been obvious (especially after what Larry said at the end of the show about the torrents). If you would have listened to another show, would you have expected it to be available as "download" after that too? What about TV Shows? DVD available as soon as the episode was running or does it come out after (let's say) season 3 or season 4 is out?

I know a lot of radio host who don't record their stuff. Larry is an exception. You can see it from a positive side though. No shows were released in the time from May (last shows of Season 4) and October - with exception of a bootleg of VGF#60.99 (which was kinda the end of an era).

Larry is backing up quickly since Show #53 or so. He's only human himself. It takes time to edit the material, balancing the volume, listening to the interviews again and write down what was the main content, ID tagging, etc. And after his graduation he had more important things to do than cutting and releasing radio shows on his packed full laptop and a crappy 56k line, which put him a bit "behind schedule".

Like I said... patience. Others waited ages for the "Duck Hunt: RofL" show. Guess you have to wait for your particular show too.


OK, this is understandable. It's just a bit of a downer for some friends of mine from #mwwproject who really wanted to listen to this, and I promised them to record it. Hope it gets up soon :)

And btw. if Larry told at the end of the show, then it's already a bit too late to start recording, I guess :)

IN case that I'm not home in time for pimping out and stuff, the usual meme.


Yeah! And enjoy he sudden cutoff and the "hello! *giggle*" every time a song ends in the show before Larry's.

Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you.

Small World-Timetable

Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm
Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm
Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm
Rio de Janero (Brazil): 1:00am (Sunday)
Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday)
London (England): 3:00am (Sunday)
Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday)
Germany: 4:00am (Sunday)
Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday)
Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday)
Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 5:00am (Sunday)
Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday)
Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday)
Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon)
Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (Sunday)

(*) no countries are currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

Have fun while listening to VGF#71.

:arrow: The same stuff applies as with the last infopost from myself:

Seeders needed, "video = deactivated -> blame WMRE for crappy server response"


Too bad I won't be able to listen in to this one. Larry's getting to be an old man. I mean, VGF 71? Don't be suprised if Larry complains about his incontinence, bad back, and lumbego. 8O

Just the other day he was grumbling about "those punk kids today."

I think I'll discreetly leave out the fact that I am three months older than he.

Keep your eye out for December. I'm trying to lobby Larry to let me host a show of the good remixes in honor of my birthday. Of course that might include some he's already played as well, particularly BlackPerson. :wink::wink:


This new poll is a travesty, a sham, and a mockery. As any true fan of VGF would tell you, the new name of the group is GRAPE, and y'all best respect.

This new poll is a travesty, a sham, and a mockery.

That's what happens when larry makes the poll himself. Only my mockery of Larry polls have any value to them. I voted for the second option about unmod. WTF is this poll again? :lol:

It must be some reference to the RAPE interview in episode 65 (which is up for the taking on Paige's webspace BTW). I finally heard it earlier this week, and man, did I enjoy it :)

And... I sound like a Canada? Whether I do or don't, that's worth saving a soundbite over :D

This new poll is a travesty, a sham, and a mockery.

That's what happens when larry makes the poll himself. Only my mockery of Larry polls have any value to them. I voted for the second option about unmod. WTF is this poll again? :lol:

It must be some reference to the RAPE interview in episode 65 (which is up for the taking on Paige's webspace BTW). I finally heard it earlier this week, and man, did I enjoy it :)

And... I sound like a Canada? Whether I do or don't, that's worth saving a soundbite over :D

Thanks for the clarification, as I haven't been able to tune into the show for a while now. Larry really should move the show out of weekends. Many of us have lives and things to do on weekend nights. :(

A replacement poll on larry's mold would be more interesting, regardless. :lol:


Heh, usually I try to sleep for as long as I can (usually three to five hours for some reason) before the show, and I usually have my alarm set for 2AM just in case.

I know my mistakes from VGF59; staying up for the show just makes you lose way too much concentration :?

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