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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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Now that I think about it, I've been not looking forward to trying to do two decidedly long shows back-to-back like this at all, and that's definitely not the way I ever planned to go out. It'll be completely unenjoyable if I can't take calls tonight AND try and cram the finale in there when I'm already gonna be dog tired.

So I'll just do the finale tomorrow night. Sorry if that makes it an impossibility for people that have work/school the following Monday, but I'll be doing right by me in order to keep myself sane and be able to relax a little more. I believe it'll have to to be Sunday late-night at 2AM EST, and it should be about a 4 hour show covering this final season's best-of-the-best. If I can swing midnight EST instead, I will, but I dunno about the availability.

There. I feel better already.


My support lacked recently, so I will try to catch up as good at possible at least for the last 2 shows. And one of them is tonight!


*Finally! And remember - the crew wants to call too!!*

Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you. The list is fixed in terms of DST, but chances are that something might be wrong (I hate DST changes!).

Small World-Timetable

Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm
Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm
Chicago (Illinois): 9:00pm
Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm
Rio de Janero (Brazil): 12:00am (Sunday, Midnight)
Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday)
London (England): 4:00am (*, Sunday)
Paris (France): 5:00am (*, Sunday)
Oslo (Norway): 5:00am (*, Sunday)
Germany: 5:00am (*, Sunday)
Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 5:00am (Sunday)
Helsinki (Finland): 6:00am (*, Sunday)
Moscow (Russia): 7:00am (*, Sunday)
Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday)
Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon)
Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (*, Sunday)

(*) currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

Some thing(s) you might be interested to know:

:arrow: Tonight's show features previously unreleased material from the "Chrono Symphonic Special Edition" (read here for more information)

Have fun while listening to VGF#84.


That's okay if the finale wants to progress the following night. My classes on Monday don't start until 11AM (6AM EST) anyway.

That, and my sleep patterns clearly sucked tonight. It'll suck even more thanks to the clocks going forward >.>

Hey Larry, any chance of squeezing in a final remix from me? Something brand new with an appropriately fitting title for the final VGF?

Send it over, so I can check it out.

Check your PMs Larry.

uh-oh :roll:

Haha, it's way too late for me to think of regaining sleep now, thanks to Larry's late start and that stupid DST :P Still, I have things to do today considering it's Mother's Day out here. I know that I won't be seeing her until I go home next weekend, but I do have my own plans to take care of, I'm sure.


Once again, we come to an end. Let us all celebrate the (2nd) ending of VG Frequency and wish Larry "good luck for the future":


*Actually the night to monday! Larry loves to confuse us till the very end. ;)*

Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you. The DST is still messed up, blame those who "invented" DST, heh.

Small World-Timetable

Los Angeles (CA, USA): 11:00pm
Calgary (Canada): 12:00am (Monday, Midnight)
Chicago (Illinois): 1:00am (Monday)
Atlanta (GA, USA): 2:00am (Monday)
Rio de Janero (Brazil): 4:00am (Monday)
Reykjavik (Iceland): 7:00am (Monday)
London (England): 8:00am (*, Monday)
Paris (France): 9:00am (*, Monday)
Oslo (Norway): 9:00am (*, Monday)
Germany: 9:00am (*, Monday)
Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 9:00am (Monday)
Helsinki (Finland): 10:00am (*, Monday)
Moscow (Russia): 11:00am (Monday)
Hong Kong (China): 3:00pm (Monday)
Tokyo (Japan): 4:00pm (Monday)
Sydney (Australia): 6:00pm (*, Monday)

(*) currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

:arrow: This is the very final show of VG Frequency

:arrow: According to Larry - no calls tonight!

I wish you a lot of fun with the very last show. Thanks again, Larry, for making our weekends a bit brighter, not to mention funnier. Maybe you return with VGF one day after you moved, found a job and have enough money to start a small "home radio station". ;)


Ah, I forgot about DST; I suppose I could have an extra hour in bed in the morning before the show happens :P

And yes, even though it will be a mad Monday, I will show my salute for the tamer of all Lions on the way out, even if it is the third and final case of the Larry Oji Breakfast Show™ ;)

ill get off work just in time to catch this

man, if only i wasnt phone jacked yesterday

Phone jacked? There were enough blocks to call, some couldn't either due to the fact that their phone didn't work.

Not to mention that Larry gave a lot of opportiunities in the last shows - if nobody calls... sure is not a fault for the phone being jacked or something.

Well duh... 7am here and I wanted to sleep through, guess I'll call it a night.

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