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Holycrap holycrap holycrap...!

I've been itching to play this game for years! One of my favorite games ever. (even though T1 was maybe even better) As with every online game, T2 just died back in the day which is sad. I hope people find this and there are enough players so its actually playable. Definitely gonna try this one out! YIPPEE for Tribes2!


Oh man, I love the newbies playing this game that don't quite "get" it. A lot of players seem to just focus on their scores and get pissed off when the inventory station has no power. Spoilers: I'm in ur base, destroyin' ur generators. I can't just go out there and kill shit but I get some pretty good results when I plan on sabotaging stuff :D hehe

Oh man, I love the newbies playing this game that don't quite "get" it. A lot of players seem to just focus on their scores and get pissed off when the inventory station has no power. Spoilers: I'm in ur base, destroyin' ur generators. I can't just go out there and kill shit but I get some pretty good results when I plan on sabotaging stuff :D hehe

I'm one of those noob people atm... I have no idea wtf I'm doin, and I couldn't tell you what an inventory station is if I wanted to lol.

Downloaded and bookmarked. Tribes 2 was the last good game in the tribes series. Loved Tribes 1 a lot too. Despite its dated graphics.

Agreed, Vengeance (were there others? I've been out of it for a while) was fun during the beta, but it lacked some of the feel and fun that T2 had.

And seriously, how can you leave out "need a bombadier/tailgunner"? That seriously irritated me back when I played it.


Downloading as we speak.

Yeah someone else said this but we should do this up like they do with TF2, I'd play this regularly if there was a consistent group of people to play, and now I don't have to worry about computer specs since t2 is lol old

but still awesome

I'm one of those noob people atm... I have no idea wtf I'm doin, and I couldn't tell you what an inventory station is if I wanted to lol.

The game is built around teamwork. You get rewarded points for repairing your base [generators, inventory/vehicle stations, turrets, etc] as well as extra points for capturing the flag or defending it. You can rack up a lot of points just doing that. Also, take some time [during a botmatch preferably] to look around the inventory list and experiment with different setups. I'm a heavy mortar and missile spamming kind of guy so I get the ammo pack and lob away, for both offense and defense.

Also, the most important thing you can do is learn how to ski. This is the only game I can think of where you can do something like this. All you gotta do is hold jump while going down a hill and it lets you go at incredible speeds. Also, once you hit another hill jump and jetpack to get over it with ease :) Skiing is fun!

Now I don't have to worry about computer specs since t2 is lol old

Yeah, back when I first got the game, you were hot shit if you had a NVidia TNT2 :) I was using some crappy onboard video [5.5 MB, 11 MB by stealing some RAM] at the time so my game looked like shit :P I actually had a hard time running it.

I'd like to start playing with people in the OCR community. IRC channel anyone?

That sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe someone could make a Steam group or create a sort of "official" thread here like the TF2 one has. I just need to install the game and the patch.

The game is built around teamwork. You get rewarded points for repairing your base [generators, inventory/vehicle stations, turrets, etc] as well as extra points for capturing the flag or defending it. You can rack up a lot of points just doing that. Also, take some time [during a botmatch preferably] to look around the inventory list and experiment with different setups. I'm a heavy mortar and missile spamming kind of guy so I get the ammo pack and lob away, for both offense and defense.

Also, the most important thing you can do is learn how to ski. This is the only game I can think of where you can do something like this. All you gotta do is hold jump while going down a hill and it lets you go at incredible speeds. Also, once you hit another hill jump and jetpack to get over it with ease :) Skiing is fun!

Yea, I wasn't sure what to expect when I first played so I just kinda started it up and jumped into a game lol. I got the hang of the jetpack a little bit, and seeing someone barrel over the top of a hill, blow up like three people, grab the flag, and jump down to his waiting vehicle and zoom off, all in the span of about 20 seconds, def makes me want to get into it more lol.


Lol, this got me to go download it, I have been wanting to get a good FPS game. Thanks for tipping me off to this. Looks fun (and i dont have to worry about if my computer can handle it or not). Hopefully this doesn't die out anytime soon.

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