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SMW is epic, Zeal, don't give me that crap, lol. Yeah, you've got us beat. Really, I used to think that my first system was a Nintendo 64 or an original Gameboy, but really, I know that my first was something like Calecovision. You know, one of those rare things. I was pretty young back then, I don't remember.


The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Gameboy was the first video game I ever played at 3 years old. Needless to say, I had a very good first impression of the world of video games. I went back and played it the other day and I had the biggest nostalgia rush. Ah, I love that game.

  LuketheXjesse said:
Has ANYONE mentioned Kirby's Adventure???

I got that game when I was 4 and I HAD A BLAST WITH IT.

Used to play it at my grandparents' house constantly. I remember my cousins and sister and me crowded around the tv when I finally reached the final boss. It took me so many tries to beat it, haha.

  Native Jovian said:
Hell yes. Harvest Moon 64 is awesome. I remember reading about it in Nintendo Power. The first time I just skimmed the article and moved on, but for some reason I kept coming back to it. There was something about it that just drew me in, though I couldn't have told you what it was (to this day I can't really explain why I like the Harvest Moon series....). It took me a while, but I got my hands on it eventually, and enjoyed it immensely.

Despite it's obvious flaws, HM64 is still my favorite Harvest Moon game. I've played everything from Friends of Mineral Town for the GBA to Save the Homeland for the PS2, and the only one that even comes close to the entertainment value I got out of HM64 is Magical Melody for the Gamecube. How the hell can a series of games about doing farm chores be so damn entertaining?

Same way i found it! I agree with you, most of the magic was in HM64 for me (FoMT was a good replacement, mostly because it was so deep) and I really loved Magical Melody, but i have very little patience for how slow everything moves...oh well. Good to see someone else loves HM64!

  LuketheXjesse said:
Super cheep way? Explain.

Just use cure on him and it does astronomical amounts of damage.

In regards to beating it before I could read, simply it was the only game I played for about a year straight and through trial and error I found how to get through the game.

Though I will admit if I was stuck at one point for too long, my brothers would give me a hand.


Most of my strongest and fondest memories in regards to gaming are linked to Donkey Kong Country (and its sequels). They have been such an inspiration throughout my life.

One moment that really stands out is the first time finishing DKC1 and watching the end kredits.

I also have very strong memories of Pokemon Stadium 64, which is a game very dear to me indeed. Especially one moment when I had a bit of a bad day and my best friend showed up the moment I was listening to my fav trance track of all time while pwning Venusaur/Ivysaur with an icebeam :D In fact, that is an aneqdote we still use today.

Good times :)


I guess these were already referred to, but my strongest gaming memories are related to The Legend of Zelda series:

The storm from the beginning of A Link to the Past...

The feeling of freedom upon arriving on the Hyrule field in Ocarina of Time for the first time...

I've lost my kid's mind. I'm not as fascinated in games and virtual worlds as I used to be...

  just64helpin said:
Oh, and that one part in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time with the really long staircase and the pretty song playing in the background.

The lonnnnnnnng lift ride complete with dramatic music and a seemingly never ending fight wasn't bad either :-).


Original Prince of Persia on our Apple II. We got it when I was 5, and that was the first video game I ever played. Good old, unforgiving, full of death traps, Prince of Persia. It took me like a month to learn the controls and then a couple more months to figure out how to beat the first level. That game was hard as hell. Me and my sister used to put bath towel turbans on our head and jump around the living room. If you fell on the floor it meant you were impaled on the spikes. Kind of like the floor is made of lava, but with towels on your head. Good times.


If I had to give it to just one game it would have to be when I fell into a 2 year trance playing Final Fantasy XI online. I highly recommend not doing that.

Aside from that I'm going to have to say hours after countless hours playing Super Smash Bros. Melee with my brothers right after I graduated from high school.

3rd place would have to go to Ninja Gaiden Black. Wow that game was breath taking the first time I played through it. And difficult...very difficult. I got through it on Very Hard mode but never did win it on Master Ninja. My brother and I were working on it quite tenaciously but then Ninja Gaiden II came out and we lost site of it.

  nonsensicalexis said:
Me and my sister used to put bath towel turbans on our head and jump around the living room. If you fell on the floor it meant you were impaled on the spikes. Kind of like the floor is made of lava, but with towels on your head. Good times.

This made me laugh.

The only thing I can remember about reenacting video games when I was younger was when I made a cardboard sword with a duct tape blade at a summer camp. I was doing spin attacks to impress everyone when the hilt bent, and the sword was always floppy from then on. It also got splattered with bleach when someone was spraying it all over the cabin, so the black construction paper on the hilt is all blotchy. I think I still have it somewhere, but who knows.


Ok, so I finally got the Captain Comic speedrun up on youtube for anyone who was interested. Sort of off-topic, but honestly, I think if I posted this alone it would be buried under 100 posts by the end of the day :tomatoface:.

Going to try a couple things here, I know you can embed videos on the forums here but it isn't immediately obvious to me how, so the URL for the 2-part playlist is here.

If someone could PM me the tag that is used on these particular forums for embedding, that would be appreciated.


I just thought of another memory I had, not necessarily my strongest, but it's a good one.

Back when Hurricane Katrina ran through, me and two friends went to do relief work.

My friend's daughter decided to let me go in her place instead, and we went off to Biloxi Mississippi to help out there (we couldn't get into New Orleans).

But I distinctly remember playing Metroid Prime Pinball on the way there, not to mention playing Astro Boy Omega Factor for GBA. When we first got there, we set up our camper a couple of miles from the station we were set at.

Overall, I didn't play much games on the trip, I mean, we were there to help out, but I do remember reading the Astro Boy Manga the first day we got there, and me listening to my two discs of Blink 182's greatest hits, and Johnny Cash Live At Folsom Prison while playing those games. That was a long trip there and back.

Man, I'd give ANYTHING to go back and do that all over again. That was an experience you just don't forget there.

Sorry, that was more of a reflection on other stuff than playing games. But it was good times nonetheless.

  ZealPath said:

If someone could PM me the tag that is used on these particular forums for embedding, that would be appreciated.

Most Youtube videos i've watched have a generated embed code on the upper right part of the page, under the date the video was submitted.

  Toadofsky said:
Sorry, that was more of a reflection on other stuff than playing games. But it was good times nonetheless.

That's cool too - a strong memory by association (of gaming) is still a strong memory :-).


I think it was the time I beat Karnov in front of many friends. It took all the skill I had. Seriously, I am so proud of it. Several non-gaming friends jumped up and cheered me after I beat it.

Beating Super Mario Bros 2 was a great memory as well. It was relatively easy but the ending was so gratifying.

On Mega Man 2, jumping through the waterfalls into the water of bubbleman's stage - I still remember the chills going up through my torso. Same scenario when fighting Crash Man after ascending towards outer space.

Or perhaps the time when I played the same game, left it on while my parents asked me to clean my room, and my Dad commented on how catchy the music was - about seventeen years ago - or when my Mom bought me the game when I was older and it was selling at the K-mart for ten bucks.

Or playing Super Bomberman with three other people for several hours in a row. Also, beating Mega Man 3 (with my older sister's older blonde friend who heard I could beat Mega Man 1 and 2) with some blonde girl.

Also, beating the first four Double Dragons with my brothers each time said games were released.

Or watching my older brother hustle people out of quarters a whole summer on Street Fighter 2 at what was formerly the greatest arcade in my hometown. There are only two left, and they are a dismal relfection of the three arcades of those times.

Discovering this site which is full of nerdy nostalgic fucks like me, is by far and large my greatest gaming moment.


I think a lot of people mentioned this before, but effing Mike Tyson. What can I say? This was really the first huge, almost insurmountable achievement in my gaming career. How old were most of us when we fought Mike Tyson? I was probably about 4.

Aside from that, the first time I played Ocarina of Time stands out. I got it for my 10th birthday, and I knew from the first time I played it that it was special. Everything stands out, from the music to the dungeons to the game play. Every time I hear the piano from the start menu music it makes me think back :)


Two main ones stick out in my mind.

First, I remember playing Pilotwings 64 on a cold Saturday morning the Christmas after I got my N64. I was so excited that I got to miss my piano lesson because weather was really bad (we were getting about 2-3" an hour and it was whiteout conditions). I was playing on Everfrost island where you needed to get through all the rings on the gyrocopter. It was snowing as hard in game as it was outside; I thought that was pretty awesome. Man, I wish they remade that game.

Also, I clearly remember having the hardest time beating Exor from Super Mario RPG (yeah, I was a noob gamer, whatcha gonna do). When I finally beat him, I was pumped. My mom kept calling me down right after because it was time for church. I couldn't savor the moment for all that long.

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