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So recently I went to one of the local retail stores and they had one of those special collection pack games for the 360 and ps3 sega collection. I recalled some earlier renditions like the namco museum collection and the sonic collection pack.

Well this version seems to contain not only the sonic games but also some odd number of games which includes streets of rage 1-3, phantasy star I-IV and so on.

On the box it says they've "upgraded" the games so they're native resolution is 720p.

Is it worth it..?

So recently I went to one of the local retail stores and they had one of those special collection pack games for the 360 and ps3 sega collection. I recalled some earlier renditions like the namco museum collection and the sonic collection pack.

Well this version seems to contain not only the sonic games but also some odd number of games which includes streets of rage 1-3, phantasy star I-IV and so on.

On the box it says they've "upgraded" the games so they're native resolution is 720p.

Is it worth it..?

Holy shit. I'd buy it just for Phantasy Star IV and Shining Force.



I guess it's nice they've upgraded the games for HD, not to mention it's probably the only PS3 game that costs about half of most other available disc copies (roughly $30)

I'll go ahead and pick it up after work :)!!


Yeah, theres def the filter in play. Just look at Sonics shield, wow. Here's a list for those not wanting to multi site click

  • Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
  • Alien Storm
  • Altered Beast
  • Beyond Oasis
  • Bonanza Bros.
  • Columns
  • Comix Zone
  • Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
  • Dr. Robotnik's MBM
  • Dynamite Headdy
  • Ecco the Dolphin
  • Ecco II: The Tides of Time
  • E-SWAT
  • Fatal Labyrinth
  • Flicky
  • Gain Ground
  • Golden Axe I
  • Golden Axe II
  • Golden Axe III
  • Kid Chameleon
  • Phantasy Star II
  • Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
  • Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
  • Ristar
  • Shining in the Darkness
  • Shining Force
  • Shining Force 2
  • Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
  • Sonic 3D Blast
  • Sonic and Knuckles
  • Sonic Spinball
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3
  • Streets of Rage
  • Streets of Rage 2
  • Streets of Rage 3
  • Super Thunder Blade
  • Vectorman
  • Vectorman 2

I read that if you were to buy the ones that are on VC, you'd be spending around $250ish bucks. So, this is quite the deal here. Of course, with any collection, there are people wishing other games made it. Oh to buy or not to buy....

Hell yeah!


Imagine what would happen if everybody bought every Sega collection when their nostalgia organs got excited.

You can count the number of port/compilation games they've done using two hands. They even did this when the Genesis was out. Remember Sonic Compilation? Then there was a couple of GBA titles..

since I'm always late to the game, I was lucky enough to run across Sonic Advance+Sonic Pinball Party (that counts) before buying them seperately. (I can understand how if anybody bought those two seperately they would be very, very upset.. .... and I still want a Sonic Spinball sequel :-( )

Mega collection, Mega collection+, Gems collection.. .. half of them are also on SA:DX anyway.. There must be more.


Well I seem to be the only person that owns this currently. My roomie and I have been plowing our way through the Streets of Rage series. The games look fine on my HDTV. FEAR NOT. The filter can be turned on or off. I play it with off and everything still looks great. Totally worth it.

So recently I went to one of the local retail stores and they had one of those special collection pack games for the 360 and ps3 sega collection. I recalled some earlier renditions like the namco museum collection and the sonic collection pack.

Well this version seems to contain not only the sonic games but also some odd number of games which includes streets of rage 1-3, phantasy star I-IV and so on.

On the box it says they've "upgraded" the games so they're native resolution is 720p.

Is it worth it..?

When you figure that you're getting all of this for roughly $0.80USD, there's no reason not to get it. Hell, even if you only like half the games, you're looking at $1.60/game. Not a bad deal at all. Do I wish there was more than just a pixel scaler thrown on top of things? Sure. But for that price I can live with it.

Now if they were to do some of these games SF2HD style, then I would happily pay $10/game for some of them. Sonic 1/2/3, Revenge of Shinobi, E-SWAT, or any of those others hand-drawn in 1080p? YES PLZ!


I hear that the effectiveness of the filter depends on the game. Some games actually look worse with the filter on.

Thinking of going for this collection, even though I own previous ones like both Sonic collections and the PS2 Sega Genesis Collection. I'm really disappointed that the latest rendition did not emulate the "lock-on" technology of Sonic & Knuckles. Really wanted to play Sonic 3 + Knuckles on an HDTV.


False advertising. A game can't call itself "ultimate" if it doesn't have one of the best platformers of all time. Yeah, I'm talking about Sonic 3 & Knuckles. And you know what? Sega has no fricking excuse. They already released plenty of other collections that had S3&K in them. Why not here?

BTW, don't give me any of that "go buy a different collection" crap! That's a terrible defense. I was hoping to earn achievements for S3&K in widescreen, 720p resolution. I can't get that from any other collection, period, and it's a fricking waste!

Sega has no fricking excuse.

Sure they do. Its all about the bottom line. Which as of late hasn't been looking all that good. So they'll release this, and then they'll come out with Collection II. Have to milk it all for what it can be worth to them.

Also, I completely agree updating the same game into a proper 'HD' format would be ballin'. Same ol games, new feel and maybe sound (OCR Capcom style).


Yes, some games do look better than others with the scaling turned on. Shinobi III actually looks better with it turned off.

Side note, is my memory of the originals faulty, or is there an ever so slight input lag in the Sonic 1/2/3 (at least in the PS3 version)?


For those of you down about the lack of S3&K (I know I am), there's always the possibility of downloadable content. If they charge, it'd be a rip, but whatever, I'd buy.

There just isn't any way for Sega to patch the Sonic 3 screenshot on the back of the box labeled "Sonic The Hedgehog 2."

For those of you down about the lack of S3&K (I know I am), there's always the possibility of downloadable content. If they charge, it'd be a rip, but whatever, I'd buy.

Highly unlikely. There's just no way Sega would do something like that. If they were going to include the full version of one of the best games they ever created, they would have done it right from the get-go. Unfortunately, they foolishly, lazily, and needlessly passed up that chance this time around.

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