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  • 11 months later...

not to familiar with the original but i remember other mixes of this.

starts with a driving synth, that bass drum is just kicking here. wow i cant believe i missed this mix.. its very good, u should check it out.

this is my last of the morning.. if u havent noticed, im just trying to get all those reviews with 0 replies on the board ;) some of these are nice, but theyll never get ne recognition without ne publicity.. feel free to dust some of these off =)

  • 2 years later...

I feel lonely in this thread...

Ah, the good´ol Wily castle theme, how many times haven´t someone remixed that one? To get to the case, cool synths, not sure if there was that many beats in it, maybe that one was a synth. Personally I don´t think there ever was a need for Wily to get even more technoer, but I guess should be nuff.

Kewl mix, Nilvah.

  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

Very conservative in re-arranging, and i'm not digging the lead synths, but there is a reason this song is so remixed, as it's frickin sweet. Besides a rocked up "tekno" feel, this mix doesn't really grab me.

I think I would have loved this when it was released, but time has taken it's toll.

  • 5 months later...

This almost borders into Midi-rip territory, but still, I like this quite a bit. Probably because of how awesome this theme is in general. The percussion was pretty good, and the synths were okay. I was really digging the part around 1:57, that's where the beats and the melody were at their best IMO. Unfortunately the mix had to end very soon after that... :sad:

  • 4 weeks later...

The source is amazing, so it's no surprise how many remixes there are of it. This one is certainly not my favorite, but it has some good qualities. It's certainly driving right from the start, in an 'in your face' way, so it sets up it's own feel right from the start. It's also a basic techno approach, which while conservative, isn't bad.

The lack of doing...really anything new to the melody hurts this the most, IMO. It's really a straight techno cover, which causes a loss of interest when compared to all the other great remixes of this source.

  • 11 months later...

I say good, but not great. A solid techno mix, but a little to close to the source for my tastes. I love the intro, though, and nothing specific in this mix really bothers me. It just isn't stellar.


Driving techno ftw. Classic Wily's Castle remix

I really like this synth melody. I think that if it had been put over a less generic techno beat I would have loved the song more, but when I'm in a techno mood I'll put this track on. The drums are fairly minimal, but they're another great part of the background.

  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

"Speed of Techno" is a phrase that comes to mind.

>.< oh wow, I'm sorry but I think if I listened to this too much I might get a headache; that beat is just waaaaaaaaaaaaay to pounding. I mean I can feel it in my sinuses.

Also this sticks pretty close to the melody making this mix feels incredibly narrow and stuffy.

Sorry I don't really recommend this. :|

  • 2 years later...

I may have sinus reactions a lot (in reference to the previous poster), but I don't think it would go as far as to set something off within my nose. :razz:

However, to me it just comes off as an awkward straight cover with a layered drumbeat (and what sounds like a wind sound coming in for the last minute as well), a little ill-mixed too due to sensing a bit of distortion during the bridge sections. I give props for the neat filtering though, but other than that there's been nothing going on much at all - a ridiculously bland interpretation of the theme. :|

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00210 - Mega Man 2 "Tekno Wily"

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